Pay 99 Yuan: Arranging A Mysterious Funeral For You

Chapter 115: can't make trouble

Chapter 115

The words of the man in black caught everyone's attention.

Director Li, who was about to leave, froze and frowned.

The voice responded somewhat dull:

"It's something we don't want to see that things have developed to this stage. Please also mourn, we will implement everything about this case as soon as possible!"

Seeing the man in black standing beside Jiang Yan's mother, Bureau Li comforted him directly according to the identity of his family.

Similarly, it was also told to Jiang Yan's mother.

Jiang Yan's case will indeed make people feel sad and angry. When her information came from Qingyang County, Li Bureau, who has been through various cases for a long time, was also very angry, so she secretly decided to take relevant matters. Everyone will be caught out, and not a single one will be spared!

Now, hearing the words of the man in black seems more meaningful.

There's also a bit of sarcasm.

This made his mind a little confused.

The voice of the man in black was not cold.

All the reporters present felt their eyes lit up, as if they had noticed something, and immediately turned their cameras on the man in black. The man dressed as a secret agent who had an unknown origin in the live broadcast before, with a cold image, was sharp and stern. The method has attracted countless people to speculate on his identity and the relationship between Jiang Yan and him, but unfortunately he has never even heard his voice.

No one expected that when the funeral was about to end, he would actually speak.

This somewhat ironic remark was fed back to various platforms one by one, and many netizens who stayed in front of the screen were a little surprised.

"What did he want to say?"

"The truth is revealed, the bad guys get what they deserve, isn't it good? What else does he want?"

"This guy was wrong from the beginning, and now he says such strange things, I really don't understand. Let the Patrol Bureau check his identity!"

"Hehe, I thought no one dared to tell the truth! Now it seems that there are people in the world who dare to be angry, and some dare to speak out."

"Tell the truth? Why can't I understand?"

"There are always some people who feel that they are higher than ordinary people and above all sentient beings. Treating others with high requirements, do you really take yourself as a Bodhisattva? If the matter can be resolved, it will be the best outcome!"

"It looks weird and behaves abnormally. It is recommended to check the identity of this man, maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

"From the whole matter of Jiang Yan's suicide, isn't it absurd? A couple, just by posting a maliciously edited video to the Internet, can make an excellent doctor be forced to commit suicide. Do you think this phenomenon, normal?"

"Then what else do you think? The culprits have been caught!"

"Hey, people can't be resurrected from the dead, the culprit has been caught, and it's almost gone!"

"What is the identity of the man in black?"


Hearing the words of the man in black, all netizens reacted differently.

over the funeral

The sky is getting clearer, the clouds are thin, and the sun is starting to spread on the ground.

In the crowd, two figures, an old man and a young man, were standing among them.

He silently looked in the direction of the man in black.

After hearing what he said, the drooping eyes of the old man trembled a little, and it seemed that some radiance appeared.

The dull voice, like a hum, meant some approval.

He didn't see his mouth open, but he heard a subtle voice:

"Yes, there are still people who dare to speak."

The young man beside him frowned tightly and shook his head slightly.

Looking in the other direction, in a remote corner, Su Chen was standing there, putting away the black umbrella.

It seems that the two have sensed something, and Su Chen's eyes are also facing each other, and the two people's eyes meet.

As if in a trance for a moment, Zhang Daoling's pupils narrowed slightly.

The next moment, Su Chen's figure has disappeared in place!

This sudden scene made Zhang Daoling secretly surprised, and his eyes quickly roamed the scene, but he didn't notice Su Chen's breath at all, and even, there was a feeling that Su Chen had never appeared on the scene.

The doubts in my heart, I can only hurriedly suppress it.

Give up tracking Su Chen's breath.

At this moment, he is more concerned about the situation at the funeral scene.

After receiving the news that the man in black appeared at the funeral, he rushed over with Lao Qin and Bao'er as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the situation at the scene is more complicated.

These reporters and anchors are all live-streaming the situation.

Countless netizens are following Jiang Yan's funeral.

With more than a dozen cameras facing the scene, the words and deeds of the man in black will inevitably cause a lot of trouble, which will be a lot of trouble.

"Old Qin, this matter can't be messed up!"

On Zhang Daoling's immature face, all of them look like they are mature. He frowned and said to the old Qin beside him.

Green words should be insignificant.

But it was very important in Old Qin's ears, so he nodded without hesitation.


On the wrinkled old face, a solemn color emerged.

Facing Li Ju's words, the man in black showed an intriguing expression, and immediately opened his mouth to say something.

However, Old Qin's figure appeared more and more, and appeared in everyone's field of vision with a smile on his face.

He took the lead and took over the words:

"Haha, it's quite absurd. One person's life has been lost like this. Of course, it is not enough to punish such a few people!"

With the sound of Old Qin's words, the cameras present immediately stared at him as if they were tracking.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that the picture they fed back was already blurry.

I couldn't see the old Qin's appearance at all.

PS: The following parts will be deleted in a while.

"I can't believe that there are such black-hearted people. After eating melons for so long, they turned around after Jiang Yan died? How come those who scolded Jiang Yan disappeared in an instant?"

Li Bureau's words are very feedback, and instantly on those websites and platforms, it has caused hot comments!

Many people claim to seek justice for Jiang Yan and report those big necks who maliciously guide public opinion!

Many reporters, relatives and friends present nodded secretly.

Express their satisfaction with their attitude and execution.

At the funeral scene, some anchors who had previously guided and abused Jiang Yan silently turned off the camera, looking a little nervous and guilty.


Jiang Yan's mother was not flustered by this.

Her eyes turned to Jiang Yan's Now the culprit is kneeling in front of the tomb, and those big necks who made waves on the Internet will also be punished, but her mood is not gratifying, she has Thinking of the day when her daughter's reputation would be put in order, she thought she would be happy, but now, looking at this cold tombstone, she followed the gap between the stones and groped for the word Jiang Yan.

The inexplicable weight was in her heart, making her unable to be happy!

Looking at the grieving family members, Li Ju again mourned for the tombstone for a moment, ready to leave.

Experienced reporters have already started to pack up and leave.

The funeral was about to end, and the dark clouds in the sky began to slowly dissipate.

The rain was quickly carried away by the wind.

At this time, the man in black with an inch head, who had been standing beside Jiang Yan's mother, put away his long and narrow black umbrella expressionlessly.

Along with his movements, several figures in the dark also wriggled.

Bureau Li glanced at him without leaving a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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