Peach Youth

Chapter 158: more surprising

After Lin Feng's editor-in-chief Ai Wen returned to the company, she told the general manager Fu Xinkui and editor-in-chief Ouyang Bin what she had learned from Lin Feng.

Both Fu Xinkui and Ouyang Bin thought that even if Lin Feng and Yang Chun Baixue had never met before, they could be considered acquaintances after chatting online for so long.

In this way, the situation is more confusing. There are three possible situations. First, Lin Feng joins Yangchun Baixue to hype; second, Yangchun Baixue has plans for Lin Feng, or has a good impression of Lin Feng, and takes the initiative to help him hype, without discussing with Lin Feng in advance; The third type, Yangchun Baixue gave Lin Feng a reward and did not intend to hype, but just wanted to send money to Lin Feng

General Manager Fu Xinkui said that the first two possibilities are very high, but the third possibility is very small. If Yangchun Baixue just wants to send money to Lin Feng, she can directly call Lin Feng's card and use this kind of card. In the way of reward, Lin Feng can only get 50 of them, and half of the 100,000 yuan spent by Yangchun Baixue as a reward belongs to the company.

Editor-in-chief Ai Wen said that it is possible that Yangchun Baixue wanted to give Lin Feng money, but Lin Feng didn't want it. That's why he used this reward method to make Lin Feng not want it.

Fu Xinkui nodded and said, according to your analysis just now, the third possibility is also very high. Editor-in-chief Ouyang, what do you think?

Ouyang Bin had always been thoughtful just now, when general manager Fu Xinkui asked him, he snorted and smiled: "I think there is a fourth possibility, that is, Yang Chun Baixue wants to use this to hype herself. , making her a reader a celebrity in the online novel world."

Ouyang Bin's idea was immediately rejected by Fu Xinkui, because Yang Chun and Baixue's registration information were all untrue, and at a glance, he knew that it was not his real information, and even the recharged account was not his own, so he did not hype his own. possibility

In other words, the high profile of Yangchun Baixue is actually played under the premise of low-key.

At the end of the discussion, the suspicion of Lin Feng's hype could not be ruled out, but the company's management and editorial team were not very disgusted. After all, this kind of thing has never happened before, and the quality of Lin Feng's books is indeed very good.

Lin Feng is still far from being a famous master of XX. He can only be regarded as a small god. As far as the manuscript fee he gets, that is, the standard of a small god, he is not even a middle god, but his books are of high quality. , From the plot to the writing, he can be compared with the first-line gods, but his popularity is not enough, and the future development potential is huge

Maybe this time will be a great opportunity for Lin Feng

But Lin Feng's mind is very clear, even if the sensational effect that Yangchun Baixue helped him create is very strong, it will last for a period of time, and whether his book can be published or not will ultimately depend on the quality

Readers are not fools. Readers have a steel scale in their hearts. If his book is good, and more readers follow after this sensation, his grades will have a qualitative leap. It's okay to flip the public version, it's unlikely to convert into his paying readers

In the afternoon, Lin Feng and Dai Nan went to buy wallpaper and floor tiles. They planned to put wallpaper on the four walls that were already outdated, and then replace the broken floor tiles, even if it was a simple decoration.

Lin Feng's code words are usually in the afternoon and evening. There are not many code words in the morning, so he wants to use the wallpaper tomorrow morning, but Dai Nan is very impatient, and he has to do it tonight.

Lin Feng can understand Dai Nan's mood very well. He can only give up the time to code words and put up wallpaper with Dai Nan.

The process of pasting wallpaper is very simple, but it is also a technical task to paste the wallpaper. Lin Feng and Dai Nan have never done this before.

Standing in the 30-square-meter front room, Dai Nan, who is about to become the boss, has a great sense of accomplishment. When she was the lead dancer in the Meng Feiyang disco, she did not expect that one day she would be free from the peer-to-peer game, let alone. Thinking, she will partner with a boy to open a shop

Dai Nan looked at Lin Feng's face and showed a wicked smile, as if she could throw herself into Lin Feng's arms at any time and become enthusiastic: "Can you do it? Ai and we have never done this before, don't treat such a good Bad wallpaper"

Lin Feng said that although I have never posted wallpaper before, I have written the story of wallpapering before. In order to write the story well, I checked some information, because the story was written by myself, so I was very impressed, so I decided to Come according to that procedure, and you give me a hand

Dai Nan felt that Lin Feng's so-called experience was just talking on paper, but Lin Feng was more confident than her. The wallpaper he bought was beautiful and of good quality. Dai Nan did not want to waste it

Lin Feng's performance was excellent. He didn't look like a novice in wallpapering, but an old hand, as if he had pasted wallpapers at least ten times before.

Dai Nan gave Lin Feng a fight. Seeing Lin Feng's unimaginable performance, she was very excited and called Lin Feng several times in a row, dear.

Every time I heard Dai Nan calling him my dear, Lin Feng felt very strange, but he didn't remind Dai Nan not to call him that, anyway, it was just for fun. If Dai Nan wanted to call him, let her call it.

When I was busy until midnight, I finished about 50 posts. If I posted the rest, I would be busy until the early morning...

Lin Feng said, I'll be here tonight, and I'll talk about the rest tomorrow morning. I want to go back to my novel, and then find some inspiration codes to write.

Dai Nan said, "Okay, then let's go back. I don't know if that Yangchun Baixue has rewarded you again."

Lin Feng said that she was crazy enough last night, she actually rewarded me 10 million*, which is equivalent to 100,000 Chinese dollars. If she continues to be crazy tonight, I will go crazy

Lin Feng didn't say that Yangchun Baixue would definitely not be crazy tonight, because he wasn't sure.

Back in the partition room, Lin Feng didn't have time to change his clothes. The first thing he did was to turn on the computer and then open his book pages.

Lin Feng immediately felt a dizziness, the sky and the earth were spinning, and Nan also screamed at the same time.

This night, Yangchun Baixue went crazy again, and rewarded Lin Feng again with 10 million*, which made Lin Feng's book review area become red, and the comments of other readers also increased significantly.

The click data of Lin Feng's novels is more than five times that of the time when he is usually not recommended, and even more than when he is recommended on the website. to express surprise, there are all kinds of arguments

Sitting on the chair, Lin Feng was dumbfounded, and the hot sweat dripped from his forehead. Dai Nan's heart was shaking. She took out a shampoo and wiped off the hot sweat on Lin Feng's forehead. She smiled and said, "Yangchun Baixue is too interesting to you." , I seriously doubt you've satisfied her before, you made her too comfortable, so she just found the right moment to explode

Lin Feng said, Dai Nan, as a good friend, I promise you, let alone Yangchun Baixue, I have never seen her, who knows what happened to her? It turned out to be 20 million tips for me two nights in a row*

Dai Nan said, that is to talk about feelings on the Internet, and Yangchun Baixue is very rich, so I will give you money to play

Lin Feng's face changed greatly after seeing the chat friends, and she said incredulously, "Yangchun Baixue disappeared, she deleted me"

Dai Nan was surprised and said, "No way?" She has tipped you so much money, how could she delete you?

Dai Nan looked at all of Lin Feng's friends, and it was true that Yangchun Baixue was gone. At the same time, he was sure that Yangchun Baixue didn't change his nickname, but disappeared.

Lin Feng lit a cigarette and took a sigh, sighing lightly: "Maybe this is all Yangchun Baixue thought in advance, and he doesn't want to continue chatting with me. Before deleting me, he helped me hype it once, and it was also given to me. a benefit"

Dai Nan said, it seems that in the process of chatting with you, Yangchun Baixue got a lot of fun, and she feels very good about you

Lin Feng took another puff of cigarette and said, maybe, unfortunately, until she disappeared from my chat friends, I never saw her, not even a chance to invite her to dinner.

Dai Nan added: "I haven't found a chance to take off her panties."

Lin Feng glanced at Dai Nan's face, Dai Nan quickly explained, I was just joking, don't be angry

Lin Feng said, I know you were joking just now, but I'm not joking, I really want to invite Yangchun Baixue to dinner

Dai Nan grabbed Lin Feng's hand and smiled: "Don't be sad, although she deleted you from the chat friends, the two of you may meet in real life in the future, from netizens to real good friends or even real friends. boyfriend and girlfriend"

Lin Feng said, how likely do you think this is?

Dai Nan said,

Lin Feng said, but why do I think it's not big?

Dai Nan said, although your brain is very there are times when you can't feel it, just wait and see, the situation I just said will come true

It would be great if we could see spring and snow in real life in the future

Lin Feng said, I don't know if Yangchun Baixue will read my book in the future.

Dai Nan said that she would

Lin Feng also continued to read his books. It is best to find pleasure in his books, just like chatting with him back then.

Looking at the current situation, Lin Feng's book is much better than before, but I don't know how long this state can last. If it can last for two months or more, then his book will be a big hit.

Dai Nan touched Lin Feng's arm: "It gives me the impression that you have a good memory, don't you remember Yangchun Baixue's chat number?"

Lin Feng said, I can remember

Dai Nan said, look it up and try adding it again.

Lin Feng said, no need to check, since she deleted me, she just doesn't want to chat with me, and her chat account level is not very high. She used to be online for a short time, so she probably didn't chat with others before chatting with me. Well, I guess I won't use this number to chat in the future.

Dai Nan said that Yangchun Baixue has a lot of personality

Lin Feng said, but I don't know who she is, it's better not to be Black Rose, otherwise it will be a nightmare after excitement.

Dai Nan stayed in Lin Feng's room until one o'clock in the morning, and kept chatting with Lin Feng. When he went out, he said to Lin Feng, you should go to bed earlier, stop typing, and you will have to put up wallpaper in the morning. If you sleep late and can't get up, i will be angry

Lin Feng said, don't worry, I won't sleep late, I set off to the store on time at eight in the morning.


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