Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 64 Suzuka Gozen

For a moment, Qi Xuansu felt like an invisible barrier was shattering like an avalanche, turning invisible.

This is Tsukiyomizon's divine power dissipating.

Everything became alive again, just like the doors and windows of a sealed room were opened and the air began to circulate again.

Obviously, Mr. Yin's attack directly broke through the upper limit of the protection of the divine power. After all, this is only part of the divine power left by Yueyeye Jianzun, not the real person or incarnation of Yueyeyejianzun, and Mr. Yin is the best among the pseudo-immortals. , which one is strong and which one is weak is clear at a glance.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had enough methods, otherwise he would have been trapped and died here.

Qi Xuansu knew very well that although the final solution was not complicated, it was nothing more than Xiao Yin swallowing the boy's head with wine to create Yin Qi, and then he asked Mr. Yin to take action to obliterate Tsuchimikado Tadaka and break the time loop. But without the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", he would not be able to retain his memory, and would only keep repeating the experience of the first cycle.

In other words, without the memory of the past, Qi Xuansu will only keep coming to Tsuchimuzhongxiao, asking him who he is and why he is here, and then Tsuchimuzhongxiao goes crazy and is split in half by Qi Xuansu.

The next step is to start over and over again. Since there is no memory, there may be no difference between the first time and the hundredth time. Not only will Qi Xuansu not change the way of questioning and learn the truth, he will not even have the idea of ​​summoning Mr. Yin. After all, please ask the three The big ghost objects are essentially owed a debt of favor. The price of the gift of fate has already been secretly marked, and the debt of favor is also the most expensive. Qi Xuansu will not hesitate to ask the three major ghost objects to solve any problem he encounters.

In this way, the final result is that Qi Xuansu is completely lost in the endless cycle until his divine power is exhausted, or his life span is exhausted.

Or maybe he was expecting Domon to conquer Ise, enter Suzuka Mountain, discover something abnormal here, and then rescue him.

This inevitably reminds Qi Xuansu of the allusion of a bad person. Wang Zhi went up the mountain to collect firewood and saw two boys playing Go. Wang Zhi was immediately attracted by the superb chess skills of the two boys. The two boys ate jujubes while playing chess, and sometimes they handed jujubes to Wang Zhi to eat. After watching a game of chess, the boy said to Wang Zhi, "It's time for you to go home." Wang Zhi leaned over to pick up the axe, but he didn't expect that the axe had rotted away and only the iron ax was left. Wang Zhi returned to the village and found that he didn't recognize anyone. After questioning, he learned that more than a hundred years had passed.

In a sense, Wang Zhi may have been trapped in some kind of time loop, watching chess over and over again, because at the beginning of each cycle, he lost all his memories, so he was completely unaware of the passage of time in the outside world, and would not Bored, Zaozi extended his lifespan again, until something changed during his last viewing of chess, and then he left the time loop and discovered that a hundred years had passed.

Wang Zhi watched millions of chess games over a hundred years and kept repeating them, but he only remembered the last game, so his subjective feeling was that a hundred years had passed by in the blink of an eye. In fact, this game of chess did not take a hundred years, but Wang Zhi forgot what happened before and only remembered it for a short "blink of an eye."

Thinking of this, the person Qi Xuansu is most grateful to is Qiniang. It was Qiniang who gave him the "Heart of the Immortal Stone" that allowed him to save himself from danger time and time again.

Mr. Yin was not in a hurry to return to the Ghost Country Cave Heaven, but said: "This is a foreign country. I don't have to worry about being out for too long and being noticed by the Taoist sect. I can stay a little longer. I want to meet the mountain god here, and I can also accompany me." Go with your friends.”

Qi Xuansu did not expect such an unexpected surprise and thanked him again: "Thank you very much, Mr. Yin."

Mr. Yin waved his sleeves, and a dark cloud appeared under the feet of the three "people", carrying the three "people" off the ground.

This time, they did not encounter any obstacles, and the three of them quickly reached the summit of Suzuka Mountain.

There is a shrine at the top.

In front of the shrine is a torii gate similar to an archway, and between the two is a long bluestone step.

Mr. Yin pressed down his cloud head and landed in front of the torii gate, looking at the buildings here.

Obviously, Mr. Yin has never been to Fenglinzhou. He has only learned about the customs and customs of Fenglinzhou from books. This is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

Mr. Yin commented: "It is indeed as mentioned in the book that Fenglinzhou is deeply influenced by Daqi style, but it also incorporates some of their own things."

Qi Xuansu has been in Fenglinzhou for a while and is not very interested in these things. He just asked: "Mr. Yin, can you feel the presence of the mountain god?"

Mr. Yin replied: "I can feel her presence, right in the shrine, but she is a little weak and seems to have been severely injured, and the existence of Suzuka Mountain prevents her from dying. This reminds me of Master Wan The previous master also once joined the Tao Cave Heaven."

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that he's still here. I'm just afraid that something unexpected might happen to this mountain god."

Mr. Yin pulled Xiao Yin and said in a gentle tone: "Just put this head away. It is rude to bring this kind of thing to meet guests."

Little Yin was very obedient and obedient in front of Mr. Yin, as if he had changed into a "person", and he immediately swallowed Jiutan Tongzi's head back into his belly.

Qi Xuansu walked past the torii gate and walked along the upward bluestone path toward the highest shrine.

The shrine is very old, but not dilapidated.

The door is open and entry is not prohibited.

When Qi Xuansu entered the courtyard of the shrine, he saw such a scene.

A classical Fenglinzhou woman did not wear a black hat, nor was she dressed like a thief in a military uniform. Instead, she tied her hair with a hosta, wore crimson culottes, and a white upper body with a large opening, revealing a smooth skin.

She was in the yard, with three Feng Linzhou swords, or knives, hanging on her waist, named "Datonglian", "Xiaotonglian", and "Xianminglian" respectively, and they were also called the "Sword of Sanming" - -This is Otakemaru's weapon.

As one of the three demon kings of Houlinzhou, Otakemaru is naturally powerful and would not be easily defeated. However, he fell in love with Suzuka Gozen because both of them were thieves, and Otakemaru also had a name. It's called the King of Evil Roads. Don't underestimate thieves. There once was a great thief in the Central Plains named Robber Zhi. He once discussed Taoism with the most holy master of the Confucian sect and won. In the end, the most holy master retreated on his own initiative.

From this point of view, Otakemaru and Suzuka Gozen are a good match. They are both thieves, so no one should dislike the other. If they become a couple, it will naturally benefit both parties.

But Suzuka Gozen did not want to marry Otakemaru, but secretly accepted the recruitment of Tamura Maro, the general who conquered the barbarians.

At Tamuramaro's request, Suzuka Gozen took advantage of Otakemaru's trust and defrauded Otakemaru's "Otongren" and "Xiaotongren" as his fiancée, which ultimately led to Otakemaru being conquered by General Tamuramaro. He was killed, and Suzuka Gozen married the general who conquered the barbarians, and gave "Otongren" and "Xiaotongren" to Tamura Maro.

In this way, Suzuka Gozen used Ōtakemaru's head to clear her name, and transformed from a tall hat into a general's wife.

If Otakemaru had a spirit in heaven and saw his enemy marrying the woman he loved and becoming the new owner of his beloved sword, how would he feel?

But soon, Suzuka Gozen died suddenly. Some people say that this is Otakemaru's curse, while others say that Suzuka Gozen was killed by destiny. After all, it is not honorable to deceive Otakemaru. In the words of the Central Plains people, it is retribution.

Tamura Maro was unwilling to accept the death of Suzuka Gozen, and found a way to resurrect her, so she eventually became a ghost girl, merged with Suzuka Mountain, and survives to this day.

Time passed, and Tamura Maro had already passed away. From this perspective, Suzuka Gozen was a widow, a widow, and inherited the inheritance of her two ex-husbands. Whether it was Tamura Maro's "Datong Company" and "Xiaotong Company", or Otake Maru's "Mingming Company", they all fell into her hands, and the "Sword of Sanming" became one again.

This story tells Qi Xuansu that Suzuka Gozen is not a simple woman, she is not a pure and flawless white lotus. It also serves as a warning to future generations that the dog who is this woman will die a miserable death, and even if he dies, he will not be able to swallow this breath.

So when Mr. Yin proposed to accompany Qi Xuansu, Qi Xuansu agreed very much. Although he came to persuade him to surrender, he did not dare to relax his vigilance.

However, it was precisely because Suzuka Gozen accepted Tamura Maro's recruitment and assisted Tamura Maro in recruiting him to kill Otakemaru that Daomen believed that Suzuka Gozen could be fought for. Domen did not care about Suzuka Gozen's personal ethics, let alone He cared about Suzuka Gozen's help to the overall situation, so he ranked Suzuka Gozen after Tamamozen and was the second person on the recruitment list.

As for betrayal, Dao Sect never tolerates betrayal and will always make the betrayer pay the price. There is no doubt about this. The reason why the eight tribes were safe and sound was because they took the initiative to leave the Taoist sect and did not do anything to harm the Taoist sect. At the same time, they also had huge connections within the Taoist sect. In addition, the Taoist sect also had different opinions on the restructuring of the creation project. There is a partial compensation mentality for these people. In the end, the combination of various factors allowed the eight tribes to be exempted from punishment. However, the ghosts and gods of Fenglinzhou did not have such conditions.

On the other hand, Suzuka Gozen seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection with Domon. She had not expressed her stance yet, and seemed to be waiting for a price, waiting for Domon to give her a price that satisfied her.

Qi Xuansu had taken off the Onmyoji hat on his head, leaving only a Taoist robe, which looked exactly like a Central Plains person.

Suzuka Gozen also saw Qi Xuansu, but his eyes quickly passed Qi Xuansu and fell on Mr. Yin, with a dignified look on his face.

Obviously, Suzuka Gozen was aware of Mr. Yin's strong strength, so he regarded Mr. Yin who was walking behind as the real master, and regarded Qi Xuansu as his follower.

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