Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 198 Charity auction

Qi Xuansu held "Qingyun" in his hands and was filled with emotion.

This is a semi-immortal creature.

The year before last, he embarked on a journey from Luzhou to Tiangang Hall. To him, whether he was the youngest deputy hall master or was given a semi-immortal creature, they were all like stars in the sky, unattainable.

Now, the deputy hall master and the half-immortal creature are right in front of us and within reach.

The legendary Zhang Yuelu was willing to become a Taoist companion with him, holding a top-notch semi-immortal object in his hand.

They are also semi-immortal objects, but there are differences between them. For example, the "Gong Candle Stick" in Yao Pei's hand and the "Human World" in Li Changsong's song are the top semi-immortal objects, while the "Qingyun" and "Qingyun" given by the Heavenly Master are the top semi-immortal objects. "Zixia" is also in this category. After all, the combination of the two is a fairy, which is beyond the reach of other semi-fairy creatures.

"Qingyun" and "Zixia" are also different. Among them, the male sword "Qingyun" is mainly used for killing. It is made of gold and iron and is extremely sharp. The female sword "Zixia" is made of jade and is slightly less sharp. However, it has the magical function of penetrating the vitality of heaven and earth and can be regarded as a magic sword.

Although Qi Xuansu has various magical powers, he still likes to fight in close combat with others and prefers martial arts, so the Heavenly Master gave him "Qingyun". After all, Zhang Yuelu was a banished immortal, and his methods were more flexible, so he got "Zixia".

After the two of them obtained the semi-immortal object, the Heavenly Master did not keep them anymore and signaled that they could leave.

The two left the bookstore and put "Qingyun" and "Zixia" into Xumi objects in a tacit understanding. As the saying goes, wealth should not be revealed. If you openly show off the "Tianshi Male and Female Sword" in the market, it will be too irritating to the Zhang family, so it is better not to cause trouble.

As for arriving at the Fenglinzhou battlefield, that is another matter.

The two of them found a secluded place to enjoy the lanterns and fireworks from a distance, and did not return to their homes until midnight.

The Lantern Festival is over, and the two of them will return to Yujing.

But before returning to Yujing, there was another routine bidding.

Since the rise of Western learning, Taoism has had the habit of holding auctions within the Taoist sect. Generally, the Shibotang is responsible for this, mainly for various precious goods that are small in quantity but in high demand. Huashengtang and Tianjitang will occasionally hold biddings, mainly to promote their own products. Even Beichentang and Tiangangtang have also held auctions. Beichentang sells the property of various criminals, and Tiangangtang sells confiscated trophies. . However, the Ziweitang and the Ancestral Sacrifice Hall never participated. After all, the Ziweitang cannot be allowed to sell Taoist crowns, and the Ancestral Sacrifice Hall cannot be allowed to sell benevolence, righteousness, and morality.

This kind of bidding is mostly participated by high-quality Taoist priests, and some people from the imperial court and Confucianism can also be invited to participate.

On the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month the year before last, Zhengyiyi and the Quanzhen Taoist Shangqing Palace jointly held a bidding. The finale was a red fruit, and the big axis was a high-grade Xumi object. All the proceeds were used to provide compensation for the spiritual officials who died in the war in the Western Regions, and it was an additional pension. That is, the pension stipulated by the Taoist sect was still paid as usual, and was allocated by the Duzhitang. This pension was an additional increase.

This year another auction was held as usual, and all proceeds will be used for the upcoming Fenglinzhou war.

With the fame and status of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, it was natural for them to receive the invitation.

The specifications this time are far better than last time, and Zhang Jucheng will attend in person.

The last time Qi Xuansu was invited to attend, the emphasis was just on participation, but this time it was different. He was attending as an important guest.

According to the rules, everyone invited to attend must prepare something to bid on. Qi Xuansu was a little worried. With his status, he took Zhang Yuelu's face into consideration, and considering that the Heavenly Master had just given a semi-immortal object, he had to come up with a treasure, otherwise he would be looked down upon by the Zhang family. But where did he come from so many treasures? There is a replica of the "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield" that is not used very much, but the original product is in the Da Zhenren's house. If you take out a replica in front of the Zhang family, it will not look like it. a good idea.

The "Dragon Painted Gun" was given by Yao Pei, the "Fei Ying Bai" was given by King Qin Quanyi of Jin Dynasty, and the collector's edition Xuansheng Tablet was given by Qiniang and Li Qingnu. They are not suitable. Especially the Xuansheng Card. If Qiniang knew that he had donated it, it would be a big deal. A prodigal son cannot escape the crime of being a prodigal.

Qi Xuansu looked through his Xumi items and found a collector's edition of "The Female Sword Fairy", worth three hundred Taiping coins.

This is the product of Xuanxuan Jar.

It's not a treasure, but it's still an elegant thing.

Qi Xuansu thought about it and decided that this was it.

If the Zhang family wants to look down on him, then so be it. Anyway, it's not the first day they look down on him. Don't worry if you have too many debts. If you have too many lice and don't itchy, just let him be.

Since you can't grow a long face by being rich and powerful, then develop in the direction of having cool sleeves.

Zhang Yuelu's situation was much better than Qi Xuansu's. Her share of the bidding items was settled by Tianshi. Probably Tianshi knew that she was living in embarrassment and did not have much money, so he directly asked Tang Jiaohua to pick it from Xuanwu Hall. A nice treasure, donated in her name.

This made Qi Xuansu sigh, I also want such an Aweng.

Early the next morning, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu came to the auditorium of Shangqing Palace together. The two of them arrived earlier, so many of the big shots hadn't arrived yet. After just chatting with some acquaintances, the two came to a corner and sat down to talk.

Qi Xuansu was a little bored. He only had a total of 2,400 Taiping, so don't expect him to buy anything, just to satisfy his eyesight.

Zhang Yuelu is in a similar situation. Regardless of her high status, because she is not greedy or possessive, she relies on the Taoist sect's bankers to survive, barely maintaining her dignity, and has no spare money to participate in such things. But things should get better in the future, after all, the Zhang family’s background lies there.

Not long after, Zhang Kuqi, Tantai Qiong and his wife, Zhang Yuyue and Dong Baijing also arrived.

Regardless of whether they wanted to or not, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu still had to stand up and say hello.

Qi Xuansu greeted Zhang Kuqi and Tantai Qiong as a junior, and was polite to Dong Baijing.

Tantai Qiong did not have an attack, after all, it was such an occasion, and Qi Xuansu's identity was also very different.

After sitting down again, Zhang Yuelu asked softly: "Last time you participated in the bidding, you met two enemies. Did you meet any enemies in this bidding?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Where can there be so many enemies?"

Zhang Yuelu changed the topic: "I don't have any enemies. Are there any old acquaintances?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Among our classmates at that time, Yue Liuli and Wan Xiuwu were the best. You have seen the other old acquaintances. They didn't even have a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest. They didn't even enter the gate of Shangqing Palace." Don’t go.”

Zhang Yuelu suddenly said: "Shi Yu came to see me."

Qi Xuansu was startled: "How did she find you?"

"Isn't it easy to find me? I just stay in the Tiangang Hall in Yujing. It's not like you running around all day." Zhang Yuelu said, "I still have some impressions of her, so I met her."

"What's wrong with her?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's about Mo Qingdi. He has had some troubles in recent years, and he wants to save face and refuses to ask you for help. Shi Yu asked me for help without telling him."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What does she ask you for?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's nothing, just saying hello."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and asked after a long time: "Will it violate the principles and embarrass you?"

"No." Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said, "It's not a promotion, it's just to ask people from Qingping Bookstore not to embarrass him anymore."

Qi Xuansu sighed and said: "This should be my business..."

Zhang Yuelu said with a smile: "Forget it. Not to mention that you were busy competing with that gentleman in Imperial Capital at that time. Even if you were in Yu Capital, do you know where the door of Qingping Bookstore opens?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The gate should open to the south. The buildings in Yujing are all carved from the same mold."

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but pat him: "You are the only one who knows how to talk."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's what I said, but I really want to thank you."

"That's obvious. It's hard to get rich by having a wife, and it's hard being easy to be friends by being rich. It's a good thing that you don't forget them. In the future, when you get rich, you can't be a heartless person. If you become successful and famous, you will forget your surname Zhang, or you will be half-hearted. , I have fallen in love with a girl from another family, and if I want to be blessed, I will be rude." Zhang Yuelu joked for the first time.

Qi Xuansu asked deliberately: "I wonder why you are so rude?"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "I'll kill you with one sword."

Qi Xuansu pretended to be scared and whispered: "Speaking of half-heartedness, I do have a sweetheart."

Zhang Yuelu raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Qi Xuansu said: "That woman has a beautiful face and unparalleled talent. Especially her pair of phoenix eyes, which are so radiant that people dare not look at her. She also made me fall in love at first sight."

Zhang Yuelu saw through his little trick at a glance: "Isn't that woman's last name Tantai with the word 'chu' in it? According to that, I also know a person named Wei Wugui."

Qi Xuansu was disappointed: "It's boring if you do this."

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll play dumb next time and cooperate with you well."

Qi Xuansu didn't want to talk to Zhang Yuelu. The bad thing about a woman is that she is too smart. It would be difficult to deceive her in anything, and the tricks would not be easy to use.

While the two were talking, Zhang Jucheng and others arrived.

Yan Mingchen also followed Zhang Jucheng. It was not that Zhang Jucheng valued his nephew, but that he valued the Yan family behind him.

Yan Mingchen glanced at Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu, said nothing, and found a seat to sit down.

Qi Xuansu didn't care.

If the person coming was Li Tianzhen, then he might still be concerned. Yan Mingchen, to put it harshly, is just a defeated general. From the beginning to the end, he never regarded Yan Mingchen as his opponent. It was true that Yan Mingchen had the Yan family behind him, but if you think about it this way, he also represented the Quanzhen Tao.

Zhang Yuelu didn't care even more. She didn't promise anything. From the beginning, her attitude was clear and she was firmly opposed to it without any room for comment. Of course, if Yan Mingchen insists that Zhang Yuelu has insulted him and wants to make a three-year appointment with Yunjinshan, then Zhang Yuelu will accept the challenge calmly.

But there are two special guests today.

Li Changsheng and Li Minghuang.

The two men participated in the bidding on behalf of Taipingdao.

After all, Taiping Dao wants to tie the other two Dao to its own chariot, so it is inevitable to ease the relationship. Of course, Taiping Dao knew that Li Minghuang was not suitable for this job. They had no intention of provoking Zhengyi Yiyi at this time. However, Lu Yushu, who had originally planned to attend, was temporarily dispatched by the Earth Master to investigate a corruption case, and everyone in the Li family of Beichen Hall had already gone with Zhenren Qingwei. In the Qizhou base camp, only Li Minghuang from Tiangangtang remained in Yujing, so he just stepped forward.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems like the Earth Master did it intentionally.

Quanzhen Taoism does not want the relationship between Zhengyiyi and Taiping Tao to ease, but rather hopes that the relationship between the two parties will continue to deteriorate. Only in this way will Zhengyiyi stand firmly on the side of Quanzhen Taoism.

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