Peach Youth

Chapter 336: Lin Feng and the dance forest master are intoxicated together

In Sister Wang's eyes, Lin Feng is just a big boy. Even if he listens to her previous stories, he may not really understand her. Even if he writes online novels and has conceived many plots in life before, he may not really understand her. s story.

Sister Wang said: "I am indeed a woman with a lot of stories, but I don't want to talk about those things in the past, because it will ruin my mood. I also hope that you kid will not ruin my mood in any way."

Since Sister Wang didn't want to talk, even if he continued to ask, it would have no effect. Lin Feng said, "Sister Wang, you must be a master dancer."

"You know, I'm not good at kung fu."

"What I just said was the dance of dancing." Lin Feng said.

"Oh, it seems that my understanding is wrong. I dance... It's okay, but what do you want to do?" Sister Wang said.

"Although I know kung fu, I'm not very good at dancing. Why don't you teach me to dance?"

"I heard Ye Zi said that your good friend Dai Nan is a master dancer who enjoys the reputation of dancing elf. Although he came out of the night scene, he has been affirmed by many people. If you want to learn to dance, whether it is Whether it’s a duet or a wild dance, you can let Dai Nan teach you, and if you really want to learn dancing in this villa, you can also let Hong Ying teach you, Hong Ying is also a master dancer, so I don’t need it.”

Lin Feng was a little unwilling to give up: "But I just want you to teach me."

Sister Wang's face was full of sullenness: "If you don't want to prolong your stay here, don't make me embarrassed. I have forgiven you a few times before, but that doesn't mean I will always forgive you. If you annoy me, I will I told Ye Ye. Then Miss Ye Ye may let you live here for a month. Although it is very luxurious, I have already seen it. You have long wanted to show off, and you definitely don’t want to let your novels break for dozens more God!"

The novel was about to be interrupted for three days, and Lin Feng was so depressed that he collapsed. If it was interrupted for dozens of days, it would kill him. Lin Feng would never let this happen.

He immediately stopped teasing Sister Wang. She smiled slightly and went upstairs. Sister Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief and said in her heart, I finally scare you, you should leave quickly, otherwise you may eat my tofu at any time.

When Sister Wang thought again that she was a charming and charming woman, her curvaceous and hot body had a strong attraction to men. And the reason why Lin Feng always wanted to eat her tofu was that she was stimulated, and she was much relieved.

The feeling of not being able to code in front of the computer is really painful. It is like a person who is crazy about online games but can't play in front of the computer. That kind of feeling will make people crazy.

At this time, Lin Feng was a little crazy. First, he scratched his hair and then his ears. He even wanted to quickly code out two thousand words. Then transfer by mail, and then delete the record, the thought kept swirling in his mind, he already had the document open.

At this moment, the door opened. With a strong aroma, Hong Ying came over. He stretched out his hand to grab Lin Feng's ear, and said angrily, "What do you want to do? You can't live by committing sins, you actually want to code!"

Lin Feng avoided and didn't let Hong Ying grab his ear, otherwise he would hurt a lot if Hong Ying exerted force, he smiled and said: "You misunderstood, in fact, I opened the document just to get a feel for it, after all, I haven't coded for a few days. The word is gone, I'm afraid that the feeling is gone, you came in too soon, I haven't had time to turn it off..."

"Shut up, kid, I admit that you have a righteous and honest side, but you can be cunning sometimes. I warn you, being clever in this villa will only make you more depressed, so you should be a little more obedient. Come on!" Hong Ying's attitude eased, and her smile became charming: "If you can be more obedient, you will be more comfortable."

Lin Feng said: "The tone of your voice just now seemed to be strange that your uncle was lying to your little sister, but I am a man and you are a woman."

Hongying helped Lin Feng to close the document and then the computer, and smiled: "I heard what Sister Wang said just now, you really want to learn to dance? No problem, I'll teach you how to dance, and you can dance."

Sister Wang told Hong Ying that this should not be a complaint, but Hong Ying still knew. At this time, Hong Ying stood about three meters away from Lin Feng, and could dance at any time.

If you don't dance, it's already hot. If you dance, it will be even hotter.

Hong Ying raised her arms and turned around gracefully while smiling charmingly. Her buttocks twisted slightly in Lin Feng's direction. There was no dance, but her sense of rhythm was very strong.

The arms are swaying, the graceful waist posture is rippling, and the hips are also rippling, the more force, the greater the magnitude.

Hong Ying's dance like this is sultry, but if Lin Feng dances like this, it will be obscene.

What Lin Feng wants to learn is the kind of dance that a man and a woman dance with hugging each other. It is definitely not the kind of dance that can easily make him wretched. Even if he learns this kind of dance, he can't easily show it to others, otherwise others will think He's a pervert. Even if he gets to the dance floor of the disco, he can play freely. There is no need to follow the rhythm of Hongying at this time. Otherwise, many people around will stop to look at him, and some women will shout, fight this pervert!

Lin Feng threw a **** word, and then quickly walked over and hugged Hong Ying from behind. Lin Feng felt the softness of Hong Ying's buttocks, and Hong Ying also felt Lin Feng's body upright.

The red shadow softened to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hit the red shadow.

But Hong Ying was wearing a short skirt and trousers, so Lin Feng couldn't break into his body through the short skirt and trousers, otherwise it would be more uncomfortable than wearing more than ten sets at the same time.

Hong Ying blushed and smiled charmingly: "You bastard, you hug me like this, how can I teach you to dance!"

Lin Feng said: "I found that since I lived here, seducing me has become your habit, you might as well teach me the kind of dance that hugs and dances together, whether it's dancing on the bed or dancing on the ground, I don't care. ."

Hong Ying said: "Since you are interested, dance on the ground for a while, but I want to remind you that we are standing by me, not falling down."


The moment Lin Feng let go of Hong Ying, he deliberately exerted a force, and his tall and straight once again pressed against Hong Ying. At that moment, a strange air current rushed in Hong Ying's body, making her graceful and hot. Spicy body is more moist.

Lin Feng and Hong Ying soon hugged each other face to face. Lin Feng put one hand around Hong Ying's graceful waist, and the other hand fell on her Xiang shoulder. Hong Ying made the same action as Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt the softness of Hong Ying's towering chest, and Hong Ying also felt Lin Feng's solid physique. Under the guidance of Hong Ying's rhythm, the two fiery bodies danced together.

Lin Feng's eyes are very hot, Hong Ying's eyes are very blurred, Lin Feng's smile is light, and Hong Ying's smile is hot.

During about ten minutes of dancing, Lin Feng's uprightness touched Hong Ying's body at least six times, each time giving Hong Ying an electric shock, but Hong Ying didn't remind anything, just like her lower abdomen Nothing was felt.


You bastard, you stepped on my foot! You must have done it on purpose. It was pretty good just now, why did you step on my foot all of a sudden!

Lin Feng did step on Hong Ying's feet on purpose, because he didn't want to dance, but wanted to roll on the bed with Hong Ying, do something more intoxicating, or tell Hong Ying a funny story.

Hong Ying pushed Lin Feng away, her round buttocks sat on the sofa with great force, her whole soft and graceful body swayed with the sofa, and said angrily, "You stepped on me just now."

Lin Feng said casually: "Then you can step on me too."

But when he noticed that Hong Ying was wearing high heels, he immediately regretted it. He really shouldn't have said that just now.

Hong Ying chuckled and said, "You're really not afraid of anything? Aren't you afraid that I will trample you into a cripple?"

Lin Feng said: "Actually, I just noticed that you are wearing high heels, but I believe that you will not be so cruel to me."

Hong Ying's face gradually softened, and after a while, she smiled and said, "Why do you know that I won't be so cruel to you?"

Lin Feng sat beside her, inhaled gently and tasted a rich aroma, the smell of the skin was very good, the smell of perfume was also very good, and the unbridled dispersion of hormones made him a little uneasy.

Lin Feng took Hong Ying into his arms, carefully experiencing the unique softness, and said with a smile, "Because you really treat me as a friend, otherwise you wouldn't be so good to me."

Hong Ying said, "Am I being so nice to you just when you're a friend? I've never been so nice to other men of the opposite sex. I even gave you a red-style massage. Do you understand why?"

This is also what Lin Feng is most puzzled about. In fact, it can be explained by Hong Ying's affection for him, but what Lin Feng is most afraid of is that it is not this reason but other reasons that he has not thought of.

Lin Feng didn't want unexpected things to happen in his life all the time, because it would catch him off guard.

Lin Feng said: "You like Hong Ying said: "Yes, I like you. "

Hearing Hong Ying's affirmative answer, Lin Feng's heart jumped wildly. Although Hong Ying was answering the question just now, it was a special confession.

Lin Feng said, "Since when did you fall in love with me?"

Hong Ying said: "From the moment when the two of us were fighting in the ring, and then you hugged me and danced a Spanish bullfight, I was stunned at the time, I really couldn't believe that your kid would suddenly make such a move. Your body seems to have flown above the snow-white clouds with you, and we are surrounded by blue sky, flying romantically..."

Hong Ying told Lin Feng how she felt at that time intoxicated. Lin Feng was extremely surprised. He just wanted to play a prank when he was angry, but what he didn't expect was that the prank he played brought Hong Ying a lot of money. Such a wonderful feeling directly caused Hong Ying to fall in love with him.

Lin Feng said: "Do you want to be my girlfriend, or do you want me to agree to some kind of request from you?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and recommend at the starting point (m) Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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