Nine super luxury cars formed a train and appeared at the funeral scene.

Each is a valuable, even limited edition luxury car.

Now they even attended Yan Xiao's funeral.

Just pulling out a car can surprise countless people.

Not to mention the shock of nine cars appearing together.

Relatives and friends looked at the nine super luxury cars in astonishment. They parked steadily not far in front of Yan Xiao's tombstone. The trains were uniform, showing respect and seriousness for the funeral.

Wait until the vehicle stops.

The drivers of all vehicles got out of the car.

They were uniformly dressed, wearing black suits, with solemn faces and tall and straight bodies.

Standing beside the car body, look sideways towards the red flag car in the middle of the train.

It seems that the backbone of the entire train is this Chinese-style Hongqi car.


The people who were attracted by them also cast their gazes involuntarily.

To be able to make drivers take it so seriously, driving a luxury car to attend a funeral, the identity of its owner must be a more terrifying existence.


Yan Li couldn't help swallowing her saliva, feeling a little regretful.

I regret that when I went out today, I didn't dress more appropriately, and I didn't dress up carefully.

It's rare to meet top-notch people this time, maybe it's an opportunity for me to go to the next level!

The higher one climbs, the more terrifying the span and abyss between different classes can be realized. Every layer is like a gulf. Not everyone's ten years of cold window can be worth the number of others. Generational inheritance!

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he looked nervously in the direction of the Hongqi car.

"Fuck, I really came to the funeral!"

"What the **** did Yan Xiao do? To have such a big guy attend his funeral, with nine super luxury cars appearing, is too strong!"

"Good guy, this kind of battle, labor and capital are a long experience!"

"I originally thought that a luxury car was outrageous enough and luxurious enough, but we didn't expect poverty to limit our imagination!"

"I've seen scenes like this in novels and movies, so excited!"

"Yan Xiao didn't save the world in his last life, right? I'm a good boy!"


Relatives and friends whispered, surprised.

They all began to imagine how Yan Xiao met the boss, was able to formally attend his funeral, and even pulled nine luxury cars to the stage, which is enough to see how much he attaches great importance to the funeral, which is extraordinary!

"Who is it?"

Yan Jun looked at the direction of the Chinese-style Hongqi car, stunned.

No matter how he imagined it, he couldn't remember that the Yan family had such rich relatives and friends. Basically, people with a little bit of success were known to their relatives, and there was really no such super rich.

Then, the other party came to attend the funeral specially, is it really for the son?

Beside her, Jiang Qian also looked in the direction of the luxury car in disbelief.

The expression on her face was beyond words.


The aura of a luxury car worth 10 million yuan is suffocating!

The compulsion of the entire funeral has also increased a lot.

Finally, under everyone's attention.

The door of the Chinese-style Hongqi car was opened by the driver, and the luxurious and atmospheric interior style was leaked out after the door was opened.

A slightly old figure slowly walked down from it!

Wearing a black tunic suit of memories of the years, it is simple and unpretentious.

Comes with a strong aura!

Leaning on crutches, he supported the old man's somewhat hunched body.

His face is full of vicissitudes, and the wrinkles of the ravines are full of traces of time.

The somewhat hunched body also seemed to tremble.

Yes, even so.

The gleam in those turbid eyes is astonishing!

Wrapped in a tyrannical force, no one dares to look at it!

At this moment, those turbid eyes were staring at Yan Xiao's tombstone not far in front of him!


As soon as the old man appeared, the tyrannical aura made everyone feel awe from the heart.

That is the momentum of a superior!

It is an aura that has been through the vicissitudes of life!

It is a vigorous soul that can see through the hearts of people after a long-term battle and tempering of the will!


After the old man got out of the car, his eyes naturally swept across the crowd, and finally settled on Yan Xiao's tombstone!

What everyone still doesn't understand is that the other party has made a special trip to attend Yan Xiao's funeral!

Let the horror in my heart surge like a tidal wave, and my relatives and friends don't dare to discuss in front of each other, they can only suppress and try not to be too rude!

Yan Jun, who was standing beside the tombstone, was even more distraught.

Feeling the vigorous gaze of the old man, it wasn't that he was coming straight at him, but he still had a burning meaning and passed by.

The aura that exudes, with a sense of oppression, hits the face, making people have nowhere to hide.

"Yan Jun, he seems to be here for Xiaoxiao's funeral!"

Jiang Qian, who was beside her, whispered in shock.

The behavior of these drivers and the behavior of the elderly are all directed towards the funeral.

The other party is running for the funeral!


The vicissitudes of life looked at the tombstone, and the old man's figure moved.

Leaning on crutches, he walked step by step towards the tombstone.




The crutches clicked on the bluestone steps, making a crisp sound.

Every sound exudes a heavy breath.

The old man's footsteps seemed to become heavier with each step he took!

The old body exuded a tyrannical aura, and the relatives and friends who attended the funeral immediately avoided a path for him, and the old man went straight to the direction of the tombstone.


Aunt Yan Xiao, Yan Li looked at the figure of the old man and couldn't help swallowing again.

Seems a little nervous and cramped.

I never thought that such a big guy would appear at his nephew's funeral.

Do your best to express unnoticed and kind smiles.

The bald husband who was standing beside her completely forgot what he was calling to leave just now. He took part in the funeral with a positive expression, watching the old man step by step towards the tombstone, wishing he could help him. walk over.

Unfortunately, I am not qualified enough.

The driver in the black suit, who followed the old man half a step away, had sharp eyes, exuding the indifference that strangers should not enter.

The scene was silent, only the sound of the old man's crutches moving.

Looking at the old man on crutches who was about to walk to the tombstone, his father Yan Jun hesitated.

Still facing the tyrannical momentum, he took a step forward and asked respectfully:

"May I ask you are?"

His voice made the old man's figure pause.

The crutches are on the ground.

Standing like an iron pillar.

The turbid old eyes looked at Yan Jun, the old man's face was sinking like water:

"Me? This old man is an ordinary friend of Yan Xiao! This time I came here to attend Yan Xiao's funeral!"

The voice fell,

Like a cannonball bursting wildly in the hearts of the people around!

what's the situation! ?

With nine luxury cars like this, the arrogant boss actually calls himself a friend of Yan Xiao?

Are you kidding me?

Everyone almost thought that they had heard it wrong. Yan Xiao's identity and origin, they thought they were all too familiar with it, not even a general one. It could be said to be a poor family background, a mediocre education, and a job that was not very promising. With such an identity, how can one come into contact with the existence of such an upper-class boss?

This is even more incredible than winning tens of millions in the lottery!

Looking at this big guy who is several times more tyrannical and financially terrifying than the chairman of his own company.

Yan Li opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was unable to say it.

The expression was astonished!

Would such a big guy be a friend of his own nephew Yan Xiao?

And so humbly calling himself an ordinary friend!

This is not ordinary at all. Nine super luxury cars are on the scene. Is this something ordinary people can come up with?

What is even more incredible than the identity of the old man at the moment is his relationship with Yan Xiao!

The identities of the two are like clouds and mud.

It was really hard for Yan Li to imagine the relationship between the two, let alone what Yan Xiao went through to have such a friend.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth were a little dry.

It doesn't matter how they made friends, what matters is the relationship between the other party and Yan Xiao!


Hearing the old man's answer, Yan Jun's expression was a little surprised.

After asking this question, he even had some expectations that the other party had gone to the wrong place.

The answer you can get is such a calm friend!

He thought he knew very well about his son's situation.

But after hearing this answer, he suddenly found that he didn't know his own son at all!

I don't understand his thoughts, I don't know the predicament of his condition, and I don't even know that he will know such a big guy!

Just a glance makes everyone feel oppressed.

The breath of the superior.

A million-dollar luxury car.

All of them are symbols of big bosses.


Said, the old man did not continue to chat with him.

Instead, look in the direction of the tombstone.

Step forward again!

The old arm lifted and sank!


The heavy crutches landed on the ground with a dull sound.

The solemn-looking old man, relying on the strength of his crutches, tried his best to bow towards Yan Xiao's tombstone!

The eyes that made everyone fearful, at this moment, sank slightly along with the head.

The atmosphere at the entire funeral froze for a while.

Following his salute, everyone felt inexplicable solemnity in their hearts.

He couldn't help but feel a little bit of awe at Yan Xiao's funeral.

The driver standing behind the old man bowed together!

Under those steps, the drivers standing next to the luxury car in front of the tombstone also bowed their heads in silence!

With the salute of everyone, the atmosphere of the whole funeral seemed to be pulled. The solemn and serious attitude was moving. Originally, relatives and friends who only thought that they had come to go through a process involuntarily looked in the direction of the tombstone and followed. Bow down in silence.

Appearing to dominate the show, amazing old man.

It seems that Yan Xiao's image has become mysterious.

After bowing,

The old man slowly straightened his waist, with a sad expression on his face.

A hoarse voice said:

"Little friend Yan Xiao, go all the way!"

After saying that, he nodded again.

Only then did he reluctantly look away from the tombstone.

He looked back, took up the cane with difficulty, and turned around.

ready to leave.

"My poor nephew, I haven't done anything in this life, it's so pitiful, just leave!"

At this moment, Yan Li suddenly came out, wiped the corner of her eyes and said loudly.

Like a little sad.

Deliberately walked in front of the old man and looked in the direction of the tombstone.

The old man looked at her with a sullen face.

I don't care.

Seeing this, Yan Li was unwilling to give up, and hurriedly asked:

"Hello, I'm Xiao Xiao's aunt, and I'm here for the funeral. I don't know what to call you?"

"Are you the aunt of little friend Yan Xiao?"

The old man's pupils shrank slightly, and his hoarse voice was somewhat dull.

While speaking, he looked at Yan Li in front of him.

At this moment, the latter did not have any sadness, but rather secretly rejoiced in it.

None of this escaped the eyes of the old man.

The relatives and friends around, when they saw the two chatting, also cast their gazes over enviously.

If you can say a word to such a big guy, then you will be able to brag about it!

Yan Jun watched the cheeky sister step up to talk, knowing that she was flattering the other party.

Somewhat angry.

Originally, I looked down on my son's funeral, and even said that he was going to leave. How can I have the cheek to chat here now?

At the moment, he was a little angry, and didn't wait for the old man to reply.

Quickly took a step forward and snorted coldly:

"Yan Li, aren't you in a hurry, are you leaving? Why don't you leave? If you don't leave, brother-in-law should be in a hurry?"

As soon as the voice came out, the conversation between the two was interrupted.

Yan Li's face changed slightly, and she glanced at her brother Yan Jun, with some resentment in her eyes.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

When the bald man heard this, he hurriedly smiled and waved his hand.

It's a joke, I finally chatted with the boss last time, how could I miss it?

Yan Li is also adaptable, nodding again and again:

"Yes, to attend my nephew's funeral, what else is there, and this is important?"

"Are you right? Old gentleman!"

The conversation turned and returned to the old man's side.


Hearing this, the old man nodded thoughtfully.

Yan Li smiled, thinking she was talking.

Unexpectedly, the old man's hoarse voice continued:

"Is it better than being flattering to the old man to attend your nephew's funeral? Your is really affectionate and righteous!"

"! misunderstood!"

Yan Li's face froze, and she quickly quibble.

Unexpectedly, a cold light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the old man!

The inexplicable deterrence struck, and Yan Li was so shocked that she was speechless.

His whole body was shivering with this momentum, how could he still speak?

Seeing this, the old man ignored her.

His eyes swept across the crowd, and he said slowly and solemnly:

"Those who treat people kindly will always be kind to people, but how can the world become less and less popular, and people's hearts are not ancient?"

Those who are interested, bow their heads and say nothing.

Those who are unintentional only feel that the words are intentional and taste it carefully.

After all,

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, slowly exit the stage!

The old man got into a Chinese red flag car and left the funeral scene in a convoy escorted by a super luxury car.

Leaving behind Yan Li who was flushed and embarrassed.

The flattery was not photographed, but was slapped in the face.

The last words seemed to be mocking myself.

There was no face to stay any longer, and he and his bald husband hurriedly left the field.

"Where did this kid Yan Xiao know such a person, so many luxury cars!"

"Yeah, who said that people are not promising?"

"I've never seen such a stage in my life! It's amazing!"


Yan Jun, who thought the funeral was over like this, looked a little complicated when he looked at the relatives and friends who suddenly became enthusiastic around him.

In the distance, Su Chen's figure quietly left. Pay ninety-nine yuan: create a mysterious funeral for you https://

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