Peach Youth

Chapter 322: Pure touching and charming fragrance

Liu Miao said: "The reason why I want to talk to you about Lin Feng is because you have an unusual relationship with him. Now there are many people in the school who speculate that you are Lin Feng's girlfriend, but I know that you are not his daughter. As for my friend, what I want to tell you is that Lin Feng is a good man, capable, courageous, righteous, and promising. Even if such a man is a little romantic, he is very responsible and reliable. He is stronger than those sanctimonious hypocrites. More, you have to catch him!

Liu Miao's evaluation of Lin Feng was so high, which was beyond Tian Qingzhu's imagination. Liu Miao loved Meng Zhiwei, and Lin Feng repaired Meng Zhiwei. With Liu Miao's indiscriminate character, she should hate Lin Feng especially, but Liu Miao was right. Miao admired Lin Feng so much.

Tian Qingzhu didn't ask her why she admired Lin Feng so much, but just smiled and said, "Thank you for your reminder."

Liu Miao stared at Tian Qingzhu's face for a long time, and smiled relievedly: "Since the freshman year, I have been very unconvinced by you, I think you are not as good as me in all aspects except your face and body, but you are admitted to school. Soon she became the school girl. The president of the student union and the minister of the sports department showed their admiration for you one after another. Later, there were more people who pursued her and who had a crush on her, including the rich and young, gentlemen and handsome men, and elites in the society. People! But as for me, I always wanted to make a splash, but it was nothing more than some negative news. When I mentioned me, people around me didn't think of being beautiful and splendid. Although there are old students leaving and new students coming, you are still the school girl, and I am still a **** in the eyes of everyone. But I also understand you, I am really not as good as you. Not only do I admire Lin Feng, I also admire you very much , I really hope you can come together with Lin Feng."

Tian Qingzhu was very moved, her tears flowed out, and her slender and full body shook gently.

Liu Miao actually wiped away the tears from the corners of Tian Qingzhu's eyes, smiled at her and ran away.

Tian Qingzhu was still leaning against the trees in the woods. At this time, the shadow of Lin Feng flashed in her mind, and Lin Feng helped her deal with the figure of the rogue. There is also the scene of Lin Feng kissing her passionately.

Very sweet and heart-warming, Tian Qingzhu even wanted to shout, Lin Feng, I love you, so that everyone in Beijin Normal University could hear her shout.

But she just shouted in her heart, and didn't really shout out, after she walked out of the woods. Tian Qingzhu's footsteps were very slow, and it took more than half an hour to walk to Fengnan Fashion Store.

Dai Nan was introducing things to customers, and when he looked back, he saw Tian Qingzhu coming, smiled at her and continued to introduce to customers.

If it is normal, even if it is not the time when she is working as a part-time shopping guide, she will come over and introduce to customers with Dai Nan. But she didn't have that mood at all at this time, because her thoughts were all on Lin Feng.

Sitting on the chair next to the cashier, Tian Qingzhu's face was blurred, as if something unbelievable had happened to her just now, and her breathing was a little uneven. With her breathing, her high chest rose and fell gently. There was a wave that was easy to make people excited about.

Two customers went out. One of them spent more than 150 yuan to buy a bag, which made Dai Nan very happy. Dai Nan settled the bill and said with a smile, "Qingzhu, why did you come here? Are you here to help me or I want to come and see if Lin Feng is here."

Hearing the name Lin Feng again, Tian Qingzhu's tears flowed out like spring water. Dai Nan didn't know what to do with such a rapid burst of tears, so he quickly comforted her: "Qingzhu, don't cry, no matter what happens. Whatever happens, Lin Feng has the ability to deal with it."

Tian Qingzhu choked and said: "But I really want to see Brother Feng, I'm afraid that he has already encountered danger."

Dai Nan said: "Actually, I have already figured out where Lin Feng went, but that person is difficult to deal with."

Tian Qingzhu said anxiously, "Who is that person?"

Dai Nan said: "Leaves."

Tian Qingzhu said: "What do you mean, Brother Feng let the eldest Miss Ye Ye of Hongtu Company take away?"

Dai Nan nodded.

Tian Qingzhu said, "Why did Ye Ye take Lin Feng away?"

Dai Nan sighed lightly: "It's all in the past, this is Lin Feng's privacy, I can't tell you easily, maybe he will tell you later, if he doesn't say it, don't ask, in short, you know that Lin Feng is a good person It's enough to be a person worthy of your life."

Tian Qingzhu bit his lip and nodded, then said, "Sister Nan, are you looking for Brother Feng?"

Dai Nan said: "I'll let you see it, forget it, I originally planned to close the roller shutter in the afternoon, why don't you help me take care of the business in the store, I'll go talk to Ye Zi, if there's anything here, Just call Li Xinghuo, the young master of Jinwu Center, didn't I let you save Li Xinghuo's phone number last time?"

"Oh, I have his phone number."

A few days ago, Dai Nan told Tian Qingzhu that Li Xinghuo used to be a very rambunctious person, but since he and Lin Feng became good friends, Li Xinghuo has changed a lot, and Li Xinghuo has always been very loyal to his friends. Man, it's always right to ask him for help with anything, so Tian Qingzhu also saved Li Xinghuo's phone number.

Although it was only ten o'clock in the morning, Dai Nan had already started to think about it. If Ye Ye promised to see her, what should he say, Ye Zi was a very special person, and it was necessary to pay attention to skills in communicating with Ye Zi.

Maybe Ye Zi will listen to her attentively, maybe Ye Zi will despise her, and it is estimated that she may despise her even more.

In Ye Zi's private villa, Lin Feng was so angry with Sister Wang just now that this charming and charming woman didn't come down after she went upstairs. I don't know if she was not even in the mood to cook lunch.

Lin Feng walked upstairs and knocked on the door of Sister Wang's room. Sister Wang was changing her pants. At this time, the new pants were already on her slender legs and she was pulling upwards, but there was no protection yet. It was soft and moist.

Hearing the knock on the door, Sister Wang immediately became nervous and quickly put on her trousers. At that moment, Lin Feng pushed open the door and walked in. The large spring light in front of him almost made him faint, and he saw Sister Wang. The slender and tender thighs, especially the thighs, were extraordinarily provocative. At the same time, he could see clearly that Sister Wang was wearing black trousers.

"Get out!" Sister Wang was not normally angry.

Lin Feng quickly backed out, closed the door, and said in his heart, "Damn it, how do I know that a charming woman like you is changing her pants, otherwise I would have come half a minute earlier, I didn't even knock on the door, I just saw your moist place.

At the same time, Lin Feng can also imagine that if this happens, Sister Wang may even have the heart to kill him, so it is inevitable to complain to Ye Ye.

Lin Feng sat down on the sofa in the living room and panicked, wondering if Sister Wang, a woman who was so elegant that she never seemed to get mad, would become hysterical.

Almost ten minutes later, Lin Feng heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Sister Wang walked down. Not only did she change into new pants, she also changed into a long pink dress.

Sister Wang is a very mature woman, her body is mature, her mind is mature, and the pink long dress adds a dreamy romance to her maturity.

Maybe she's wearing this pink dress for the sake of beauty.

Maybe she's wearing this pink dress for memory.

Until now, Lin Feng only knew that Sister Wang was a divorced woman, but he didn't know much about Sister Wang's past, and he didn't know who and what happened if Sister Wang recalled it.

Sister Wang came over and said coldly, "Lin Feng, I warn you, you are not allowed to enter my room casually, even if you want to enter, you have to wait for me to open the door for you after knocking on the door. I opened the door for you and opened it myself, so what's the use of knocking on the door?"

Lin Feng said: "I remember when I was in high school, if I was late for class and saw the teacher was giving a lecture on the podium, I called a report, and if he ignored me, I would push the door and go in by myself. I remember when I was in college, if When I was late for class and saw the teacher was giving a lecture on the podium, I didn't even call for a report, I just pushed the door open and walked in."

Sister Wang said: "You little bastard, you are mad at me, what you broke into is not the classroom, but my bedroom, I am not your teacher, I am the nanny of this villa, and I am a private person. nanny."

Lin Feng said: "Then what happened just now..."

Sister Wang said: "I forgot all about it, but I don't want you to mess around like this in the future. Don't think that no matter what you do, I will be very patient. If you make me lose patience, I won't be able to eat it. Go, you have to be clear, people who don’t get angry easily are very powerful once they get angry, like me!”

Lin Feng said: "Okay."

Sister Wang said: "I'm going to cook, you are not allowed to appear in the kitchen, otherwise you won't want to eat lunch."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and Sister Wang walked towards the kitchen with elegant Lin Fengxin said, a woman as talented as you must be very skilled, you should be on your own in Hongtu Company, But why did you go to Ye Zi's private villa to be a nanny?

Lin Feng soon wanted to be Ye Qingchen, Ye Qingchen's father, a successful man who likes beautiful women. He didn't know if there was any entanglement between Sister Wang's past and Ye Qingchen.

After a brief thought, Lin Feng quickly ruled out this possibility. Maybe when Ye Qingchen saw Sister Wang, that thing was tough, but there should be no emotional entanglement between him and Sister Wang, otherwise, Sister Wang would not Appeared in the private villa of the leaves.

Everything has a cause and then an effect. The causal relationship of Sister Wang's appearance here must be very complicated.

But there is one thing that Lin Feng is absolutely certain of. Having a good relationship with Sister Wang, a charming and charming woman, will do him no harm at all.

I annoyed Sister Wang just now. Although Sister Wang did not punish him severely, she must have felt very uncomfortable. Lin Feng planned to show her when Sister Wang was cooking. Just now, Sister Wang said that he would not be allowed to go to the kitchen, but he did. Well, it should be nothing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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