Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 98 The Three Noble Sons

Qi Xuansu came to Suzuka Mountain again. The difference was that last time he came here secretly. It is not accurate to say that he was secretly. When he arrived in Annan County, he invited Master Wan and caused a huge stir. It can be regarded as a rampage all the way. .

This time, Qi Xuansu took a flying boat to Suzuka Mountain in a grand manner. Because the Taoist sect has completely controlled the air, the Zunbang faction is unable to resist.

Today, Suzuka Mountain has changed greatly. The villages and towns at the foot of the mountain have been transformed into military camps. Suzuka Gozen is still recuperating in his own shrine and cannot leave Suzuka Mountain for the time being. Qi Xuansu first visited Suzuka Gozen and asked him some questions about evil fire. Suzuka Gozen was indeed an "old man" who had lived for hundreds of years and still knew some inside information about this.

There is an artificial pond in the backyard of the shrine, with pebbles as the embankment, facing the corridor of the shrine.

The verandah is about one foot above the ground, supported by wooden piles below and with a rain-protecting eaves above it.

The two of them were sitting on the verandah.

Qi Xuansu sat like a Central Plains person, without taking off his shoes, with his feet on the ground and his hands on his knees. Because Suzuka Gozen's top was loose and the collar was wide open, Qi Xuansu didn't squint, just looked away. The small pond in the distance is upright and serious.

Suzuka Gozen's sitting posture is much more casual and unrestrained. It is neither a kneeling posture like that of Feng Linzhou nor a cross-legged sitting posture. Her left leg is crossed, her right leg is bent upward, her left hand is supported on the ground behind her, and her right wrist rests on her bent right hand. On his knees, there is quite a bit of the heroism of a Jianghu man. After all, he was a big thief back then, and many of his habits have been engraved in his bones, and they will not change just because he became the Imperial Lord.

There was a teapot and two teacups between the two of them—it was rare in the entire Hoolin Continent that Suzuka Gozen could make tea for guests. However, Qi Xuansu is an outlier. Qiniang, who is also a pseudo-immortal, even made mooncakes for him.

Qi Xuansu held the tea cup in his hands without drinking tea: "In front of the emperor, Master Qingfang said that there is an evil fire under Furong Mountain, and Bimi Huzun also symbolizes fire. Is there a relationship between the two?"

Suzuka Gozen took a sip of tea: "Hemi Huzun first appeared 1,500 years ago, and was a contemporary of the third generation of Celestial Masters in the Central Plains. Do you know what this means?"

In any case, the Zhang family is Qi Xuansu's future family, so Qi Xuansu is relatively familiar with the history of the Zhang family.

The third-generation Celestial Master is the grandson of the ancestral Celestial Master and the only three Celestial Masters with special titles, known as line masters in the world. According to historical records, the mother of this master was a remarkable person who was good at maintaining good health, had a young face, and was a master of ghosts. The record about Himihu is also about "doing things in the ghost way". In the context of Confucianism, "ghost way" refers to Taoism. It is a contemptuous term given by Confucianism as the winner to the loser Taoism. Even beginners of Taoism are called "ghost pawns", so Qi Xuansu believed that Himihu's fire control technique is actually a Taoist technique, which is "Samadhi True Fire".

Qi Xuansu said: "Let's not talk about the merits and demerits of the master. The reason why he was able to separate Shuzhou was mainly because of the legacy of the two previous heavenly masters. Since Himi Huzun and the master are contemporaries, it means that In my opinion, Himihu was not the earliest deity in Fenglinzhou. In the earliest times, Himihu was also a mortal, but she accumulated huge incense power through her status as a queen, and eventually became a deity, and her descendants inherited her divine power. and royal power, which is the origin of Tianmen and the royal family.”

Suzuka Gozen nodded and said: "That's right. Himiya Huzun is not the first generation of gods in Fenglinzhou. There are two generations of gods before her. The first generation is called the other gods, and there are five in total. The second generation is There are seven in total called the Seven Generations of Gods, representing the creation of heaven and earth, and the last two are the parents of the three main gods.”

"To this day, the first generation of other gods and the second generation of the seven generations of gods have passed through time, either ascended and passed away, or fell to death. However, I guess that the replacement of these three generations of gods is not a peaceful handover, but a peaceful handover. After several battles, some gods may have been suppressed. "

Qi Xuansu was startled.

If the parents of the three brothers and sisters are also gods, then Bimihuzun is not a pure mortal. Similar to the descendants of gods like Tianshi Zhang Wushou, they are born with qualifications far beyond ordinary people. As long as the incense and aspiration are enough, they can become gods. It's not a difficult task.

However, Qi Xuansu did not express his opinion rashly, and asked: "How did Bimi Huzun become the queen?"

Suzuka Gozen said: "There are myths and legends about the creation of the world in the Central Plains. There are similar legends about Fenglinzhou, but they are not as grand as those in the Central Plains. They only explain how Fenglinzhou was formed. It is said that Fenglinzhou was floating in the ocean at that time. It was very unstable, so the gods ordered Yi Zangnuo Zun and Yi Zang Ran Zun to repair Fenglin Island. The two gods stood on the floating bridge of the sky, put the spear of heaven given by the gods into the sea and stirred it. The sea water lifted the spear and finally formed Fenglin Island."

"Later, these two gods united and gave birth to all the gods. However, the three main gods today are not the eldest daughter and son, but the youngest, known as the third noble son. Later, during the enfeoffment, the third noble son took control of the power. Himi Huzun became the queen of Fenglinzhou, performing the duties of the high priest and assuming divine power, while her brother held political and military power and performed the duties of the emperor."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while: "This is what happened before they became gods. After they became gods, they changed from the three noble sons to the three main gods. So where did their father go?"

Suzuka Gozen smiled and did not hide his sarcasm: "This is where myths and legends are hypocritical. Since it is the father who entrusted the father, where did the father go? Did he die or ascend and pass away? There must be an explanation. But the records of Tianmen Among them, it was said that he retired from the world, and there are no records since then. Many people even think that the three main gods are the gods of creation, and are completely unaware of the existence of the twelve main gods in front of them. "

Qi Xuansu said: "It sounds like a cliché story about usurping the throne and seizing power."

"Gods all come from humans step by step, and the methods used are still the same. There is no difference." Suzuka Gozen put down the teacup in his hand, "It is nothing more than the Seventh Generation of Gods replacing the five gods of the first generation. The Seventh Generation of Gods After the other five people of the generation passed away or fell one after another, the youngest Izanagi and Izanagi became the final winners. Izanagi died in an accident, and Izanagi became the only god and entrusted the three noble sons. Let them rule Fenglinzhou in his place as the Son of God."

"In the process of ruling Fenglinzhou, Sanguizi accumulated a huge amount of incense and aspiration, and he also had the blood of gods, and eventually became a god. Then Izanagi retired, and Sanguizi became the three main gods and established Tianmen and the royal family are all descendants of them. Tianmen preaches that the three main gods are the supreme gods, and their parents and brothers and sisters have stepped aside. "Isn't this strange?

"What is the difference between this kind of behavior and those people who seize power who kill their fathers and brothers? Fenglinzhou has always had the tradition of subjugating the superior. Where does this tradition come from? In my opinion, in the words of Zhongyuan, It means that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.”

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "What Yuqian means is that after the three noble sons became gods, they joined forces to kill Yi Zangnuo and seized the highest power. But I don't understand, why do they have the power to defeat the superior?"

Suzuka Gozen said calmly: "Actually, there is nothing I don't understand. Let me give you an example. There is an emperor in the Central Plains. He is not strong enough and wants to be emperor. So he asks for help from outside and cedes the Sixteenth House of Yuyun. He pays a large amount of property every year. ”

It must be said that Suzuka Gozen is a person who is familiar with history books, and the example he gave is just right.

Qi Xuansu sighed: "If you want to rebel against your biological father and replace your biological father, but you don't have enough strength, you have to find a godfather. So who is this godfather? It must not be the Taoist sect. The Taoist sect at that time had been defeated by the Confucian sect and lost In the orthodox position, Zheng Yiyi seized control of Shuzhou and soon surrendered. Taiping Dao planned the Yellow Turban Uprising and shouted the slogan "Cangtian is dead, Huangtian is standing, the age of Jiazi will be good for the world", but the result was still suppressed. At this time, most of the energy of the sect, apart from internal fighting, is to suppress the Taoist sect. At most, it only supports it verbally, and it is impossible to really interfere in Fenglinzhou's affairs. "

Suzuka Gozen said: "Yes, when Himiko was still the queen of the human world, she thought of asking for help from the Confucian sect, which was orthodox in the Central Plains at that time. However, the Confucian sect was busy with internal fighting, and it just conferred Himiko with an empty name and no substance. This matter has been recorded in the history books of the Central Plains. Since it is not a Confucian sect or a Taoist sect, then who else can it be?"

Qi Xuansu was startled: "Among the three religions, apart from Confucianism and Taoism, it can only be Buddhism. Could it be said that Bimi Huzun got help from Buddhism?"

Suzuka Gozendao: "Buddhism was introduced to Fenglinzhou very early. I know that during the Daqi period, eminent Buddhist monks went eastward six times. However, the background at that time was that Buddhism in Fenglinzhou was in disarray. We invited eminent monks from the Central Plains to go eastward to learn from it. Its precepts. It can be seen that Buddhism was introduced to Fenglinzhou before Daqi."

"In addition, before the rise of the Zunwang sect, there was a long period of 'reunion of gods and Buddhas', that is, the various gods of Shinto corresponded to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, and the two were one body and two sides. At that time, Himihu Zun was It is regarded as the incarnation of Great Sun Tathagata in Fenglinzhou."

Qi Xuansu said: "That makes sense. With the support of Buddhism, the three noble sons defeated their father Izanagi and became the three main gods. The leader of the three noble sons, Himihu, considered himself the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata, and Buddhism also went smoothly. It was introduced into Fenglin Continent and became the state religion of Fenglin Continent for a time. This is similar to the way the son emperor recognized his father and ceded the Sixteenth Mansion of Yanyun."

Qi Xuansu returned to the previous topic: "If this inference is true, then the evil gods suppressed under Furong Mountain..."

Suzuka Gozen said calmly: "It is said that my daughter Xiaofu, Himiya Huzun is good at controlling flames. Who did she inherit this magical power from?"

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