Peach Blossom

Chapter 34:

It rained yesterday, and the air was very refreshing.

It fell all over the ground, and the greenery under the tree reflected red flowers, which became more and more gorgeous.

The king of Han was leaning on the window with one hand, and the acacia just fell on the back of her hand, and the red flowers reflected the snow skin. If it was replaced by someone else, it would be too charming and lewd, but this Highness had a pure and innocent temperament, and showed another kind of life. A totally different temptation.

The princess was so engrossed that she couldn't take her eyes away.

In this way, the safflower and snow skin will be separated, which is regrettable.

The princess sighed inwardly, turned her eyes back, and turned to King Han, who was also looking at her quietly, seeing her looking over, she quickly looked away, timid, and very guilty.

Seeing this, the princess thought for a while, and then she understood what the king of Han was thinking. In His Highness's pure temperament, he is very cautious. She must not remember what happened last night, and she didn't know how much she said, so she didn't dare to speak, lest she speak too hastily, and what she didn't say last night will leak out today.

Perceiving the eyes of the princess, the king of Han moved unnaturally, his dark eyes concealed a bit of tension, like a frightened little beast trapped in a trap, as if he was afraid that the princess would see it When the clue came, she bent her lips again, showing a well-behaved smile.

This matter still needs to be clearly stated, and it will be explained earlier, so that His Highness can be relieved earlier. The princess slowed down her tone: "Although Your Highness is in an unfavorable situation, you shouldn't have to go away to avoid disaster."

Hearing what the princess said, her eyebrows fell. She pursed her lips, trying to say something, but felt powerless.

Thinking of these few days of worrying and working hard, but still not getting things done, the King of Han is both sad and self-blaming, hating himself for being useless.

The princess raised her hand and lightly touched the jade crown on King Han's hair. King Han's eyes were red, the guilt almost crushed her small body, and her eyes were full of love for the princess. apology. It was clear that she didn't do anything bad, but she still took all the responsibilities.

Suddenly, the king of Han raised his head. At this time, it is useless to feel uncomfortable and blame yourself, and it is useless to cry. Since she did something wrong, it is up to her to make up for it. King Han held back his tears and tried his best to restrain his panic.

The princess put her hand on the back of hers as if comforting. Han Wang's hands trembled, and his eyes suddenly became hot. Now that she has said it, she doesn't want to hide it.

"The imperial husband is very skilled in medicine. Since he has taken the pulse with me, he must have already understood it. Your Majesty..." Han Wang paused, and the sadness in his eyes deepened, "It is very suspicious, it is best to have it as well. I suspect that I am pretending to be a prince, with ulterior motives, if I suffer more, I am afraid that I will be judged that I am not the blood of the late emperor."

The princess knew that she was in trouble, but she didn't expect it to be this one. Thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. His Highness has never been in trouble on weekdays, but this time the court situation has stabilized again. The emperor has been firmly seated on the throne, and the whole court has treated His Highness up and down, and has also become tolerant. In such a situation, this is the only thing that can make His Highness so panic.

She tried her best to restrain her sadness, but she was afraid that she could not hide her well and would reveal her panic, so she simply raised her face and looked confident: "Although there are dangers, but I am also the king of Han, to convict me, there must be something It's a reasonable name. It involves the royal secrets, and your Majesty will be embarrassed. Once you are in trouble, there will be a turnaround."

She said, looking at the princess, the determination in her eyes gradually turned soft, the princess always took care of her on weekdays, she couldn't do anything well, it was a big event like yesterday, and it was full of mistakes. The king of Han was very depressed, but his soft face was still tight, and he tried to take on the posture of the head of the family, saying: "The time is very dangerous, and you must not take a wrong step. You are in the capital, and you will definitely distract me. It's better to avoid it for the time being, and I'll pick you up for reunion once you're done."

She seldom speaks so solemnly, but once she puts on the air, she is very presentable, and has the majesty of a prince. When the princess met her bright black eyes, the king of Han dodged subconsciously, and hurriedly straightened his posture again, showing a calm and composed look, allowing her to look at it.

The princess was silent.

How can the kingship of the world trap her? However, His Royal Highness did not know that she thought disaster was imminent, and she wanted to keep her safe with all her heart.

His Royal Highness is a very timid person. When King Teng was imprisoned for interrogation, the Ministry of Punishment asked her to confront her. When she came back, she told her that Tianjing was gloomy and terrifying. It seemed that just thinking about it was extremely terrifying. I don't know that when she spent the past two days planning to send her away, she thought about herself, recalled the horror of the Heavenly Prison, and thought about what would happen if she was also imprisoned in that eerie and terrifying Heavenly Prison.

I don't know how tormented she is in her heart, so she came to make plans for her.

The king of Han didn't get a response from the princess for a long time, so he was very anxious. When the princess didn't speak, she could never guess what she was thinking. In the past, she knew that the princess treated her well, no matter what she wanted, she would always make her wish, even if she didn't speak, she couldn't guess her mind, she wasn't afraid, the princess was always accustomed to her. However this time is different.

Han Wang tried his best to think about it, and wanted to come up with another way. The warmth of her palm remained the same. When King Han was stunned, she was caught off guard, and the tears fell. She quickly wiped it away and regained her stern face. "If you don't agree, I will have to order the guards in the palace to **** you there!"

Although she is not good, there are several loyal servants in the house. The princess, the weak woman, is definitely powerless to resist.

She thought that what she said was extremely severe and would definitely make the princess sad, but the princess only slightly frowned, looked at her, and called her softly like a sigh: "Your Highness ."

The princess bypassed the cases between them, walked to the king of Han, and took her hand. The King of Han pursed his lips and said nothing. Her eyes were dark, but she was still determined, but she didn't dare to look at the princess again, for fear that she would be reluctant to send her away.

The princess sat down beside her and said softly, "Your Highness, tell me about that day."

Han Wang was silent for a moment, and she could not help listening to the princess, so she told the situation of that day again. How did His Majesty summon her, how did he bring up to check with her, how did she refuse, how did His Majesty and the royal husband insist, and how did the royal husband remain calm after taking the pulse.

She has a good memory, remembers it clearly, and speaks it out very clearly.

After saying that, the king of Han frowned slightly, and his words were full of frustration: "I thought it was the emperor's medical skills that were superficial and had not been diagnosed. Eunuch, he replied, the imperial husband is highly skilled in medicine, and even the imperial physicians in the Imperial Physician's Office are rare."

With such advanced medical skills, how can you not tell whether the person being treated is male or female.

Han Wang lowered his head and looked at the princess holding her hand, white as fat, delicate and flawless, holding her hand, the strength is not heavy, just a light effort, you can earn Kai, but the King of Han was reluctant to move, and only hoped that A Yao could shake hands with her for a while.

The princess looked calm and thoughtful. There is always a reason for everything. The emperor was so focused on the government, why did he suddenly have a heart for His Highness?

Although the princess was in the house, she was more distracted than the king of Han in court affairs. After thinking about it for a while, I remembered that the emperor had no son, and the ministers made several remarks, imploring the emperor to establish a servant, and even the prime minister has persuaded him every day.

It must be because of this, that the first emperor's sons are left with only His Royal Highness. Knowing that there is no hope for an heir, the emperor turned his attention to His Highness. Remembering that His Royal Highness had been married for several years, especially when there was no news, he summoned her and ordered the royal husband to see her.

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