Peach Blossom

Chapter 99:

In the night, Xiao Yuan did not go out to play, Jun Yao wrapped her in a thick blanket and coaxed her to sleep. The little tiger leaned against her arms, licked his paws, and looked up at Jun Yao from time to time.

The claws of a tiger are wider and fleshier than those of a cat. After licking it, she raised her front paws and asked Jun Yao to touch her paws. Jun Yao held her paws in her hands, the soft pads and soft fur were very comfortable to the touch.

Fortunately, although he was not enlightened, A Yuan's body was not damaged. Jun Yao is very happy.

Jun Yao was still holding her, and after half an hour, the little tiger was really asleep, and she was placed in her nest.

The little tiger fell asleep soundly, while Jun Yao was confused.

She Qizhi is because of Xianlu, and she has never taken Qizhidan, so she does not know how Qizhidan will work after entering the stomach. But she had met a hedgehog, Jing Qizhi, more than 2,000 years ago. After the Hedgehog Jing took Qizhi Pill, it was only a short while before it washed its essence and cut the marrow, the blood was smooth, and the mouth could spit human words.

Therefore, Qizhi Dan can open the wisdom, and there is no mistake.

Why did A Yuan take it all to no avail? Jun Yao thought about it, but had no idea. She didn't want to think that there was anything wrong with the little tiger, so she felt that the Qizhi Dan was not good and couldn't help.

However, although she is short-sighted, Jun Yao knows that Hu Lian dares to offer this medicine pill, which shows that there has never been a mistake before.

This thought makes Jun Yao even more embarrassed. If there is a secret technique, what is this secret technique? There is only one spirit beast in the world, and no one knows it.

Following this line of thought, Jun Yao finally thought a little when Dongfang vomited.

Spiritual beasts can be used as mounts, and they have supernatural powers to help people practice. Although spirit beasts were more common at that time than they are today, they are also treasures that are hard to come by.

Some patriarchs of immortal cultivators are proud of raising a white tiger.

Hu Lian said Qinglian Zhenjun is one of them, but he raised spirit beasts only to help him practice and survive the catastrophe, so there is nothing to say. Ten thousand years in the morning, there is a late Mahayana monk named Taoist Tanguang.

Tanguang Taoist is elegant and elegant, and he likes elegance. Not only did he keep a white tiger, but he also recorded the interesting experience of raising a white tiger in the spirit slip.

The so-called Lingjian, which is shaped like a rolled up bamboo slip, is used for writing, which can record exercises, deeds, or write some articles with monks who consider themselves elegant scholars like Taoist Tanguang. When in use, just stick the Lingjian to the forehead, and it can be read by the divine sense.

This is the method used by monks in ancient times to keep records, but it is not used by many people nowadays. Because the spiritual energy is precious, writing on the spiritual slips must consume a lot of spiritual energy.

Tanguang Taoist matter, it was Jun Yao who had transformed into a new form, wanted to find a foreign material, and went to the old site of Yiling Mountain in the past to search for it, but the foreign material was not found, so he picked up a few spiritual slips. The rest of the spiritual slips are all excellent exercises, but this one contains an ancient anecdote, referring to the story of Tanguang Taoist raising a white tiger.

Unfortunately, the spiritual slips written by Taoist Tanguang were not found together.

With this layer, it will not be helpless. Jun Yao wanted to find the Lingjian that recorded how to raise spirit beasts.

This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, except that Taoist Tanguang is a good beast, and records the interesting experience of raising white tigers in a book, there is no more information. Based on this matter alone, looking for that Lingjian is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Jun Yao said in her heart, and she also needed to know which school and faction Tanguang Taoist belonged to, which Lingshan Mountain was, and where the cave dwelling was. Lingjian is not paper, it will not be damaged easily, and it is such an elegant and interesting thing. It is not a practice method. It will not be robbed by others, and no one will destroy it. It is very likely that it is still in the cave where the Taoist practiced.

Being able to know where Tanguang Taoist cave dwelling is, this is half the matter.

Jun Yao pondered all night, and when she made up her mind, it was already bright and the little tiger woke up, struggled out of the thick blanket that wrapped her, and asked Jun Yao for breakfast.

Jun Yao raised her eyebrows, not as sad as yesterday.

Xiao Yuan came to her, she bent over and picked her up.

The little tiger quickly got ready, she remembered very clearly that the cat would always clean the kitten's fur in the morning. She thought that Jun Yao finally found her expectation and wanted to lick her, so she closed her eyes and waited for Jun Yao to lick her.

But still no.

Jun Yao tapped the tip of her nose, half helpless, half indulgent sighed, and said warmly: "If you were a tree, you would save countless troubles."

Xiao Yuan tilted her head, not seeming to understand.

Although there is a way, it is not easy to find Tanguang Taoist cave.

Jun Yao got up and went down to the kitchen, the little tiger followed her, halfway, and ran to the courtyard again, looking at the big tree that was pressed down by the white snow, with puzzled eyes The look on his face came, he didn't quite understand why this person wanted her to be a tree, could she be willing to lick her if she was a tree?

The little tiger is quite persistent and can't get what he wants, so he always keeps it in mind.

Standing in front of the tree for a while, Xiao Yuan turned and ran back to Jun Yao.

Breakfast is eggs, which she picked up in her nest yesterday when catching mountain pheasants. Jun Yao boiled two egg whites, peeled them off, took only the egg yolks, and heated the fish, and put them in a small plate together.

The little tiger liked it very much and ate it all in one go.

Jun Yao looked at her and thought to herself, if there is no trouble with her lifespan, then let her live forever in this wooden house in Taiyi Mountain and live such a secluded life with A Yuan, also willing.

After eating, Xiao Yuan spent a lot of time cleaning up for herself. Tigers are similar to cats, and they like cleanliness. She cleaned herself up, looked at Jun Yao for a long time, jumped forward, and licked Jun Yao.

Jun Yao played with her for a while, and then she had to think about the way to find the Taoist cave dwelling in Tanguang, so she let the little tiger play in the garden.

Jun Yao took out the Lingjian again and read it again.

After reading it carefully from beginning to end, Jun Yao confirmed that there are no other records related to Taoist Tanguang, but mentioned that it is not easy to raise spirit beasts. one step closer.

The so-called “road” means soaring.

Jun Yao recited this sentence in her heart, turned her head and looked out the window. Outside the window, the little tiger was spinning around a tree, and seemed to want to jump up, but she was small and had insufficient claws. She climbed up a few inches and then rolled down and fell into the snow. With a circle of snowflakes on his body, the little tiger shook his body, unwilling, and climbed again.

Jun Yao didn't know why she went to play with the tree today, but seeing her right in front of her, she could touch, touch, hug, her expression softened and she looked at her very tenderly .

In any case, it is important to enlighten A Yuan first.

The little tiger climbed the tree for a long time, but couldn't climb it, and was a little frustrated, thinking that this big man does seem to be stronger than her.

Thinking about this, the little tiger is not very happy.

Jun Yao used her divine sense to send all the demons to find the Taoist cave dwelling of Tanguang, and there was someone who could find it for her.

If you want to find that cave, rather than directly seeking simplicity, it is because the ancient Da Neng cave must have spells such as prohibitions. Although tens of thousands of years have passed, the spells may not fail. The demons are delayed here, it is better for her to take a trip by herself.

As soon as this order came out, the demon world was boiling.

In this world, who can be higher than the Peach Blossom Demon? The exercises in her hands are not vulgar. Cultivation, one depends on talent, and then on fate. No matter how high the talent is, if there is no good chance, it is useless to be able to obtain the magic weapon.

For a while, the demon world fell into a frenzy to find the Taoist cave dwelling of Tanguang.

Jun Yao continued to raise tigers on Mount Taiyi.

The little tiger is afraid of the cold and should not travel far, and she is young and fragile. Jun Yao has thought about it, and the demons will search for her for the time being. If there is still no result before the snow melts next year, she will search for it by herself.

Time flies by like an arrow.

Spring is here.

The little tiger has been playing with the tree all winter, and wanted to climb it, but after the winter passed, the little tiger took off his thick clothes and failed to do so.

Climbing the tree is hard. Xiao Yuan sharpened his claws and prepared for the next round of attack.

Jun Yao came out of the room, Xiao Yuan heard the sound and turned back quickly, seeing her approaching, she hurriedly lay down. Jun Yao leaned over and touched her, then looked at the scarred tree again.

Jun Yao smiled and said, "Don't be naughty."

"Woo~" The little tiger fell down and retracted its claws.

Jun Yao couldn't see her pitiful appearance, she held her in her arms and caressed her, and walked out, wanting to hunt a snow fox for Xiao Yuan's dinner.

The little tiger nestled in Junyao's arms, very happy, but not satisfied. When Junyao stopped stroking, she opened her mouth and said in a milky voice: "Yes, lick."

The author has something to say:

Jun Yao couldn't escape, so she had to reason with the little tiger: baby, you see I have no fur, only those with fur can lick each other.

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