Inexplicably, he was slapped in the face. Looking at the person who dragged him in front of him, the surprise on Xu Gu's face had not dissipated, and he quickly frowned.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"Who was that woman just now!? Where's your daughter-in-law?!"

Xu Bo was full of anger, his face was full of anger, and he was no longer as gentle as before.

He looked at the woman who had disappeared and left, and then looked at his son again.

"Old Xu, calm down!"

Li Han hurriedly rushed out from the side, pulled Lao Xu fiercely, and said anxiously.

When so many people looked at it, the child's face was not good-looking.

It's not a good thing for anyone when it gets bigger.

"Dad, uncle, things are not what you think! You listen to my explanation first!"

Xu Gu's complexion changed slightly, and it was somewhat unexpected that the two who had just spoken on the phone had come over to find him.

He said in a hurried tone at the moment.

His eyes were constantly looking at his father. The latter was furious at the moment, and he had long lost the gentleness of the past. It was rare for him to be so angry.

"Okay! Okay! Come on, tell me, I won't hit you first. Tell me clearly, who is that woman!?"

Xu Bai nodded his head several times in a row, his chest was so irritated that he felt a little uncomfortable.

Can only say so.

He calmed down a bit and let Li Han pull himself, his eyes fixed on his son.

Seeing that his father's state had eased slightly, he breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly stepped forward and said in a low voice:

"That woman is my sister-in-law. This child came back from abroad. She hugs like this when she meets her, and even kisses her face! Didn't someone just see my daughter-in-law? I took her downstairs, but I didn't expect her to hug her before she went back. I'll give it a shot. Everyone hugs like this, and kisses her face, but I didn't let her kiss it! I gave her a hug and let her leave quickly, you misunderstood!"

"Sister-in-law? Is it her sister who went abroad since she was a child?"

Xu Bai was startled and asked thoughtfully.

Immediately, he looked at him suspiciously:

"Is what you said true?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, go up and ask my daughter-in-law to see if she wants to kiss her face or hug her. In order to avoid suspicion, I won't let anyone kiss her!"

Xu Gu quickly nodded and explained.

Looking at the sincere expression of the son in front of him, it doesn't seem like a lie.

Only then did Xu Bai nodded suspiciously:

"Hmph, trust you once! Don't let me catch you doing something that's not human, or I'll see you once and beat you once!"

"Hey, who am I, you still don't know? My wife is strict, I will never do anything wrong! You can rest assured of this!"

Xu Gu patted his chest directly and said.

"Good boy, it's up to you, Lao Xu! You look at what a good boy, and I got slapped by you!"

Li Han smiled heartily and joked beside him.

"That's right, my dad didn't know the situation, so he slapped me when he came up. You see so many people watching!"

Xu Gu nodded again and again and complained bitterly.

Seeing that the three of them were talking and laughing, the people around them lost their interest and dispersed in different directions.

There is no lively thing, you can only be busy with each other.

Seeing this, Xu Bai blushed.

Stubbornly said:

"This slap is a reminder for you! You can't touch a single finger when it's out of the ordinary! Don't hug next time. After all, everyone's children have grown up, so you have to take the initiative to keep your distance!"

"Of course I know, but they came back from there, and the way we salute is different!"

Xu Gu continued to explain.

He greeted his father with a blank eye and glared at him:

"When you go back to our Dragon Kingdom, just follow the rules of our Dragon Kingdom. Don't make any mistakes. You are not a crooked fruit person. What kind of foreign affairs are you trying to make?"

The voice fell.

Li Han, who was on the side, also nodded quickly, expressing his agreement with this sentence. After all, he is from the Dragon Kingdom, so naturally he would not understand their crooked fruit, so he deliberately brought it here. sheep) style?

In this regard, Xu Gu did not say much:

"Oh, I see!"

"We're here, let's go?"

Li Han looked up at the towering unit building and interrupted the conversation between the two.

After all, you are also a guest, so you can't finish reception outside here, right?

Seeing his father and uncle appearing in front of him, Xu Gu ignored his words, instead frowned, and quickly asked:

"By the way, Dad, why are you here?"

"I'll come and see you, okay?"

Xu Bo asked coldly.

Hit him directly.

Xu Gu nodded helplessly:

"Okay, why not? It's too late for me to warmly welcome you! Just in time, I'm going to find you, what's the matter with your mother? Listen to my mother, you've done a great job this time, and you'll take it as soon as you get angry. Marriage certificate, you said that you are not too young, why are you still doing this?"

"Not small, but not too big. If it doesn't fit, it will be divided!"

When Xu Bo mentioned this matter, he felt a little guilty.

Deliberately divert attention.

The voice was also a little weaker.

"It's not suitable? It's almost half of my life, what's not suitable? The son is married, so you can leave when you say it?"

Xu Gu was somewhat unbelievable.

After all, the relationship between the father and the two before, although there were some fights and quarrels, but the two never talked about divorce. This is also the happiness of children. Even in their hearts, they want to be able to find a real relationship like their parents. love, marriage.

Now Xu Gu feels that he has found love and entered a successful marriage.

Who would have thought that, looking back, my parents got divorced?

For a while, he didn't react to this.

When I called my father before, I was somewhat suspicious and angry.

After being scolded by Li Han like that, he immediately corrected his mentality and prepared to know the truth of the matter. It just happened that his father Xu Bai came over, and he had to ask carefully.

"As an adult, don't get involved with your children! As long as you live your life well, you are better than anything else! You know? Nothing is as important as your children's affairs now, so worry more about it during this time! The daughter-in-law said that she wanted to eat, but she couldn’t be fooled. Check it out more, don’t you young people like to check it out? Be careful, the children of our old Xu family must be safe…”

As soon as Xu Bo started talking, it was difficult to stop.

Aware of Xu Gu's strange eyes, he paused for a moment.

Listening to these words, Li Han looked complicated and felt a little uncomfortable.

Knowing that Lao Xu was telling Xiao Xu the last thing, these words may be the last time Xiao Xu heard.

Xu Gu naturally didn't know, because Uncle Li Han was by his side, so he didn't say anything.

Just nodded in response.

Afterwards, he walked up with Xu Bo and Li Han.

My daughter-in-law's belly is now three months old, and it has not affected her walking.

Is doing housework at home.

"How do you let her do housework? Take a break!"

Xu Bai pushed open the door and walked in. The first thing he saw was the figure of his busy daughter-in-law in the living room. He frowned and accused his son.

After all, she is also a pregnant woman, and the man is at home, so why can't she leave?

The world is different now, and the dangers of chaos are many.

The family has a pregnancy, if there is a baby.

Gotta worry about protecting it.

Move less if you can.

"You don't understand. The doctor said that it is healthy to let Xiaoya exercise more and move more. You all say don't let it move, but it's actually not good! It affects the development of the child in the womb! "

Xu Gu quickly retorted.

If you want to use the doctor's words, stop your father's mouth.

Unexpectedly, he ushered in a blank eye.


"Dad, Uncle Li, are you here? Come in!"

When Xiaoya heard the sound, she turned around and saw the three of them. She quickly smiled softly and motioned for them to come in and sit.

Now that she is pregnant, she has no makeup, and she can't hide her fair skin without makeup.

Delicate skin, can be broken by blowing,

She looked a little fragile, and now she is pregnant again.

Xu Bo and Li Han walked in and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing what Xiaoya was going to prepare, Xu Bo hurriedly stopped:

"Xiaoya, don't move! Let Xiaogu do the work!"

"Dad, you still don't understand!"

Xu Gu sat aside, ready to say something.

Xu Bo, who was on the side, glared at him, stopped his follow-up words, and scolded:

"Stinky boy, the doctor asked me to exercise, so why don't I have to work? Work is exhausting, exercise is fitness, and what do the labor and management know? Go and do it!"

"Haha, Dad, don't do this, how long have I been pregnant, it's not so precious!"

Xiaoya couldn't help laughing and laughed. said.

Help Xu Gu to smooth the game.

"Okay, okay, just listen to the old man, Xiaoya, sit down, I'm a daughter-in-law, I'll definitely feel bad!"

Xu Gu got up, helped Xiaoya to sit on the sofa, and went to the kitchen to wash the fruit.

Ready to entertain father and Uncle Li.

Li Han sat aside with a smile and reminded:

"It's right to listen to your dad, it's always good to be careful!"


Seeing this, Xiaoya could only nod her head.

It's not good to say anything more, and chat with the two of them about daily life.

Uncle Li Han can be regarded as a long-term friend of the Xu family.

Therefore, there is nothing strange in the chat between the few people.

On the contrary, because of Li Han, the topic was easier.

"You must take care of yourself, children are precious now."


What's more, this time I'm talking about meeting, is it the person my daughter is going to lead into the house?

Li Han nodded slightly:

"Well, after watching the children, what else do you want to do?"

"What else can I do? There is nothing wrong with Zhou Ying, the children are fine, there is nothing to do! Everything is fine, just fine!"

Xu Bai was startled and said slowly.

There was no more hope in his eyes.

Li Han took a look:

"You don't have anything you want to do for yourself? I'll take you around? Bring you comfort in the end?"

"Crap! What time is it, how can I have time to play?"

Xu Bai refused, knowing that the other party was joking.

Afterwards, he still looked at the house reluctantly, and then said:

"You concentrate on helping me improve the house. This is my biggest problem. Once it is solved, I can rest assured!"

"You are free and easy!"

Li Han glanced at him and said solemnly.

Then, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Xiao Chen?"

"I will send you the location, the floor information and the owner's request, and I will send it to you together, and arrange for one of our real estate agents to help me deal with it."

"Yes, the old house is replaced by a new one. I'll send you the details on your phone. You can put the matter at hand and deal with it first, understand?"

"Well, that's it!"


After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After another quick operation, he turned off the phone screen and threw it on the coffee table.

"Okay, let me tell you what to do, it will definitely be resolved in the next two days!"

"sorry to bother you!"

Xu Bo looked at him gratefully and said.

It is a blessing to have such a brother.

The house matter is settled, and then, the children's matter.

The children's matter has also been resolved, and I am completely relieved.


Li Han looked complicated and said:

"Let's go, I'll go see Xiaogu and Xiaojin with you. I haven't seen them for a long time. That stinky boy, just dared to talk to you like that. When we meet, I have to teach him a good lesson. some!"

"Are you going too?"

Xu Bai looked stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

This guy is usually a very busy person, with a lot of things to do.

Where do you have time to do these idle things with yourself?

It's somewhat surprising that a busy person who can't make an appointment takes the initiative to accompany him to do these things.

"Why can't you go, your child, you can't call me uncle when you see me? I can't even go and see them? They still called me little dad when I was a child. You don't want me to beat Xiaogu, right?"

Li Han's eyes widened a bit and asked loudly.

It does seem that he is somewhat arrogant.

Xu Bai smiled bitterly:

"Damn, okay, let's go! Who can stop you, Boss Li?"

"That's right, the children also know about your divorce. How good is it if I'll help you out? Let's go! Speaking of which, you're still a free taxi driver, so just have fun!"

Li Han picked up his mobile phone, touched the car keys in his pocket, and said while getting up.

The matter of the house has been instructed to handle it.

Now that my brother's time is tight, he must not be allowed to waste too long on the trivial matters of the The two walked out of the community and came to the parking space outside.

Looking at the miniature Wuling Hongguang in the parking space, Xu Bai was stunned for a moment and pointed at the car in disbelief:

"My darling, Boss Li, what kind of economic crisis are you suffering from?"

"What's the matter, you still look down on my domestic product? It's very beautiful and practical!"

Li Han disagreed, pressed the remote control, and unlocked the car.

The first to sit up.

Xu Bai shook his head helplessly and sat in the co-pilot.

The interior of the car is small, in addition to the driver's position, a co-pilot can be squeezed out.

Small but complete.

There is no shortage of equipment and functions inside, and there is no awkwardness in your imagination after sitting on it. Instead, the sight is more peculiar and wider.

It's even more comfortable to drive.

After all, it is small in size and easy to operate.

My son Xu Gu, today happens to be a holiday, so he should be at home with his wife.

When I just called, I heard my daughter-in-law talking next to me. Speaking of which, my daughter-in-law is a good child.

Xu Gu didn't study hard since he was a child, and he dropped out of school early. Everyone thought that he was not very promising.

After graduating from junior high school, he didn't go into business. With Li Han's relationship, he worked for two years, but he was fired for fighting and making trouble, so he found a factory to work.

Just such a gangster, who can imagine the feeling of cheating from where.

It turned out to be married to a graduate student's daughter-in-law.

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