Peach Youth

Chapter 134: Unexpectedly interesting

Lin Feng has received this picture at least dozens of times in the past, most of which were received by the author group and reader group. He was already immune to this shocking but also very original impulse-stimulating picture. This picture has an unexpected effect on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was a little impulsive by the thunder, and sent a message to the past, shemale, you haven't returned to Thailand yet?

Yangchun Baixue: What did you stinky boy say? Who are shemales? Believe it or not I broke your three legs?

Lin Feng: You want to break my three legs again? What are my three legs getting in your way? I didn't kick you with my left and right legs, and I didn't push you with my calves.

Yangchun Baixue: I x, you rascal, look at my nickname and be silent for three minutes, I'm Yangchun Baixue, I'm beautiful and elegant, don't use your vulgarity to destroy me

Lin Feng: You are Yangchun Baixue, what happened? You have to use sanitary napkins when you have your period, and you have to use paper towels when you go to the bathroom.

Yangchun Baixue: It's disgusting, you bastard, I started to formally consider whether to block you or not

Lin Feng: Then take your time to think about it, I'm coding!

Mysterious netizen Yangchun Baixue seems to know him, but also doesn't seem to know him. Sometimes he lies on the bed and thinks about him carefully. He always feels that Yangchun Baixue knows him, but suddenly he feels that he is too careless. Maybe Yangchun Baixue doesn't know him at all.

Lin Feng tapped the keyboard and hummed a song he liked very much. Who is Mona Lisa? Did she search for love several times? Her smile is so mysterious and beautiful, maybe she has also traveled through the mountains of love. Wanshui

Who is Yangchun Baixue? Has she ever been in love, is she looking for love? She always likes to smile or always like to be cold, what is her past road like? Is it a path dotted with wildflowers or an asphalt road with tall buildings?

Lin Feng quickly clicked on Yangchun Baixue's avatar and sent a message - I know you are Shen Bingqian, stop pretending to be a ghost

Yangchun Baixue——Has your head been flattened by a woman's big butt? Who is Shen Bingqian? How can you compare her to me? didn't you see it? I am Yangchunbaixue

Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. From the news from Yangchun Baixue just now, he could be sure that Yangchun Baixue was not Shen Bingqian. Lin Feng was very concerned about Shen Bingqian's current situation in Beijin, but Lin Feng did not want to have too many disputes with Shen Bingqian.

Everything in the past is enough, we don't need to have new stories for each other, but life is very tricky, maybe he and Shen Bingqian will have new stories in the future

Lin Feng - Yangchun Baixue and Xia Liba people are diametrically opposed, but they are opposites. Maybe you, Yangchun Baixue, will be given to Xia Liba people one day.

Yangchun Baixue - are you implying that you will meet me one day? You can't touch me, do you want to use that thing to face me on the computer screen? Don't spray on the screen and ruin your machine

Lin Feng almost fainted, and blew a breath at Yangchun Baixue's dialog box - you are very interesting, in fact, I like chatting with you very much.

Yangchun Baixue—hmm, hooligan, go and fight!

Lin Feng started coding again. It wasn't until 1:00 in the morning that he only typed 6,000 words, which was 4,000 words short of his goal, but he didn't want to struggle until 2:00 a.m. or even in the early morning...

If my mother went to the bathroom at two o'clock in the morning and saw the lights in his room, she would feel sorry for him, and she would love him

Lying on the bed, closed his eyes slightly, what flashed in Lin Feng's mind was the scene of him and Wang Xiaoqian kissing

When he had a crush on Wang Xiaoqian in junior high school, Lin Feng wanted to hold her hand and kiss her cheek, but he only slapped Wang Xiaoqian twice.

Years passed. When Wang Xiaoqian changed from a proud and frivolous school girl to a divorced woman, he squeezed Wang Xiaoqian's chest through the clothes and kissed Wang Xiaoqian's red lips passionately.

Very sweet and very**

Lin Feng was deeply stimulated by Wang Xiaoqian's beauty and style, and suddenly wanted to do something with this divorced woman, but she was afraid it would hurt her.

She had a crush before, even if she didn't get it, she couldn't easily hurt her now. Lin Feng knew that Wang Xiaoqian needed care, but she wasn't sure what kind of care she needed.

Wang Xiaoqian is still very mad now, but the madness at this time is the madness that has suffered losses. It is different from the unbridled madness in the past. For women, being vulnerable and being strong are not contradictory. Maybe Wang Xiaoqian will be strong for a lifetime, but her heart is also will be fragile forever

Wang Xiaoqian kept saying that this was the case in her life, maybe she was already looking for a next home for herself in her heart, maybe she really wanted to find a reliable man to marry, but he was not suitable for this man.

A few days later

In three days it will be the Spring Festival. The taste of the New Year in Shuiqing County is getting heavier and heavier. The county town is full of New Year's goods. Many villagers come to the county to buy New Year's goods.

In the past, the Spring Festival couplets were written by people who could write with calligraphy. Now many of them are printed. Since Lin Feng entered the second year of junior high school, he has written the Spring Festival couplets at home every year. Lin Feng’s calligraphy cannot be compared with calligraphers. , but it looks very pleasing

If Lin Feng became a celebrity, some people might say he was a calligrapher

Lin Feng put on the leather shoes given to him by the junior high school flower Shen Bingqian, which fit very well and were very comfortable. Walking on the streets of the county town, seeing the people busy buying New Year's goods, he felt very special.

The reason why people are very busy during the Spring Festival, buy all kinds of New Year goods, and even spend all the money they earn in one year, in order to make auspiciousness, the better the days, the better the New Year's Eating is to eat all year. Okay, spending a lot of money during the Chinese New Year is just wanting to spend a lot of money every day of the year.

Lin Feng went to the Beihuan New Town and saw dozens of buildings with a dozen or more floors, which had a bit of a big city atmosphere, but this is a small county town with an economy in the middle and lower reaches of the country. Billionaires exist, but there are not many people who are really rich. A family can be considered rich by taking a few million

It may be that the county seat is too small, and unknowingly, Lin Feng turned to Guliu Street again, which is in stark contrast with Beihuan New Town. The buildings are all two or three floors old, but there are more people coming and going here. stronger flavor

The mood of visiting Guliu Street this time is very different from the last time. I really wanted to meet Wang Xiaoqian last time, but Lin Feng did not want to meet Wang Xiaoqian this time. The leather shoes on his feet are of good quality, and Wang Xiaoqian gave them to him. But he was afraid that Wang Xiaoqian would see him wearing these shoes

It was almost time for Qianlima Shoe City. Lin Feng deliberately walked to the other side of the street. There were pedestrians passing by and stalls selling New Year's goods.

Lin Feng thought that Wang Xiaoqian did not find him, and even thought that Wang Xiaoqian was not in the shoe city, but went to play mahjong with his friends.

Wang Xiaoqian is the same age as Lin Feng, and is three months older than Lin Feng in terms of months, but Wang Xiaoqian has been gambling for a long time. Since the second year of junior high, she has been sitting on the pool table in the pool hall with a group of people making golden flowers. Sometimes Win money, sometimes slap in the face

If she wins, she will slap the boy in the face. If the boy won but dare not slap her in the face, she will be kicked by her feet if the slap hurts.

There was a girl who played Zhajinhua with Wang Xiaoqian once before. That girl was crazy too, but compared to Wang Xiaoqian, she was not on the same level.

Originally, it was good to slap the winner, and the winner should not slap the loser too hard, but when Wang Xiaoqian won, she did not slap the girl, but asked the girl to stand and pee.

There were several other boys playing with them, and they all laughed when they heard Wang Xiaoqian's request.

The girl refused to stand to urinate, so Wang Xiaoqian slapped her nose, and the pungent taste of the nose blood spurted her to burst into tears.

Wang Xiaoqian was still reluctant, grabbed her arm and pulled her to a corner. The girl might have been frightened, she just stood there and urinated. She wet her shorts and trousers, and the nosebleed stopped. , but crying

Later, the girl who was standing and urinating became a teacher of the No. 2 Middle School. She taught English. Every time she went to Wang Xiaoqian's shoe store to buy shoes, she could get it at the purchase price. Later, Zhang went to prison, and she was married. Wang Xiaoqian is not gloating, but she also said a lot of things that made Wang Xiaoqian feel very uncomfortable.

When Wang Xiaoqian cried that time, she cried in the arms of that woman, crying very sadly.

Lin Feng soon found out that he was wrong. When he was almost fifty meters away from Qianlima Shoes City, he felt that someone was following him. When he looked back, he saw that it was Wang Xiaoqian.

A small suit, leather pants and leather boots, like a **** queen, the moment Lin Feng turned around, Wang Xiaoqian gave him a dazed smile.

Lin Feng said, do you also go shopping?

Wang Xiaoqian said, follow your back

Lin Feng said that in junior high school, I followed your back. If I saw you walking in front, I might follow you for a while, and I would be very excited when I saw you playing from a distance.

Wang Xiaoqian said, don't talk about these things on the street, let's go to Beishan for such a beautiful topic.

Beishan is a good place

Beishan is not very far from the city, you can get there in less than 20 minutes by bicycle, and it will not take too long to walk.

Lin Feng said Drive your car?

Wang Xiaoqian said, do not drive

Lin Feng said, go by bicycle?

Wang Xiaoqian said, do not ride a bicycle

That is to walk. Lin Feng actually wanted to walk to Beishan. He was neither afraid of cold nor tired. Walking with Wang Xiaoqian would be very pleasant.

But what Lin Feng thought was that Wang Xiaoqian was not in the mood to be romantic with him, so he proposed to drive or ride a bicycle, but to his surprise, Wang Xiaoqian really wanted to be romantic with him.

Lin Feng and Wang Xiaoqian quickly walked out of the noisy city and onto the path to Beishan.

Lin Feng handed Wang Xiaoqian a soft bag of Yellow Crane Tower 1916. Wang Xiaoqian was startled, frowned slightly and said, "You smoke such a good cigarette?" My dad doesn't usually smoke this kind of cigarettes. Now that it's New Year's Eve, soft-pack Chinese and soft-pack Su cigarettes are placed on the coffee table at home.

Lin Feng said that it was given by a friend. It's New Year's Eve, so it's better to keep it in your pocket. Although your father and your mother gave birth to such a beautiful daughter as soon as they slept, your father still can't compare with me.

Wang Xiaoqian said, you are crazy, if you were in junior high school, even if you knew kung fu, would you dare to talk to me like that?

Lin Feng said, if it was in junior high school, I don't know if I dared. To be honest, many people were afraid of you at that time, and I was a little afraid of you, but it's true, I won't be afraid of you, even if I am now, I am not afraid of you. But I want to be crazy. I want to take a special way to be crazy to many people. For example, when I wave my wrist, I wear a Rolex. When I press my finger, it locks the Mercedes-Benz door, and when I take off my pants, I rush in. The body of a beauty star, but I am a dang silk!

Invincible Dragon welcomes you, welcomes you again, remember us,


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