Huge office buildings stand in prosperous areas. These office buildings represent the most cutting-edge company clusters in Qingyang County. Every company that can settle here has a lot of money.

Yan Xiao familiarly drove to the front of the company building and found a place to park at will.

When I looked at this building again, my mood was not as rushed as usual. Instead, I felt a trance. I felt that my time was wasted in this building. I worked hard in the past few years just to squeeze into this building.

It's a pity that the work in this building has not brought any ease to him.

Instead, it's more like adding fuel to the fire.

If the inspection results did not come out, he might still be sitting in the building and continue to be busy, busy being humble, busy carrying the blame, and busy being driven like animals. And all of this is subconsciously accepted by oneself.

Thinking about it now, it's ridiculous.

With a different mood, he walked into the company building.

Came to the working floor.


A middle-aged fat man with a big belly folded his hands in front of him, his stomach held out, and shouted to the employees in a arrogant way:

"What's the matter? Don't you want to do it all by yourself?"

Do not see through the crepe crepe, white shirt, suit pants, black shoes.

When you scold people, you don't care about your quality.

With the style of a leader, he glared angrily at the subordinates who were 'unsatisfactory'.

Immediately afterwards, I heard him continue to shout:

"If you guys want to be like Yan Xiao, and you want to quit your job, get out of here at any time! Let me tell you, as much as he is, I will fire as much as the company has!"

The words fell, and the employees standing in front of him lowered their heads.

dare not speak.

Being taught by the leader has become numb, some are nervous and some are used to it.

At this moment, a familiar figure walked over from their side.

Everyone present looked a little surprised and looked over.

Sensing that there was something wrong with everyone's eyes, President Wang frowned even deeper:

"Look at what?"

Saying that, he glanced quickly to the side.

Did not see clearly.

Glancing at him again, his face suddenly froze.

It's him, Yan Xiao! ?

Does this kid want to come back?

The anger on President Wang's face instantly rose, and he didn't mean to feel sorry for saying bad things about Yan Xiao just now, but looked at Yan Xiao confidently:

"Yan Xiao? Thinking of going to work? Not going to rest?"

Many people's eyes lit up, their heads lowered slightly, and they looked at the two of them, as if they were expecting something.

In the face of President Wang's question, and everyone's surprised expressions.

Yan Xiao dragged his tired body and continued to walk with no expression on his face.

Just ignored them.

At this time, Wang Zong saw that he did not speak, and thought it was Yan Xiao who wanted to beg for mercy.

At the moment, I was even more complacent, ready to seize the typical example of Yan Xiao.

Suddenly sneer:

"Want to come back now? I tell you, it's too late!"

Unexpectedly, his words were not finished yet.

Yan Xiao was unheard of, ignoring his face, ignoring his words, and walking straight past him.

The atmosphere in the entire office seemed to freeze suddenly.


President Wang's words stopped abruptly halfway through.

Yan Xiao ignored his actions, making him feel as if someone had slapped him twice in the face, making a slap!

Everyone looked in shock at what was happening in front of them.

This is a public refutation of President Wang's face. It seems that this Yan Xiao is really ready to leave?

Soon, Yan Xiao walked to his work position and put everything in place.

Under the eyes of everyone, he picked up his own packing box and walked towards the stairwell.

Still ignoring President Wang.

pass by.

"Yan Xiao!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, President Wang gritted his back molars and called him coldly!

The back froze and stood still.

waiting for his next words.

Mr. Wang continued:

"You can think clearly, if you really just leave like this, it will be difficult to step into this door again in the future!"

"I still say that!"

Yan Xiao's hoarse voice came out, which made everyone startled.

What words?

President Wang's expression completely stiffened.

Watching the back figure leave, he left a sentence:

"Fuck you MD!"

The voice lingered in the office.

Leaving behind the stiff-faced President Wang and everyone with different eyes.


Holding the box slowly, he walked out of the company building.

Yan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

The qi accumulated in the chest finally came out!

It can be regarded as the fulfillment of the things that I have always wanted to do, but have not dared to do.

Stuff your belongings into the back of the car.

Yan Xiao suddenly had an idea.

Anyway, a few days will pass, so do all the things you want to do?

I drove things home and hurried downstairs.

He drove non-stop to a small clinic again.

When I felt bad for the first time, I checked myself in a small clinic.

I accidentally met a female intern in a clinic, had a good chat with her, and also had a good impression.

At that time, I was ashamed of myself and didn't have the nerve to express it.

Now, there is no way to live, what is there to be inferior?

When he went to the clinic, he deliberately bought a bunch of roses from a roadside flower shop.

Before arriving at the small clinic, there was a steady stream of people, and some people were holding flowers and fruits.

But the one holding the rose is the only one.

I walked in nervously and looked at the familiar environment in the clinic, even the smell of the potion was so familiar.

He went straight to the platform.

The female intern has been on duty here.

Right now, on the platform.

A fat elder sister with a chubby face was wearing a mask and looked at Yan Xiao with some fluctuations in her eyes.

The man who came to him with a rose.

She was surprised.

"What about the female trainee nurse who was on duty here before?"

When Yan Xiao saw this fat big sister, his heart froze for a while, and a bad omen rose in his heart.


The female nurse resigned, and by coincidence, it was this morning.


Yan Xiao looked at the flowers in his hand, smiled self-deprecatingly, and gave them to the fat nurse.

not fated.

It looks like it can only be missed.

There are always regrets in life, and it is always necessary to learn habits.

Back in the community Yan Xiao, who was in a depressed mood, was ready to go upstairs.

At this moment, there is a figure standing downstairs.

After seeing Yan Xiao.

Eyes fixed on him.

As soon as Yan Xiao looked up, he saw the other party, and the movements of his feet followed.

Expressionless, the corners of the somewhat dry mouth opened:

"How did you come?"

"I'm sorry to see you again in this situation."

"However, according to our agreement, we need to confirm with you again!"

The figure bowed slightly, holding a black file bag in his hand, and said softly.

Listening to the woman's words, Yan Xiao shook his head weakly:

"There's nothing to say, can I still regret this kind of thing? Why should I sign it if I regret it!"


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