Peach Youth

Chapter 517: happiness surrounds him

Lin Feng and Dai Nan sent Beauty Bamboo to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory together, and then left together.

When the two of them were walking on the campus of Beijin Normal University, the beautiful girl Dai Nan had another wonderful fantasy in her heart. It would be great if she were a student of this university, so that she could experience living in a university dormitory. She will have roommates and friends, she can also take books to class, go to the library to read, and she can participate in various student clubs to exercise herself.

Through Dai Nan's expression, Lin Feng knew what she was thinking about. The lack of a chance to go to university has always been a knot in her heart, but this knot is estimated to be unsolvable in this life. Lin Feng hopes that Dai Nan will have the opportunity to read in the next life. Huaxia or other top universities in other countries, but Lin Feng will not say such a strange blessing, otherwise Dai Nan is very likely to cry, every time he sees the tears of the most beautiful Dai Nan, Lin Feng will feel distressed.

To be honest, there are not many people in this world that Lin Feng feels sorry for. He is not a person who likes to feel sorry for others for no reason, but Dai Nan is one of them.

Most of the people around know that Lin Feng writes online novels, because since the beautiful Bamboo became his girlfriend, he has become more famous at Beijin Normal University. He is not a university here, and he has already graduated. Into the society, but he is indeed very famous here.

Always seeing Lin Feng and Dai Nan together, people from Beijin Normal University were very curious and guessed that the relationship between Lin Feng and Dai Nan, apart from partners? It is estimated that the ambiguity will not be less. A man and a woman who is so beautiful and ** are often together. As long as there is no blood relationship between the two people, it is very likely to have an ambiguity. It is better to hug and kiss or take off the pants.

Lin Feng and Dai Nan's footsteps were not fast. When they walked out of the school gate, Dai Nan looked back with an intoxicated smile on the corner of his mouth.

Back in the master bedroom, Lin Feng didn't code words, but opened an urban life novel on the computer and read it. The author of this book is very annoying when talking in the group, but the plot he wrote is very life-like and delicate, and the plot arrangement is very good. Lin Feng does not know what kind of person this author friend will be in real life.

The chat number of the beautiful head nurse Zhu Qingyue flashed, and she changed to a very cute avatar, as if she was still a young girl, but in fact, she was already a woman with a charm like a peach. As long as she is naked, she will be delicious, but Zhu Qingyue is a beautiful woman who loves herself very much. There are many people who want to strip her naked, but no one can succeed.

One person must have succeeded because of saving Dahe who died. Lin Feng wondered if Dahe, a strong man from a fitness trainer, had turned Zhu Qingyue into a black fungus.

Lin Feng had never seen Zhu Qingyue's fungus. So he didn't know whether the fungus of this beautiful head nurse was very black.

The message Zhu Qingyue sent was: Lin Feng, you kid, did I irritate you last time?

Lin Feng didn't hide it: Yes, Sister Qingyue, you were so ** last time, which stimulated me badly.

Zhu Qingyue: Is there any smoke coming out of your body?

Lin Feng: There was no smoke, but it was very straight. If you see it, you will find that it is very tall and straight.

Zhu Qingyue sent a picture of a hammer hitting her head, which was probably stimulated by the news that Lin Feng had just sent.

In fact, when Zhu Qingyue was lying on the bed alone in the dead of night, she once fantasized about whether Lin Feng's gun was very tall and straight. Every time she imagined a different scene, because she is a woman with a very rich imagination, even what she wrote Things are also very delicate.

Lin Feng has seen the content written by Zhu Qingyue about the man in Dahe. The writing is very good and sincere, but only those who know her or have similar experiences like to read those content.

Lin Feng also likes to watch it. Different from the above two reasons, the reason why he likes to read it is because Zhu Qingyue is a charming beauty. If Zhu Qingyue is a woman with a very ugly appearance, even if she has a beautiful heart, it is estimated that he does not like to read what Zhu Qingyue wrote, because he Not deep enough to like to explore other people's hearts.

The mind is the most special thing related to people, even if a person is beautiful on the outside or is very good at whitewashing himself. The mind may be ugly. A person who looks fierce and unreasonable may have a beautiful mind when others are in danger. The person with the worst popularity rushed up, and at that moment, the people around them realized that the person they usually disliked was so great.

Lin Feng and Zhu Qingyue used the chat number to tease them for almost half an hour. It was very ambiguous. Lin Feng suddenly realized that the time for him to take off Zhu Qingyue's pants was getting closer and closer.

But Lin Feng hopes that one day in the future when he and Zhu Qingyue are enthusiastic, this charming woman's mind is not about Dahe. In the current situation, in Zhu Qingyue's heart, Lin Feng is a bit like Dahe's stand-in, and he hopes that this will happen in the future. Can change, in Zhu Qingyue's heart, he is strong, and he has nothing to do with Dahe.

Another possibility is that from now until decades later, every time Zhu Qingyue sees him, he will think of Dahe.


Ye Zi called Lin Feng and asked him to go to the private villa to find her. When Lin Feng arrived, Ye Ye and Hong Ying were both there.

The moment she saw Lin Feng, Hong Ying pinched her waist with one hand and put the other hand on her lower abdomen, doing several straight forward movements in a row.

Ye Ye and Sister Wang are not outsiders, so no matter what she does, she will not worry about shame.

Sure enough, Ye Zi and Sister Wang had no opinion on Hong Ying's behavior of seducing Lin Feng, and both laughed ambiguous.

Once the noble and delicate leaves show an ambiguous smile, they will be full of flavor, making Lin Feng want to eat her tofu.

Lin Feng had eaten Ye Zi's tofu several times before, but to eat this beautiful lady's tofu, she had to wait until she was in a good mood, otherwise it would upset her.

It's not fun to mess with Ye Ye, so Lin Feng won't do that easily. He intends to maintain a good relationship with Ye Ye all the time.

Ye Zi said: "I asked you to come here this time, not what I meant, nor what Hong Ying meant, but what Sister Wang meant."

Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

At the same time, Sister Wang was also stunned, looking at Ye Ye full of resentment: "It's clearly your call to Lin Feng, why is that what I meant?"

"As soon as Hongying and I came here, you mentioned the name Lin Feng three times in a row in less than half an hour, so Hongying and I both thought you missed Lin Feng, since you are too embarrassed to call him. I'll do it for you." Ye Zi smiled.

Sister Wang is very shy.

This charming and moist woman is quite shy and tasteful.

Sister Wang and Zhu Qingyue are both charming women. They are both beautiful and have great bodies, but they both have different tastes.

Lin Feng likes to taste their taste with heart, which is more beautiful than drinking fine wine.

Sister Wang said: "The reason why I mentioned Lin Feng's name three times in a row is because this kid is not my opponent in chess. Although his chess skills are improving, he is still just a stinky chess basket in front of me. He is the object of my contempt. "

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Even if I'm a stinky chess basket, you can't despise me, otherwise I'll..."

"What do you think, kid?" Sister Wang didn't seem to be afraid of her at all.

In fact, Lin Feng wanted to say, otherwise I'll spank you, and when your round **** hurts, you'll be restless.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking tea. Ye Ye is most interested in the situation on Ouyang Shan, the chairman of Ouyang Group. This vicious woman wants to attack her, so she must be on guard.

Two days ago, Hong Ying even suggested that Ye Zi find a professional killer to kill Ouyang Shan, but Ye Ye refused.

She is in business, and she tries her best not to kill her. If others want to kill her, just be on guard. After all, repairing and killing are two completely different things.

Knowing that Ouyang Shan introduced Hua Die to Lin Feng, Ye Ye and Hong Ying felt bad.

Hong Ying said: "It seems that Ouyang Shan, this hateful woman, wants to cultivate Lin Feng and Hua Die into her confidants step by step and serve her."

Ye Zi said: "She won't succeed, at least Lin Feng won't become her confidant, right, Lin Feng?"

The moment Ye Ye asked the question, her beautiful eyes flashed continuously at Lin Feng, giving Lin Feng enough electricity.

Lin Feng said: "You can rest assured. I will never become Ouyang Shan's confidant in my life, because I am a kind person."

In fact, he is really kind, but the kindness that comes out of his mouth amused all three beauties, as if his kindness itself is a very cola thing.

Lin Feng said again: "I just said that I am very kind, the three of you don't have to do this."

Ye Ye was the first to make a correct evaluation of Lin Feng: "Actually, your heart is really kind, but if someone offends you, you won't be soft at all when it comes to repairing people. But one thing is certain, killing people, You generally dare not do it."

Lin Feng said with a relieved smile: "Miss Ye Zi, you still know me. As expected of my confidant, I really don't dare to kill someone. If I kill someone, won't I be finished?"

The three beauties continued to laugh, and Lin Feng was a little depressed. He didn't think there was anything funny.

Sister Wang went to the kitchen, Hong Ying was watching TV in the living room, and Lin Feng and Ye Ye went to the study upstairs together.

Sitting on the chair, Ye Zi casually opened a book and read it, as if he didn't want to chat with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "Ye Zi, you are interesting enough, you asked me to come to the study just for you to read, and then let me see you?"

"Yes, I read books, you look at me, I'm sitting here, whatever you want."

Ye Zijian's beautiful face had a layer of crimson, probably she didn't notice that her face had turned into a state of intoxication.

"You are wearing clothes."

"What do you think, I'm wearing clothes, just look at me, do you still want me to take off my clothes for you to see?" Ye Ye said angrily.

"I'll be happy if you'll show me naked."

The words that Lin Feng said while smoking were angering Ye Ye, and sure enough, Ye Ye got angry, closed the book with a snap, got up and raised his slender legs and kicked at Lin Feng.

This is what Lin Feng was waiting for, because Ye Zi lifted his leg and kicked him, so he had reason to hug Ye Zi's leg.


He wickedly embraced Miss Ye Zi's slender legs and kissed her thigh. Although he didn't kiss Ye Ye's flesh, he only kissed her brown trousers, but that was the same feeling. It was wonderful.

Lin Feng tugged again, and the single-legged leaf slipped into his arms, and he passionately kissed the leaf's red lips.

The leaves tasted the taste of tobacco and the taste of a man's mouth.

Lin Feng tasted the smoothness and sweetness.

The kiss was in full swing, and the two of them had forgotten that the door of the study was open, and Hong Ying, who was watching TV in the living room just now, had already come over, just in time to see the scene of Lin Feng and Ye Ye kissing passionately.


The two hot bodies were very close, and Lin Feng's hand was still stroking Ye Ye's butt. The kiss is in full swing.

Five minutes passed.

The kiss didn't mean anything to end.

Ten minutes passed.

The kiss still has no meaning to end.

Hong Ying even worried that if she kept kissing like this, Miss Ye would suffocate, and then she would have to call 120 or 999.

clap clap.

This is not the sound of Lin Feng and Ye Zi's bodies colliding, but the meaning of Hong Ying's slap.

Only then did Lin Feng and Ye Ye realize that the kiss just now made Hong Ying visit.

Ye Ye was very shy, and said angrily: "Hong Ying. Are you tired of living and peeping?"

"What's the matter? Even if the two of you kissed in front of me, I wouldn't be jealous. If I wasn't afraid of suffocating you, I wouldn't slap the two of you to stop. You two can even kiss so hot. Tomorrow morning." Red Shadow said.

Leaf went downstairs.

Hong Ying began to look at Lin Feng with warm eyes, and smiled charmingly: "Is the fragrant tongue of the leaves delicious?"

"Certainly delicious."

"Compared to mine?"

"It's just as delicious." Lin Feng said.

Of course, Hong Ying had no intention of breaking up with Miss Ye Zi, and she just asked casually, so no matter what the answer Lin Feng gave, she was very satisfied.

The meal is ready.

When eating together, the three beauties were chatting all the time, but Lin Feng didn't interrupt. Just drink and eat.

I ate a lot of this meal. Lin Feng patted his stomach and sat on the soft sofa. He said in his heart that after arriving in Beijin, I have eaten a lot of good things. I have eaten those that fly in the sky and swim in water. . Even something like abalone, a symbol of luxury, has been eaten.

It can be said to be very tasty.

As for Lin Feng's bliss, it was even more violent. At this time, there were several very high-quality beauties by his side.

Every beauty has its own characteristics, and every beauty can bring him extraordinary sex.

Hong Ying came over, looked at Lin Feng with a charming look, and smiled charmingly: "Dear, it seems we can start."

Lin Feng and Hong Ying walked upstairs together. When he was about to go up the stairs, Lin Feng deliberately looked back at Ye Zi and Sister Wang, and said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, Hong Ying and I just went upstairs to chat."

His words came out. Ye Ye and Sister Wang wanted to shoot him with bricks, Ye Zixin said, I guess the two of you will take off your clothes and then take off your pants to chat. .

Of course, there is no shortage of gasps and shouts.

Cozy bedroom.

Big fluffy bed.

Lin Feng and Hong Ying are enthusiastic in various poses. Hong Ying's body is very flexible, and she never minds fresh poses.

very wild.


More than an hour later, Lin Feng and Hongying went downstairs. There was something else happening at Hongtu Company, so Ye Ye and Hongying left first.

There were only Lin Feng and Sister Wang left in the living room. Sister Wang smiled and said, "Why don't you go too."

"I'm afraid you will be in danger, I must protect you!"

"What's the danger?" Sister Wang wondered.

Lin Feng took Sister Wang's soft body into his arms, and then said, "It's a terrible danger. For example, someone with ulterior motives suddenly appears and forces you to do something with a knife or a gun."

Sister Wang immediately thought of her ex-husband He Wentao's unconscionable thing, and she wondered: "You mean, He Wentao will appear today?"


In fact, what Lin Feng said just now was said casually, aiming to tease Sister Wang, but this charming woman thought too much.

He Wentao will definitely not appear today, because that **** has already made Ouyang Shan pay for Beijin.

When Lin Feng moved her hand away from Sister Wang's chest photo and fondly stroked her towering chest, Sister Wang responded: "He Wentao will not appear today, he estimates that he will wait for Ouyang Shan to let him come back in a while. , he will come back, just don't know what he will face when he comes back?"

"What else, the divorce agreement, Ouyang Shan will not continue living with He Wentao, a man with ulterior motives. To be honest, when Ouyang Shan pried He Wentao away, all he saw was his handsome face. Seriously, In the eyes of women, a man's handsomeness is like most popular songs, and there will always be outdated times. In two years, he is considered handsome, in three years, he is more handsome, and after many years, he is just average." Lin Feng said.


This is Sister Wang's evaluation of what Lin Feng just said.

oh oh oh ah!

You're a bad boy, don't do this!

When Lin Feng picked up Sister Wang's clothes and kissed her breasts, there was an incomparably **** sound from Sister Wang's mouth.

After kissing her chest, she began to kiss her lower abdomen. Lin Feng's hand was already very close to Sister Wang's pants.

The pants that Sister Wang is wearing today are a bit low at the waist, and the edges of the pants are already exposed. The black ones are wrapping her moist softness.

Lin Feng wanted to touch Sister Wang's wetness, but Sister Wang wouldn't let her, and said, "Stinky boy, please bear with me first, and when I'm in the mood, I'll let you put your hand into my panties."

What Sister Wang said just now made Lin Feng's body even more tall and Sister Wang felt his tall and straight, and her heartbeat was very fast.

Start playing chess.

Lin Feng was still no match for Sister Wang.

While complimenting Lin Feng's chess skills, Sister Wang killed him.

Lin Feng even thinks that the kind and charming sister Wang is very good at teasing people when she is also evil.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when Lin Feng returned to the rented master bedroom, and he quickly turned on the computer and started coding.

Originally, I planned to write 10,000 words this afternoon, and then write another 5,000 words in the evening, a total of 15,000 words and five 3,000-word chapters.

But it seems a bit late now, so he changed his strategy and planned to code 6,000 words in the afternoon and 9,000 words in the evening.

Such a plan change is very simple, but it makes Lin Feng feel different and fulfilled.

Because that's what he does. (To be continued...)

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