Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 45: Witch

In Ise at night, there are hundreds of ghosts marching at night.

There was no moonlight, and it was extremely dark. You couldn't see anything more than a foot away, and the darkness was very thick, like a thick curtain, and the light couldn't penetrate. The night wind blew through the wilderness, making a whining sound, like a ghost laughing. .

Looking carefully, there seemed to be many black shadows moving fast or slowly in the darkness, and many unclear voices, which seemed to be soft whispers or low voices, vague and hazy. Hazy.

During the day, when the sun is suppressed, these ghosts and ghosts can only hide and lie dormant. At night, when the Yin Qi is strong, these ghosts and ghosts run away like stinging insects after spring thunder.

There are two types of ghosts. One is a ghost without a body, which is afraid of blood and yang energy. As long as you are courageous and strong, you cannot get close to them. Therefore, the Yin Hun's method is to use various illusions to consume people's minds and lose their courage. As the saying goes, if the heart is weak and short of breath, when the courage is released, the Yang Qi will be weakened, and then the Yin Hun can take over the body, similar to the alchemist.

The other type is zombies with bodies. Not only are they not afraid of the blood and yang energy of ordinary people, but they also have the desire to suck blood and eat flesh. The hands of zombies are... It's relatively simple and rough, similar to a martial artist.

These two kinds of ghosts usually don't appear at the same time. However, Ise at this time is obviously not an ordinary situation. The ghosts and zombies are walking together, and the yin energy and resentment are one.

Ordinary people dare not go out at night, and every house is closed. Even except for some large towns, some small villages are already empty.

Qi Xuansu walked in the wilderness, like a bright light in the dark night, which could be seen from a long distance, and naturally attracted countless evil spirits.

However, the ghosts and zombies each have their own embarrassments. The ghosts come and go without a trace at extremely fast speeds. Unfortunately, Qi Xuansu has the physique of a heavenly martial artist. Even if he deliberately suppresses the energy and blood in his body, the strong blood energy still makes the ghosts disappear more than ten feet away. Don't dare to get closer. The zombies were not afraid of this, but they moved as fast as a dying old man. He was left far behind by Qi Xuansu. He chased him without knowing what he was chasing, and he froze in place.

Qi Xuansu came to Ise as an onmyoji, but not to exorcise demons, so his attitude towards various ghosts was to avoid them as long as he could and never get entangled. If there is really no way to avoid it, we should strive to solve it quickly and avoid unnecessary complications.

Of course, the many ghosts and ghosts in Ise need to be dealt with, but Qi Xuansu's power alone is far from enough. Once the Taoist heavenly soldiers arrive, all the ghosts and ghosts will be wiped out.

This wilderness was a battlefield between the Prime Minister's army and the Zunping faction. After both sides withdrew their troops, the battlefield almost turned into a cemetery, and now it has become a paradise for ghosts and monsters.

There are still many deserters hiding here. They dare not go home or even enter the city. They can only hide in the inaccessible wilderness and make a living by robbing passers-by, such as the ashigaru that Qi Xuansu met. However, in this environment, they will not live long. Sooner or later, they will turn into monsters or be eaten by ghosts and zombies.

After passing through this wilderness, there were gradually some people, but it was late at night, and every house was closed and there was not even a little light, for fear of attracting these monsters and ghosts.

This was exactly what Qi Xuansu wanted. He could go on his way freely without having to pretend to be a Harimo-ryu Onmyoji with mediocre training. It's just that it still can't fly, because it is too conspicuous and can be easily discovered by the Shrine. In any case, Ise is still the core sphere of influence of the Ise Shrine. Qi Xuansu didn't want to take this risk, and would rather be slower than steady.

Qi Xuansu came to a village. Due to the war, all the villagers had fled. Qi Xuansu planned to pass through the village quickly, then climb over the hill behind the village and take a shortcut from Duhui County to Duoji County.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly heard a noise in the village, which seemed to be human voices.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment, then followed the sound.

If he is a charlatan trying to make a living, he can indeed be ignored. If he is poor, he can live alone. But now he is a high-quality Taoist priest. As long as it does not affect the mission, he can still help. He cannot always talk about uprightness.

Then Qi Xuansu saw a witch, white on top and red on the bottom. She was young and childish, and she was dealing with three monsters alone.

This shrine maiden did not use a tachi like Jixiang Palace, but held something similar to a short-handled Zen staff called a "Kagura Bell", which is a magical instrument used for Tianmen rituals.

Every time the miko shakes the Kagura bell in her hand, she can force the monster to retreat and purify the surrounding yin and resentment.

??????????????????The witches of Tianmen are enemies. But eradicating evil spirits is the consensus of both parties. Whether it is Daomen or Tianmen, all ghosts and monsters in Ise must be cleared away. These ghosts and monsters will threaten everyone, whether they are people from the Central Plains or Fenglinzhou, regardless of whether you are from the Taoist sect or the Tianmen.

In the face of natural disasters, should people give up fighting and fight against disasters together?

This is obviously a moral issue.

With Qi Xuansu's experience and depth of thought, he can give an answer, but he cannot give a perfect answer.

At this moment, a monster named "Bone Girl" flashed behind the witch, holding a bone spur in her hand that had completely turned into bones, and stabbed towards the witch's back.

Qi Xuansu finally decided to take action and drew a "nine-character cut".

The biggest difference between Tsuchimikado-ryu and Harima-ryu is not the clothing, but the mark of the spell cast. For example, the mark of Taoism is the yin and yang of Pisces, and the mark of Zhiming Cult is the eye pattern composed of black moon and white sun. The mark of the Tsuchimikado style is very simple, it is a five-pointed star. The imprint of Harima-ryu is "Kyuji-kiri", with five horizontal lines and four vertical lines staggered, making a total of nine lines, each representing the nine-character mantra "All those who face battle are lined up in front of the battle array".

Since Qi Xuansu wants to pretend to be an onmyoji of the Harima style, he still needs to learn this signature mark, and it is not difficult to impersonate him. In essence, he is still a Taoist magic, but disguised as an onmyoji, it is difficult to distinguish it unless you are at the level of heaven and human.

The bone girl who made a sneak attack was immobilized by Qi Xuansu when she was about to succeed, unable to move.

The little miko also noticed something was wrong. She turned around and was startled. She subconsciously hit the bone girl with the "Kagura Bell" in her hand, which actually knocked the bone girl's head away.

At the same time, the witch also noticed Qi Xuansu not far away. She probably understood that Qi Xuansu saved her life at the critical moment, and hurriedly thanked Qi Xuansu.

But she forgot that there were two monsters behind her, and took this opportunity to pounce on her.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh, so he decided to be a good guy and did it to the end. He drew another "nine-character cut", summoned a flame, and turned the zombie inside into a large torch. Seeing that the situation was not good, the cat demon next to him turned around and ran away. , and disappeared in an instant. Taoism once commented that people in Fenglinzhou have small etiquette but no great righteousness. This sentence is quite pertinent. In terms of etiquette, people in Fenglinzhou strive for perfection.

The witch solemnly bowed to Qi Xuansu and thanked him for saving his life.

Qi Xuansu did not wait for the miko to ask questions, but chose to take the situation into his own hands: "I am the onmyoji of Harima Ryu. You should be the miko of the shrine, right? Why do you come out alone at night? You don't know this Is it dangerous?"

As expected, the witch did not doubt Qi Xuansu's identity at all, and her attention shifted to how to explain her behavior: "I am not a witch from the shrine, I am just a shrine maiden affiliated with the shrine. The reason why I came out at night is because my friend disappeared Yes, I'm here to find her."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is your friend also a shrine maiden?"

The witch shook her head and said, "No, she is the daughter of a merchant."

Then the witch looked at Qi Xuansu and asked cautiously: "Master Onmyoji, can you help us search together? I will repay you."

Qi Xuansu thought to himself: Don't they all say that the people in Fenglinzhou are most afraid of troublesome people? This little witch is quite unknown.

Qi Xuansu simply refused and said: "Sorry, I have to go to Duoji County. Where is your shrine? I can take you back."

The miko looked troubled, and then she had an idea and asked, "Onmyoji-sama, do you have a clear path?"

Qi Xuansu was startled, but he was a veteran of the Jianghu after all. He did not ask for any credentials, but said: "I didn't hear that you need to use a road to get to Duoji County."

The shrine maiden explained: "Originally, it was not needed. Later, a group of Tsuchimikado onmyojis plotted evil, so the shrine issued an order that a road guide is needed to go to Taji County. If there is no road guide, not only will you not be able to enter the city, but you will also be arrested. Wanted, unable to move even an inch.”

Qi Xuansu secretly cursed the fools of Tsuchimikado Ryu in their hearts for creating difficulties for themselves out of thin air, without showing any signs of it on their faces: "I just saved your life, shouldn't you repay me? For example, give me something to do A clear guide."

The little miko said seriously: "Of course I will repay you, Master Onmyoji, but I don't have a guide on my body. I have to return to the shrine before I can give Master Onmyoji a guide. I will go back after I find my friend."

Qi Xuansu laughed dumbly. This witch was a little clever, so she could only say: "Okay, I will help you find your friends."

"Thank you, Onmyoji-sama." The little witch bowed again.

"The key is where to find it?" Qi Xuansu asked, "After leaving the village, there is a battlefield site full of dead people, and now there are even more ghosts dancing around. If your friend goes somewhere, not even the bones will be left. ”

The little witch said with great certainty: "She will not go there. She was kidnapped by bandits. According to the divination of the Palace Secretary, the bandits are not far from this village."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's easy to handle. However, dealing with bandits is different from dealing with ghosts. Spells may not be easy to use. I once saw a witch with excellent swordsmanship. Can you use a knife?"

The little witch lowered her head shyly and said, "No."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Where are the bows and arrows?"

The little witch lowered her head: "No way."

Qi Xuansu could only pull out an ordinary repeating gun from behind his waist: "Fortunately, the world has changed, and I have this."

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