Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 130: A group of monsters blocking the road

The ghost "Tubi" looks like a large stone wall. Many of the Tubi are connected together to form a larger wall, completely blocking the entire cave.

This time it was Li Changge's turn to take action. He used all his strength to activate the "Human World" in his hand. In an instant, the "Human World" turned into an unparalleled giant sword that was more than ten feet long and seven feet wide.

Li Changge pushed the hilt of the sword like a pillar, and "Human World" was like a siege hammer, smashing the wall into pieces.

Behind the wall were huge wheels, with a big bald human head in the middle. The wheels burned with flames, and the heads roared, spitting out flames, and came like a chariot. This is the monster's "turn into the Tao".

And while the black clouds and mist were filling, long fiery red tongues were constantly poking out of the clouds and mist. This is the monster "Red Tongue".

Li Changge took advantage of the situation and swept across with his sword. In such a narrow space, the huge "human world" moved slightly without leaving any gap. The wheels were broken and the red tongue dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a group of dark monks appeared. They were monks during their lifetime and often painted their bodies black. After death, they turned into monsters, which is known as "painting the Buddha".

Among the monks there is also a ferocious-looking witch, who wears clothes made of dead people's hair. She is the monk's wife. She turned into a monster because of her misbehavior and was called "Gukuli Po".

Both of them possess some Buddhist magical powers, and coupled with Fenglinzhou's unique combination of gods and Buddhas, it becomes a very strange method. Only the humming sound of chanting can be heard, echoing continuously in the cave, specializing in the human soul, giving people a splitting headache, almost exploding.

The four of them took turns taking action to avoid excessive consumption.

This time it was Qi Xuansu's turn to take action, and he punched out. This punch was ordinary. It was not as fast as lightning, nor was it ever-changing. It had only the majestic and vast fist intention, and the surrounding space was filled with the mighty fist intention. , full of blood, rejecting all false things, even the sound is no exception.

Tu Buddha, who bore the brunt of the blow, was crushed by the fist and immediately turned into powder. The clothes made of dead people's hair on Gu Kuli Po's body burned violently when they came into contact with the rich blood. Gu Ku Li Po, who was unable to take them off in the future, was directly burned. die.

After the punch, a very conspicuous blank area immediately appeared.

Qi Xuansu kept punching. After being blessed, these ghosts could ignore low-level firearms to a certain extent, but they could not ignore the martial artist's bloody fists.

Some geishas who looked like girls jumped out from the wall, jumped on Qi Xuansu, and opened their mouths to bite him.

This kind of monster is called "Mao Chan prostitute", and she is the illegitimate daughter of a monk. In order to maintain a noble image, the monk sold her to become a geisha and eventually committed suicide.

This is a family of three.

Unfortunately, Qi Xuansu had too many defensive methods, and these ghosts could not hurt him at all. Instead, Qi Xuansu shook his body and shattered these little ghosts attached to his body. Then he continued to punch, his fists moving horizontally and horizontally, roaring like thunder, and countless clearly visible punch marks appeared on the walls of the cave. Fortunately, this cave is blessed by the magic of the huge alchemist camp, so it will not collapse easily.

At this moment, a purple evil light fell on Qi Xuansu, making Qi Xuansu feel dizzy and his eyes turned black.

At the same time, pairs of eyes appeared on the walls, the ground, and the dome of the cave, with a faint purple light shining in them. They looked at Qi Xuansu with eyes as real as reality.

Hundred-eyed ghost.

According to legend, a banshee who steals other people's eyes for her own use can become a great demon after gathering a hundred pairs of eyes. Obviously, the hundred-eyed ghost that Qi Xuansu encountered has become a reality.

In an instant, countless eyes came into Qi Xuansu's eyes. Men's, women's, children's, old people's, charming, clear, turbid, and determined. Countless eyes turned into a huge whirlpool, trying to turn Qi Xuansu's eyes into a huge whirlpool. Qi Xuansu's consciousness was sucked in.

One after another evil light was superimposed on Qi Xuansu's body, and boundless fear surged in like a sea tide, covering all his perceptions. His soul became extremely heavy at this moment, and then all kinds of negative emotions surged into his heart, making his The mind and body are constantly weakening.

Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand to hold the "Pure Bodhi" and activated the first level of change. The meaning of purity came into being. Qi Xuansu felt that the spiritual platform was pure. All kinds of illusions and negative emotions receded like the tide. He immediately got rid of the control of the evil light. Then Qi Xuansu The sword was raised violently, a blade of light swept across, and all kinds of eyes fell like rain.

At the same time, a sharp female howl sounded.

This howl just revealed the location of the banshee. Qi Xuansu immediately raised his knife and rushed towards the place where the sound came from. The eyes attached to both sides of the cave were filled with blood.

The banshee's screams became more and more pitiful as she revealed her body. Although she was still in human form, her skin was covered with dense eyes. At this time, many eyes were bleeding profusely, and some eyes turned into pits of flesh and blood, as if Eyeballs were gouged out.

The banshee shoots out evil light with her own eyes, confusing people's six senses and enchanting the five senses. But still being dispelled by "Pure Bodhi", Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and came to the banshee and chopped off her head with a knife.

The four people carried eight semi-immortal objects, which were so luxurious that even a pseudo-immortal would not dare to be careless. The gods at the stage of creation were even less likely to be a match for the four of them.

Although these ghosts were numerous in number, they were completely unable to withstand the advance of the four men. Occasionally, fish that slip through the net will be quickly cleaned up by the follow-up spirit officer troops.

Under the leadership of four people, the team of spirit officers continued to move forward and soon reached the end of the cave.

After exiting the cave, our eyes suddenly opened up. A huge mountain cave appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Countless stalactite-like objects hung from the dome, and their tips glowed by themselves in the dark. Looking from a distance, there were dots of stars. , like a night created by manpower, the sky is full of stars.

In the deepest part of the cave, you can see layers of pavilions and palaces, connected by corridors, with carved beams and painted buildings, brightly lit and resplendent, just like a fairy palace in the sky.

Ise Jingu Shrine is composed of two parts: the inner palace and the outer palace.

The main hall is located in the center of the inner palace and is a typical example of "made by gods" in Fenglinzhou. It has a rectangular plan, a long side entrance, excavated columns, a pedimented center column on the gable wall, and a cantilevered gable-style roof. The roof is linear. There are several fences and walls surrounding the outer palace to the inner palace, forming layers of space. There are torii gates on all four sides of the outer wall.

The official name of the inner palace is Emperor Daijingu Shrine. The deity worshiped in the inner palace is Himihuzun. Himihuzun is the ancestral god of the royal family and the highest god in Fenglinzhou. In the earliest times, Himihuzun was enshrined in the palace. Later, the emperor ordered his daughter, Waji, to find the most suitable place to worship Himihuzun. Waki no Mikoto set out from Yamato and arrived at Ise via Omi and Mino. After arriving at Ise, Waki ​​no Mikoto received a divine message from Himika: "Kamikaze Ise is a beautiful land of fish and rice, and I hope to live here forever." , so Waji ordered the establishment of the Ise Shrine here to permanently enshrine Himikozon, and she also became the first Saio.

In the inner palace, the royal family in the name of Emperor Fenglinzhou has always been the supreme god, and he is in charge of the worship of Himi Huzun.

As the ancestral palace of Tenmen, the internal power structure of Ise Jingu Shrine is also different from other shrines. All priests are uniformly called shrine lords, and the highest shrine lord is called "priest chief", who is served by a woman, that is, Saio. Next is the Grand Palace Secretary, who is a man, second only to Saio. Saio is the spiritual leader, and the Grand Palace Secretary is responsible for handling various specific affairs. Then there are the young palace ministers, Ni Yi, Quan Ni Yi, Gong Zhang, official posts, etc. who assist the big palace minister.

If nothing else happens, there will at least be a grand palace minister in charge here.

The outer palace is dedicated to the Moon Night Lord. Under the brilliance of the inner palace, the outer palace is slightly dark. There are countless smoke rising from it, making it difficult for people to see the specific situation inside. At first glance, it looks like the cave heaven and paradise. The clouds and mist are somewhat similar, but if you look closely, you can see that there are many hints of a ghostland, and various ghosts seem to be hiding there. Especially the quiet environment, which is as quiet as death, makes people's scalp numb and even creepy.

There is still quite a distance from the cave exit to the edge of the shrine. Between the two is an empty open space, like a huge square.

Logically speaking, the Ise Jingu Shrine should have deployed heavy troops here, but this place was empty with nothing.

Zhang Yuelu, who was in charge of the command, raised his hand and the Lingguan troops behind him stopped immediately.

Zhang Yuelu ordered: "Use a puppet."

The spirit officials took out more than a hundred palm-sized puppets, which were not used as substitutes. After injecting divine power, they turned into human-sized puppets that could move freely. They were jokingly called cannon fodder by the spirit officials and were often used to trigger various traps. .

After these puppets staggered into the open area in front, they immediately exploded with countless flames. More than a hundred puppets instantly turned into human-shaped torches. If the team of spiritual officials entered rashly, the consequences would be unimaginable.

That's not all, the flames spread rapidly, turning this open area into an insurmountable sea of ​​​​fire.

A Taoist priest in charge who had been in Fenglinzhou for a long time couldn't help but said: "It's Shiranui!"

The characteristics of Shiranui are somewhat similar to "Samadhi True Fire", that is, everything is inflammable. After it spreads, whether it is trees, houses, rocks, gold and iron, it can be burned as firewood, and even the boundless sea can be burned. It has become a paradise where Shiranui is raging. You can often see Shiranui burning wantonly on the sea, so people in Fenglinzhou call it "the nameless wrath of the gods."

The scope of this sea of ​​​​fire is filled with an invisible force, making things that were originally incombustible start to burn like being doused with kerosene. This creates an area that is difficult to cross, even if you want to start from it. Flying above is also difficult to do.

If it is a frontal battlefield, with the huge blood energy comparable to that of a human immortal when fighting with a large army, it is completely possible to forcibly extinguish Shiranui. However, the large army cannot enter this place, and the spiritual officer of the Taoist sect is not a warrior in black, and has never been good at blood energy. The special terrain turned out to be an insurmountable divine punishment.

The four of Qi Xuansu can get past it, but they are only in the past and cannot break Shiranui on such a scale.

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