Pay 99 Yuan: Arranging A Mysterious Funeral For You

Chapter 149: Hidden in the new house?

After Qin Lao and Baoer left.

Lin Yu stayed for a while, then left the store and went back.

The two of them walked for a day, and she felt a little tired.

It is not early.

After sending Lin Yu away, Su Chen closed the door directly.

Walking back to the store, I felt the mental power surging all over my body and squeezed it.

A talisman was pinched out of thin air!

The lines on it are complex and interlaced, flickering with strange fluctuations.


Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, it was very easy to use the talisman at this moment.

The mental power in the body is unfathomable, and pinching the talisman has no pressure on himself.

Concentrating on cultivation may be the norm for ordinary people.

But for myself, it was a little difficult.

After all, it depends on the system to grow. If you devote yourself to cultivation, you will naturally be unable to take care of the operation of the store.

Then the function of the system is equivalent to giving up a large part.

In a world full of aliens, Su Chen will not be stupid enough to weaken his means!

After seeing this little Junjun's methods, Su Chen has a lot more knowledge about the aliens. There are a lot of talented people in the whole alien world, and during this period, they are divided into different factions.

There are national factions, there are factions of cultivation methods, and there are also different professional factions according to the direction of their cultivation.

His current position in the Mystery Bureau should be a talismanist for the time being.

Fortunately, the means of the storefront were not shown.

It's always good to keep a hole card or two.

Su Chen shook his hand, and the golden talisman in his hand trembled and dissipated, turning into countless fringes, pouring into the surrounding void.

This world is also different from the previous life. These tassels are extracted from the void. How can there be such mysterious energy in the previous life?


Every time the strength is improved, there will be sequelae.

After swallowing the essence of metallicity, it was inevitable to suffer from this sequelae.

High spirits!


Su Chen lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Cultivation is boring. Resist loneliness and explore on your own.

I don't know how those cultivators and the protagonists in mystical fantasy endure loneliness. It's just three years, ten years, or even a hundred thousand years... Isn't it depression in the boring and lonely practice?

Or are they too determined?

Su Chen understood that he definitely did not have such a strong will.

Cultivation is the most taboo of distraction, and those who have self-knowledge will not over-cultivate.

So after practicing for a while, Su Chen stopped on his own.

It was too late.

The nine monarchs were like a mountain, which made Su Chen feel a little irritable.

Looking back at the beginning of the whole thing, from the first time I caught the trio upstairs, I thought that after sending them to the patrol station, this matter was over. Nothing will change, at least for a while.

But who would have thought that they would appear again at Lin Zhenzhen's wedding?

It is not difficult for Inhumans to quickly recover their injuries by means of means.

However, it is not so simple to come out of the patrol bureau clearly.

After coming out so arrogantly, he immediately clings to Jiro.

From the Ono trio to Jiro, and then to being beaten at the wedding, the existence of the Maharaja was brought out.

Does all this really have nothing to do with it?

Su Chen's pupils tightened, the whole thing was too coincidental, everything had nothing to do with him, and everything was fueled by him.

The mysterious bureau does not appear, and as soon as it appears, it is the end.

Seriously terrified.

It's like there is an invisible big hand in the mysterious bureau, arbitrarily arranging and laying out.

Whether it is Old Qin or himself, they may be in the game.

Every move, go with the flow, but inadvertently, has already entered the game.

In this way, these coincidences can be explained.


After leaving Su's funeral company.

Qin Lao and Bao'er did not leave in a hurry, but found a night stall and sat on the side of the road.

Take advantage of the silence of the night and admire the moon.

Qin Lao took a sip of tea and said with a smile:

"This Mr. Su is not simple. He is Lin Yu's friend, and he has good potential and trump cards. With time, he will definitely become a master. The old man is still thinking of forcing him to show his true skills. I never thought, Under the fatal threat, this kid still has a trump card. It's too bearable, this old man admires it!"

"Elder Qin, what should I do?"

Bao'er asked thoughtfully.

With big clear eyes, he stared straight at Old Qin.

"Everyone is buried, everything is easy to say. Since you don't enter my bureau, everything will be natural after that. Boss, we won't report the situation for the time being!"

Qin Lao said indifferently.

Saying that, he took another sip of tea.

There was a rare firmness in his eyes.

Looking at Old Qin, Bao'er nodded with a complicated expression:

"got it!"

"The movement of the Kou people has slowed down during this time, and it seems that something is brewing. There are also some strange movements in the Inhuman Realm, which makes people panic. The old man is quite looking forward to it."

"It's not necessarily a big deal."

"Hope it!"


Silent all night, until the sky is bright.

Su Chen's eyes were very round, and he sat up from the bed. Since there was no way to continue sleeping, he had to get up and do something to pass the time.

He got dressed and walked to the previous breakfast shop.

Still a breakfast.

Eating on the side alone, it was relatively quiet in the early morning, and there were no guests.

At this time, the conversation between the shop assistant and the boss came to my ears.

"I haven't seen that person for the past two days!"

"Which who?"

"It's the man who always buys breakfast first."

"If you don't say it, I forgot, yes, I haven't been here for a few days."


Su Chen listened, but didn't pay much attention.

After eating breakfast, the whole person feels more comfortable.

When I returned to the store, the sky was completely bright.

【Ding! The detection is suitable for the target of the package, please confirm the host, and then the advertisement can be sent! 】

As soon as I entered the store, the sound of the system rang.

Rare, the system actively seeks customers.

Su Chen didn't hesitate, and hurriedly checked.

【Xu Bai】

Wealth Indicator: Ordinary.

Recommended service: Unknown at this time.

At present, personal information and related information can be viewed.


Finding new customers for trading is Su Chen's current goal, but some unexpected systems are so sensible.

Look at this strange name that appears on the list.

Without too much hesitation, check your profile directly!

[Customer name: Xu Bai

Status: employee of a company

Remaining lifespan: three days

Personal assets: temporarily unable to determine.

Family relationship: son - Xu Gu, daughter - Xu Jin;

Recommended service: temporarily unable to determine! 】


It came suddenly, and this information was a little strange.

Wealth has always been undetermined, and the recommended service cannot be determined. It seems that this customer has encountered something.

Affect your own property?

The customer resources provided by the system are only the first step of testing. If you agree, it will immediately arrange an opportunity to start with customers and provide advertising services.

If Gu wants to make further purchase orders, he has to do it himself.

The wishes of the customers themselves are also very important.

Therefore, the fault tolerance rate of this first step is still very high, so there is no need to worry too much.


As soon as Su Chen's thoughts moved, the system responded in time:

[Successfully selected customers, push service will be carried out later! 】

Customers don't come to the door, and the system assists them to help them find customers, which is very comfortable.

It just so happened that Su Chen was also preparing to welcome customers, working **** a few orders, trying to improve his strength.

Test one thing at the same time to see if it is consistent with what you expected to guess,

If you guessed right, then don't say anything about Maharaja, Xiaojun.

Come one, destroy one!

Of course, it all depends on whether it is consistent with the situation you imagined.


Qingyang County, Yongxing Community.

In the corridor on the first floor, there was the sound of the rollers of the salute box rolling on the ground.

The middle-aged woman with the same charm, with a sullen face, dragged her salute away.

Brows furrowed.

When she came to the door, she turned around and looked at the expressionless man standing in the room, her voice was filled with anger that could not be concealed:

"Xu Bai, let me ask you one last time, you really decided that, right?"


Xu Bai was expressionless and nodded.

His eyes stayed on the woman, and he seemed to have no nostalgia.


Seeing this, the woman nodded with difficulty.

He glanced at the house reluctantly, but turned his head and left.

The back figure who walked away with the suitcase was extraordinarily lonely.

After watching her leave, Xu Bai sighed deeply.

There was a shadow between his brows, he rubbed his slightly sunken eye sockets, and the dark circles lay on his eyes.

The whole person is listless.

The woman who just left was his wife.

To be precise, it should be said that it is the ex-wife.

Just got my divorce papers today.

The divorce was proposed by himself, and the two children expressed their opposition. Unfortunately, no one was able to persuade him under his own efforts to turn the tide.

Zhou Ying finally divorced herself cruelly.

Both children have grown up and have their own lives, and there is no question of child ownership. As for property, Zhou Ying didn't want a cent. She chose to leave the house alone. She was really annoyed by Xu Bai's firm attitude towards divorce. It was a somewhat impulsive choice.

However, that doesn't matter anymore.

Xu Bo has already arranged the follow-up. After his death, all the property will be handed over to Zhou Ying in other ways.

Only in this way can she completely let go of herself in her heart.

I won't be a widow because of my own departure.

She is still young, so she should not cut off her happiness for the rest of her life because of herself.


Not long after Zhou Ying left, a man in business casual clothes walked quickly to the house.

Seeing Xu Bai who was in the house, his brows furrowed:

"Old Xu, do you want a wife or not?"

"want you!"

Xu Bai smiled bitterly and joked.

The man is his brother for many years, Li Han.

"I think you're crazy!"

Li Han glanced at him angrily, ignored his joke, and continued:

"I met Zhou Ying on the way here just now. She didn't even know you were selling the house!"

"You didn't tell her, did you?"

Xu Bai's complexion changed slightly, and he asked quickly.

"How could it be? Zhou Ying was dragging a suitcase. I thought it was moving. After a few simple chats, I found out that you are divorced! She also doesn't know that you are selling the house. I guess it is not easy. I didn't say it! What's the matter, you two secretly divorced without telling me!?"

Li Han shook his head and said with a frown.

He looked at Xu Bai with a puzzled expression, wanting to get an answer from him.

In this way, it seems quite a bit resentful.

The few strands of white silk on his temples did not affect his handsome face. If he was young, he must have been a handsome guy.

Xu Bai's face was startled, he patted his shoulder with a wry smile, and looked into the house with an evasive gaze:

"Yes, haven't you invested in the real estate industry? Help me to be my advisor. How can this old house be integrated and replaced with a new one?"

"Change room?"

Li Han's eyes narrowed, as if he had thought of something.

Immediately, he raised his eyebrows:

"Good guy! Lao Xu, Lao Xu, I never thought you were such a person! You've been honest all your life, you've been around the same age, and you still want to be romantic and have a new house to hide yourself?"

"Don't make trouble, seriously, help me see!"

Xu Bai looked serious.


Li Han wisely stopped joking, simply glanced at him, and had a plan for a new house in his mind.

Open your mouth and say:

"How many times have I come here, don't look at it. You are a 148-square-meter unit building with exquisite decoration. Although it has been some years, fortunately, a primary school will be opened nearby, and in two years, it will definitely appreciate in value. When the time comes to sell this house, I can help you find a 200-square-meter community house in a similar location, and you can choose the floor.

I asked you to buy this place back then. Now it seems worth it. It’s not bad to change a house. When you told me yesterday, I also helped you to look at the new house. It is also under development. It is close to the commercial street. Buy it. After that, the price will definitely only increase! "

"I don't worry about your work."

Listening to Li Han's words, Xu Bo nodded thoughtfully and said.

There are still some concerns in the face.

"What's the matter? Do you have any concerns, say it, and I'll help you solve it!"

Li Han glanced at him and noticed something was wrong, and asked quickly.

Now in the investment industry, I have also invested in many industries, and I have come into contact with some levels that are not easy to reach.

Being born in real estate, he is quite sensitive to news in this regard.

"I want to take action immediately and change to a new house!"

Xu Bo hesitated for a moment and said.

Li Han was stunned, and his face gradually became solemn:

"Didn't you hear what I said, as long as two years, you can't wait two years?"

"No! Did something happen to you? Divorce again and sell a house. Do you still think I'm a brother? Tell me clearly! Don't tell me clearly today, don't worry, I have Li Han here. Your house will never be sold!"

"Old Li! You..."

Xu Bai looked complicated and shouted anxiously.

As a result, Li Han's face was serious and he didn't mean to joke.

Just then, the phone rang.

It was my son, Xu Gulai's call.

"Hello, Xiaogu?"

"Dad, are you going to divorce my mother?"

"Well, did your mother tell you?"

"Dad, do you think it's appropriate not to tell us about such a big thing?"

"I'm going to tell you, it's never been too late..."

"You really disappointed me! Divorce is so sloppy in your eyes? Could it be that you really have someone outside?"

The questioning voice of his son Xu Gu contained a bit of anger.

Came from the phone.

Xu Bo hurriedly lowered his but was still heard by Li Han, grabbed the phone angrily on the spot, and shouted to the other end of the phone:

"You bastard, talking to your father like that here!? Come to me and try to say something like that!"

"Uncle Li? You..."

"Don't call me, labor and capital can't afford it!"

Li Han angrily hung up the phone.

Then, he looked at Xu Bo angrily:

"It's such a big deal, what are you doing? If you still recognize me as a brother, tell me clearly, otherwise no one will be able to get out of this door today!"

"You're still so violent!"

Xu Bai sighed helplessly, his eyes hesitated for a while, and then he said:

"I'm dying......


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