Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 65 Mysterious Surprise Reward

As the sun set in the west, the dense night soon enveloped the entire jungle.

There is no moonlight, and you can't see your fingers. Any noise in the dark and quiet forest is creepy, and the occasional wolf roar is even more chilling.

Duan Xianxian holds the blade in both hands and protects Lin Feng behind her. She is not afraid of the dark or wild beasts, but she is afraid that Lin Feng will not wake up.

After walking for a whole day with Lin Feng on his back, Duan Xianxian finally understood how hard it is to take care of someone in the jungle. Thinking of Lin Feng's meticulous care of him for more than a month, his heart was inexplicably sad.

Duan Xianxian was born in a single-parent family and lived with Duan Sirius since she was a child. After Duan Sirius passed away, Duan Xianxian has become a lonely family. rely.

She no longer hates Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng was only eighteen years old, his ups and downs made him look much more mature than his peers. Looking at Lin Feng on the side, Duan Xianxian had a feeling at this moment that the two of them were far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Slow aging is also good.

Why do I have such an idea? ?

Duan Xianxian was startled suddenly, could it be... Impossible! Lin Feng was his father-killing enemy, and he was still a high school student.

He put down his grudge with Lin Feng, but how could he be interested in a high school student? ?

Thinking that Lin Feng had seen everything on her body, Duan Xianxian no longer felt the anger she used to, but felt an inexplicable panic.

Sensing movement in the book, Lin Feng slightly opened his eyes.

The air is full of the unique smell of the jungle, and what greets the eyes is a piece of greenery, and the sun shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and sprinkles on the ground sporadically.

Still in the jungle, I don't know how long I've been in a coma, Sansan's casual punch is really ruthless, if she didn't have an iron shirt to defend herself, the consequences would be unimaginable, there is a huge difference between having internal energy and not having internal energy Well, Duan Sirius and Zhong Jianfei are both Lianjiazi, so they can withstand no matter how they beat them.

Duan Xianxian was lying next to Lin Feng holding the crescent moon blades in both hands. Although she was already asleep and her face was alert, she still vaguely revealed a bit of weirdness.

Sansan didn't know that Lin Feng had an iron shirt, and that fist didn't use all his strength, it just made Lin Feng's body qi and blood messy, and he didn't suffer serious internal injuries. After resting for a day and a night, he was almost healed.

Seeing that Duan Xianxian was still sleeping, Lin Feng didn't bother, but took out the "Treasure of Peach Blossoms". He had sensed movement in the tome before, and he didn't know if it triggered some mission.

After opening the book, Lin Feng was ecstatic.

There are two modes of tasks in the book, one is to complete the randomly triggered tasks in "The Book of Peach Blossoms", as long as you complete the tasks, you can get a certain number of peach blossom points.

There is another kind, which is a fixed task that Lin Feng must complete. As a man for the ninth life, Lin Feng has already been a virgin for the eighth life. After gaining the other party's love, Lin Feng will be able to get a mysterious surprise reward.

But now, it's not that the book triggers any new missions, but that Lin Feng has completed a fixed mission, and he has won Duan Xianxian's heart.

Duan Xianxian was Lin Feng's confidante in his first life,

He got Duan Xianxian's heart and a mysterious surprise prize.

Lin Feng checked the rewards. It turned out to be the first and second layers of "Yi Jin Jing".

Lin Feng almost shouted excitedly, without hesitation, Lin Feng immediately turned the book to the page containing "Yi Jin Jing", and pressed his palm on it.

After a while, Lin Feng let out a long breath, and felt that the whole person's energy was much better. Although being punched by Sansan casually did not hurt the internal organs, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he woke up before, but now, Lin Feng felt that his physical condition had returned to its full strength.

"Yi Jin Jing" is divided into four layers. I don't know what level I have reached after learning the first and second layers of "Yi Jin Jing". ?

"Are you awake?" Duan Xianxian was looking into her eyes and said in surprise when she saw that Lin Feng had awakened.


"Are you okay?" Duan Xianxian's face immediately showed a bit of worry again, she knew very well how terrifying Sansan's fist was.

"It's okay, don't I have boy skills??" Lin Feng smiled freely.

Seeing Lin Feng's unusually good complexion, Duan Xianxian felt relieved. She stood up and said, "Can you go by yourself?"

"Why are you leaving?"

"If you don't go, it won't be good until 64 catches up with us."

It's not that Lin Feng is so confident. He doesn't know what the state is after learning the first two levels of "Yi Jin Jing", but he thinks that it is impossible for 64 to catch up. I don't know my own situation.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng asked: "Xianxian, let me ask you something, how can a person know if he has inner strength?"

Duan Xianxian choked up when she heard Lin Feng calling herself Xianxian. She couldn't tell whether it was uncomfortable or nervous, but it was definitely not disgust.

After thinking about it, Duan Xianxian said: "Practice slowly, and you will know when you have a sense of Qi."

Lin Feng didn't practice. He didn't even know how to practice. Naturally, he didn't have a sense of energy. After thinking for a while, Lin Feng asked: "I don't understand what you said at all. Let me ask you, what is the difference between having internal energy and not having internal energy?" What, even if you have internal strength, how do you know whether you are in the early or middle stage of the realm?"

Some wondered why Lin Feng asked such a question, but through so long contact, Duan Xianxian knew that Lin Feng was not a person who was aimless, let alone a gossip, so he explained: "The biggest difference between having internal energy and not having internal energy is internal energy." Experts can look at themselves, as for the realm, look at the dantian, if there is yellow true energy in the dantian, it has reached the early stage of the state of inquiry."

"How do you look inside?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"Hehe, if I become a master of internal strength one day, I will know my own realm!"

Duan Xianxian gave Lin Feng a white look, and said: "Do you think that inner strength is so easy to cultivate? There are countless people who practice martial arts in the world, but very few people can develop a sense of qi. Although you are born with supernatural power, you have also trained a boy gong, but these have nothing to do with whether you can develop a sense of qi."

That being said, Duan Xianxian taught Lin Feng how to look inside, perhaps because he had some expectations for Lin Feng in his heart.

According to what Duan Xianxian said, Lin Feng sat cross-legged, began to exhale, closed his eyes, and checked the inner sea of ​​his dantian with his spiritual consciousness.

After many attempts, Lin Feng finally succeeded in internal vision.

However, Lin Feng discovered that the zhenqi in the inner sea of ​​his dantian was not yellow, but blue.

Has the blue infuriating energy not yet reached the initial stage of the interrogation realm, or has it already surpassed the initial stage of the interrogation realm? Lin Feng felt a little uneasy.

"Xianxian, before the early stage of Wenjing, what color was the true energy in the dantian?"

"If you haven't entered the questioning realm, where does the true energy come from in the dantian?"

Lin Feng's heart trembled, he suppressed the tension in his heart, and asked: "Then what color is the true energy in the dantian in the middle stage of the question?"


red? ? In the middle stage of the questioning state, the true energy in the dantian was only red, and Lin Feng felt his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Then... What about the late stage of the interrogation stage?"


After finishing speaking, Duan Xianxian finally got a little impatient, and said to Lin Feng, "Do you know how difficult it is to develop a sense of qi? Developing a sense of qi does not mean that you will definitely be able to enter the early stage of the interrogation realm. Those who enter the early stage of the interrogation realm need at least ten years It takes more than the above time to enter the middle stage of Wenjing, and as for the late stage of Wenjing, it is already a legendary master of inner strength, and many people can't reach this level in their whole life."

Speaking of this, Duan Xianxian paused for a while, in order to prove that her point of view is not alarmist, and said: "Even if it is Master, it may not necessarily have entered the late stage of Wenjing."


Lin Feng finally couldn't help clenching his fists and cheering.

Late stage! I was looking forward to becoming a master of internal strength, but I didn't expect to become a late stage of internal strength.

"What's wrong with you?" Duan Xianxian glanced at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't help himself, grabbed Duan Xianxian's hand, and said, "My dear wife, thank you..."

"What did you say? Who is your wife?" Duan Xianxian was caught off guard by Lin Feng, and she immediately threw away her hand. She wanted to give Lin Feng a hard look, but when she met Lin Feng's gaze, there was no reason. Feeling flustered, he quickly glanced aside, and a blush quickly spread over his face.

Lin Feng was so excited, he couldn't choose what to say for a while, and expressed his feelings. At this time, he was also a little embarrassed, and smiled embarrassingly.

After a while of silence, Duan Xianxian was the first to break the silence and said, "You should call me Teacher Duan from now on."

Lin Feng knew that although Duan Xianxian had secretly promised her, she still rejected it in reality. After all, Duan Sirius died in her hands.

But Lin Feng is not afraid, he has already won Duan Xianxian's heart, and the cooked duck can't fly.

Lin Feng looked around the surrounding environment and said: "Your health is almost good now, you go to the left, you will enter a military base in about a month, don't fight with those soldiers, just say we know each other, you put us The closer your relationship is, the more polite they will be to you."

"What about you? Where are you going?"

"I still have things to deal with. You stay in the army for a while, and I will contact you when I finish handling things."

Duan Xianxian is not an indecisive person either. She is sure that the mythical killer will not give up chasing her. It is impossible for Lin Feng and herself to escape from birth. In fact, if Sansan didn't know that Lin Feng had boy skills Without knowing that Lin Feng was born with supernatural power, it is impossible for Lin Feng to win.

Since Lin Feng knew people in the army, it would be better to go to the army for a while first.

It's just that he didn't know who Lin Feng knew well in the army. Judging by his tone of voice, the person he knew seemed to have a lot of background, probably an officer above regimental rank.


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