Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 48 Fighting against Taoist patriots

Qi Xuansu did not stay too long in Yoshida City and continued on the road.

This allowed him to regain some of the feeling he had when he was walking around the world. The difference was that back then, his cultivation level was low, and he didn't know that Qiniang was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so he walked with difficulty, as if he was wallowing in a quagmire. Nowadays, Qi Xuansu is only one step away from being banished to an immortal. With the cultivation of heavenly beings and half-immortal objects in hand, he can fight against the immortals at the immeasurable stage. Naturally, he has to be too calm, even if he is in a place of ghosts and monsters. You can also take a leisurely stroll in the garden.

Because Duhui County is the sphere of influence of the Prime Minister, and Duoji County is the sphere of influence of the Divine Palace, these two counties are the places where the war is the most tragic, and where the resentment and yin are the strongest. After leaving Duoji County, although they are still There are many monsters, but the situation has improved slightly, and there are more people.

Qi Xuansu casually rescued another warrior on the way, but this time it was not a pretty little girl, but a tall and thick man.

After talking, I learned that this man’s name was Gosaku, who also had no surname, and had learned swordsmanship in Shininryu.

This Shinin-ryu is different from Yagyu Munemasa's Shinin-ryu. The latter's full name is Yagyu Shinin-ryu, which is an independent branch of the Shinin-ryu, so he is not a member of the Yagyu family.

What's more important is that this person is actually a Taoist warrior.

This was somewhat unexpected by Qi Xuansu, but instead of killing him, Qi Xuansu decided to use it as a cover. With the guide to the shrine and a companion from the Zunbang sect, who would doubt his identity?

As for Qi Xuansu, he still calls himself a Taoist priest and is an Onmyoji from the Harima style.

Isaku was not suspicious. As a samurai, he couldn't tell the difference between Taoism and Onmyoji. He only knew a "Kuji-kiri". In his opinion, as long as he could draw "Kuji-Kiri", he must be a Harima-ryu. The Onmyoji.

The two of them walked together, and naturally they talked about the current war in Fenglinzhou along the way.

Izuo was very indignant, but it was somewhat beyond Qi Xuansu's expectation. He hated Toyotomi Prime Minister's Mansion far more than he hated Dao Sect, and was more afraid of Dao Sect.

With heavy cavalry, flying boats, and firearms, the frontal battlefield is invincible.

Qingwei Zhenren, who represents the Taoist sect, severely wounded the swordsman Katsura Zenyuki, killed more than ten celestial assassins, and beheaded the Koga jounin. Coupled with the Taoist sect's achievements, Fenglinzhou was powerful.

If they just go back and forth, it will only make the Japanese people burst out with their tough side. But if it is one-sided, it will make them surrender.

Of course, there are many die-hard and fanatical elements within the Zunban faction, but it is also inevitable that people's hearts will fluctuate.

Confidence is the most precious thing. Prime Minister Toyotomi quickly gathered people's hearts after Dao Sect's personal death. On the contrary, after the Zunbang sect ended in Taoism, their confidence was seriously damaged and negative emotions grew.

For this reason, several leaders of the Zunbang faction were very worried and decided to hold a meeting in Yishi County to boost morale.

As for how to boost morale, it's hard to say, but easy to say, that is to win a big victory.

How to get a big win? The frontal battlefield is too difficult to deal with, so we can only take a sideways approach, that is, assassination. In their words, it is called "Tianchu". As long as you successfully assassinate a high-level Taoist figure, your morale will be boosted.

The failure to assassinate Master Qingwei last time made them realize that it was not feasible to assassinate Master Qingwei. They could only settle for the second best and make a fuss about other people. As for who to choose and how to do it, this conference was held. The meaning.

I just wanted to rush to the conference, so I took the risk of walking alone through the wilderness full of ghosts, encountered danger, and was finally rescued by Qi Xuansu.

Because Qi Xuansu was his savior, and there was a road guide issued by the shrine, I told him directly.

Not only that, I also invited Qi Xuansu to attend this conference, as if I wanted to develop Qi Xuansu into a warrior with Taoism.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to cause trouble, but he just couldn't resist my enthusiastic invitation. If he sternly refused, it might even arouse my vigilance and add variables. Qi Xuansu then thought about it and thought that it wouldn't hurt to take a look. He should treat it as having a deep understanding of the Zunbang Sect and knowing himself and the enemy, so that he can be victorious in a hundred battles.

However, there is a small meeting before the conference. After all, the Zunbang Faction is a huge force that is divided into Fenglinzhou and Toyotomi Prime Minister's Office. There are naturally various factions within it. Before the conference, each small group naturally needs to ventilate in advance to retreat and advance together.

Under the leadership of Gosaku, the two of them came to an abandoned shrine. At first glance, it looked unremarkable, but in fact it was heavily guarded inside, and code words were used in all interactions. Even with me as a guarantor, the gatekeeper still took Qi Xuansu's blunderbuss. I collected it and kept it for the time being.

After all, Qi Xuansu was from the Qingping Hui, and he had long been accustomed to this kind of battles. The Qingping Hui was even more rigorous than this.

After entering the shrine, a lot of people had gathered here. Wu Zuo and Qi Xuansu found a corner to sit down. After a while, dozens of people came one after another, mostly low-level warriors, but also monks and priests. There are also ronin and ninja. In the words of the Central Plains, they are a mixed bag of three religions and nine streams. Qi Xuansu, the onmyoji master, was among them and was inconspicuous at all.

After all the people attending the meeting have arrived, the door of the society is closed tightly, and a designated person is responsible for looking out.

A young priest stood up, looked around first, saluted everyone, and then said: "I have summoned all the gentlemen here for one thing only, and that is to honor the king and fight against the Tao. Nowadays, the mountains and rivers are undergoing drastic changes, the world is dim and chaotic, and the Prime Minister has bowed his knees. Surrender to the Taoist sect, and with the sharp sword at my waist, we will definitely create a bright world again."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, the prime minister is incompetent and the Taoist sect is unjust. They invaded my land, destroyed my home, and killed my relatives. I will definitely pay for it with blood!"

This man is a down-and-out nobleman, his ancestor was a feudal lord, and he is a key target of the Taoist sect.

In fact, the entire warrior class is weakened by the Taoist sect. With the protection of the Taoist sect, Fenglinzhou does not need so many warriors, and now, the so-called 80,000 knights can no longer afford to support them, so a large number of warriors have lost their jobs and become ronin. It has also become a source of trouble.

For these down-and-out warriors, whether they respect the king or fight against the Tao are secondary. The key is not to let them suffer, otherwise they will rebel. After all, I have a sharp sword at my waist, this is not for show.

The other down-and-out warriors started making noises one after another, and the crowd became furious for a moment, and most of them were ready to draw their swords and fight with the Taoist disciples.

The young man from the palace lowered his palms, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and said: "All the kings share the same hatred. If the emperor could know, he would be very happy. However, the Taoist army is huge and difficult to defeat from the front. If you want to fight against the Taoist army, you must take a long-term approach." "

"I wonder if you, Master Yi, have any good ideas?" A warrior with one arm exposed asked loudly.

The young priest said: "That day, the Prime Minister's army came fiercely, but when Toyotomi Hidetsugi died, the Prime Minister's army was immediately defeated and could only retreat. We should imitate what happened that day and carry out another Heavenly Punishment in order to shock the Taoist sect."

Another monk said: "On that day, the swordsman Master Shanxing summoned seventeen lofty ideals, a total of eighteen people, to assassinate Taoist Li Qingwei. As a result, no one except Master Shanxing was spared, but Li Qingwei was unscathed. Even Master Shanxing, We were also seriously injured by Li Qingwei, and now we are still being hunted by Dao Sect’s eagle dogs. How can we achieve such a big thing?”

The shrine suddenly became quiet. To them, the swordsman Katsura Zenyuki was a god-like figure. Katsura Zenyuki was defeated, so what could they do?

The young priest raised his voice slightly: "You guys don't know, but Master Shanxing has escaped from the Taoist hawks and is recovering from his injuries. It won't take long for Master Shanxing to return to his original state."

As soon as these words came out, there was light in the eyes of the warriors again, and there was a voice in the shrine again.

Qi Xuansu thought to himself: "This Katsura Zenyuki is a disaster, and his level of cultivation is secondary. The key is his appeal and prestige. He must be far above the Koga jounin. If he can be killed, his head will be hung in the city." Above the gate, the blow to the Zunbang Sect will be huge."

Someone sighed: "Although Lord Shanxi is safe and sound, all the ministers in Xiujing City who were loyal to the emperor were slaughtered by Li Qingwei. The internal officials we installed in the Prime Minister's Mansion were also eliminated, and Li Qingwei even lived outside the city. In the camp, there are Taoist priests and spiritual officials from the Taoist sect, and they are tightly guarded. No needle can be inserted, no water can be poured in. Even Li Qingwei’s whereabouts cannot be determined, so how can we talk about assassination? "

Someone else added: "Even if you know it, it won't help. A few days ago, the Sarutobi family in Koga County mourned. It is said that the head of the family was separated and died under Li Qingwei's sword. Even the auspiciousness of the shrine Master Gong almost suffered an accident, and the swordsman disciple Shinzo Nosuke was also killed by the Taoist priest. Nowadays, it is rumored that Li Qingwei is already an immortal, so that is why Master Zenyuki and the head of the Sarutobi family failed, even if they could get past the many guards and come to How can we kill him in front of Li Qingwei? "Who can rival the immortal?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone started talking and whispering to each other, all with pessimistic expressions on their faces.

Seeing this situation, the young priest could only say loudly: "Gentlemen, gentlemen, please listen to me. It is naturally very difficult to assassinate Li Qingwei. Since we can't kill Li Qingwei for the time being, we might as well take a step back and assassinate his subordinates. Now The Taoist sect launches an offensive and no longer hides in the camp. These high-level Taoist sects can no longer gather in one place. Instead, they are scattered in various places and lead their own troops. This gives us the opportunity to defeat them one by one. "

As soon as these words came out, the pessimism in the shrine was relieved.

The young priest struck while the iron was hot: "Even if Li Qingwei has the power of an immortal, he cannot do everything by himself. If the Taoist sect is regarded as a person, Li Qingwei is the head, and the others are the limbs. We only need to cut off the limbs, no matter how hard the head is, What's the use?"

After saying these words, everyone gained morale again.

A group of warriors began to make noise again, singing "I have a million soldiers in my chest, and when I die, thousands of cherry blossoms will be scattered."

Qi Xuansu was secretly disdainful.

Assassinating other senior Taoist sects, to put it lightly, do you really think that other Taoist sects are soft persimmons? Not to mention anything else, in addition to Master Qingwei, there is also Master Pingzhang from the Taoist sect in Fenglinzhou. Moreover, Daomen is not a wooden stake that cannot fight back. It will not let you keep trying until the assassination is successful. It will definitely take the initiative to attack.

This is just to deceive these simple-minded lower-level warriors.

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