Peach Youth

Chapter 521: Friends are for power

Lin Feng told Zhao Xiaogang that Ye Ye agreed to help and said that Liu Xiaona would be released within three days. Zhao Xiaogang was very grateful, but he actually told Lin Feng that Xiaona would be my woman and yours in the future. Lin Feng was very ashamed. Said, Xiaona is just your woman, not my woman, she is my friend.

Zhao Xiaogang said again, what I meant just now is that if you want to have that with Xiaona, you can use her body at any time.

Lin Feng said, I will not use her body casually, you are her boyfriend, you can't have such thoughts.

Lin Fengxin said, if you keep thinking this way, your hair will be the most vivid green in nature, which makes people unable to use a very suitable word to describe that kind of green that blinds people's eyes.

Ever since he learned about the special relationship between Liu Xiaona and Zhao Xiaogang, Lin Feng has always been curious. What kind of drug did Liu Xiaona drink to Zhao Xiaogang, which made him think that he was different from many men. realm.


When Lin Feng was typing, Da Qing Zong sent him another message: What are you doing?

Lin Feng: Code words.

Da Qing Zong: Why not masturbation?

Lin Feng: After coding, just slap it.

The big caterpillar came over with a smile.

Lin Feng did not continue to reply, and quickly typed the words, but Da Qing Zong sent several ambiguous messages in a row, and even proposed to let Lin Feng guess the color of her pants. .

Lin Feng began to think again, who is Da Qing Zong? The more we talked, the more I felt that Da Qing Zong knew him.

In the past, Yangchun Baixue let him guess for a long time, and all kinds of guesses were ruled out. In the end, Yangchun Baixue who helped him a lot turned out to be his first girlfriend Shen Bingqian.

Who will this big caterpillar be?

Lin Feng thought of Baiman, maybe because he wanted to know where Baiman went after he left Beijin, so he thought of Baiman.

Will the big caterpillar be Baiman?

Unlikely, but not entirely impossible.

Lin Feng: After leaving Beijin, where did you go?

Da Qing Zong: Are you sick? Why can't I understand what you mean? I am not from Beijin. He talked about leaving Beijin. The last time I went to Beijin was a few years ago.

Lin Feng: I know you are Baiman, stop pretending.

Da Qing Zong: You are so interesting, there is something wrong with the code, who is Baiman? Is it a woman you've had a one-night kiss with?

Lin Feng did not continue to reply.

He felt even more that Da Qing Zong was not Baiman, but Da Qing Zong was probably someone who knew him. In other words, the big caterpillar is most likely in Beijin.

This afternoon, Lin Feng typed out 12,000 words. Even if he didn't type at night, he wouldn't feel empty.

He was going to make an appointment with someone, but he didn't know if that person would like to see him. That person is Bingchen.

After Black Rose was arrested, Bingchen got involved with Ye Ye, because she was not Ye Ye's confidant, so she couldn't become Ye Ye's bodyguard, but only got a position in the security department of Hongtu Company.

Baiman and Bingchen are good friends. Although Baiman did not contact him, it is very likely that he contacted Bingchen. So Lin Feng plans to inquire about Baiman through Bingchen.

eight pm.

Lin Feng arrived at his mansion.

After sitting on the soft velvet sofa and smoking a cigarette, he called Bingchen.

At this time, Bingchen was walking on the street alone, and all that flashed in her mind was what happened when she used to hang out with Black Rose.

Seeing that the call was from Lin Feng, Bingchen's heart tightened. She hated Lin Feng very much, but she was also afraid of Lin Feng, because Lin Feng could fight better than her, and it was easy for Lin Feng to repair her. But it was not easy for her to repair Lin Feng.

Even if Lin Feng didn't answer the phone, it wasn't too difficult for Lin Feng to find her. Bing Chen simply answered, "Lin Feng, what are you looking for from me?"

"If I ask you to do that, you certainly won't do it with me."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm not your woman, and I don't have that kind of **** with you. Why would I do that with you? You can do it with whomever you like!" Bingchen said.

"It was just a joke just now. There is something very important that needs to be interviewed with you. You come to my mansion to find me."

"All right."

Bingchen was very panicked, not knowing after seeing Lin Feng. What will he do to her, it seems that it won't work if he doesn't go.

Bingchen has arrived.

Leggings, leather skirt, high leather boots, her face is cold, but her body is hot.

Facing Lin Feng, her eyes showed panic, but her face was still calm. Standing in front of Lin Feng, her slender legs were naturally bent, and she asked him, "What's the matter?"

"Sit down and chat slowly while drinking tea." Lin Feng said.

Bingchen sat down, ready to dodge at any time, not wanting Lin Feng to hold her in his arms.

Lin Feng planned to ask questions first, and then eat Bingchen's tofu, otherwise he might annoy Bingchen in advance, and he might not get the answer he wanted.

Lin Feng said, "How many times has Baiman contacted you?"

"Not once."

"Tell me, where did Baiman go?"

"I also want to know, not only do you care about her, but I also care about her, but she has never contacted me." Bingchen said.

Not like lying.

Maybe Baiman really didn't contact Bingchen after he left Beijin, but Lin Feng just didn't give up.

He hugged Bingchen and sneered, "If you don't tell me, I'll pull off your trousers and throw them out the window."

"It's boring to just throw my trousers. You might as well throw my whole body out of the window. What I said just now is the truth. Baiman has never contacted me." Bingchen said.

Lin Feng believed even more that Baiman had never contacted Bingchen, so who did Baiman contact in Beijin? Maybe she hasn't contacted anyone.

"Have some tea."

"Can I go?" Bingchen asked.


"I'm an employee of the security department of Hongtu Company, you dare to put me under house arrest?"

"Don't be so **** ugly, who cares about house arrest. You think you have very long **** and long thighs. I will house you under house arrest. I just want you to drink two more cups of tea." Lin Feng said.

"But I don't want to drink tea with you, I just want to leave." Bing Chen said.

Lin Feng's hand was placed on Bingchen's thigh, with heat and texture. His hand kept stroking Bingchen's thigh, and Bingchen's face became colder and colder.

When Lin Feng's hand was very close to her part. Bingchen's right arm was raised, and it was a horizontal fist at Lin Feng's nose.

tough enough.

If Bingchen punched him in the face, it is estimated that the bridge of his nose would be broken.

Lin Fengge blocked Bingchen's fist, and then squeezed against Bingchen's stomach.

Oh ah!

This kind of teasing is too hard, so Bingchen's stomach hurts.

Oh ah!

Bing Chen screamed again, because Lin Feng's hand squeezed hard against her chest again.

Although through the clothes, but Lin Feng's feeling is already wonderful.

Lin Feng planned to tease Bingchen's wetness. But seeing her tears flowed out, she dismissed the idea for the time being.

Lin Feng said: "When you despised me before, you definitely didn't expect that one day I would bully you like this."

"Are you taking revenge on me?"


"Then what are you doing?"

"Eat your tofu."


"Because your tofu is delicious, I like it very much." Lin Feng said.

"I've never seen someone as domineering as you."

"I'm very peaceful, even when I eat your tofu, I'm very calm. There are not many people who say I'm overbearing, so I'm not overbearing at all." Lin Feng said.

Bingchen finally left Lin Feng's mansion. When she was driving on the road, her heartbeat was still very abnormal. When she was with Black Rose, she had seen many big scenes. There were very few moments of panic, but Lin Feng repeatedly made her feel panic.

If there is a chance in the future, she will definitely repair Lin Feng severely. Repair him to the point of begging for mercy.

Lin Feng is obviously a little lost. In the short term, it is almost impossible to know where Baiman went after he left Beijin. Maybe he won't know where Baiman went after a long time.

Miss Ye's personal connections are really strong. Three days later, Liu Xiaona was released, but she also paid an extra 80,000 yuan in fines. Of course, she paid the money herself.

Whether she was a young lady in the past or a s**t later, Liu Xiaona never thought about going to jail. She thought she would be the one who was lucky enough to always get away with it, no matter who was caught in her peers, she would not be caught.

But this time it happened that she was arrested, she was terrified, let alone one or two years or three or five years in prison, even just one month would make her very miserable.

I thought it was over, thanks to Lin Feng. Liu Xiaona is very grateful to Lin Feng, and also very grateful to Ye Ye.

She must repay them, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable.


When Lin Feng was typing, Liu Xiaona called him. Said to come to find him.

He was very depressed, because he only wanted Liu Xiaona to let go, and didn't want Liu Xiaona to come to him.

If this crazy woman comes, I don't know what she will do. Lin Feng didn't like doing that thing with Liu Xiaona very much before, but now he doesn't like it much. Maybe doing that thing with her will be very comfortable, but he will feel uncomfortable.

But Liu Xiaona still came, dressed brightly, as if she had never been caught. The only difference was that she didn't have the Oxford Dictionary or the Encyclopedia in her arms, she just carried a Armani bag.

Arriving in Lin Feng's master Liu Xiaona's eyes were wet, and she said in a trembling voice, "Lin Feng, thank you, if it wasn't for your help this time, I would be finished."

"We are friends, you have helped me before, you don't have to care too much, let alone repay me."

Lin Fengxin said, if you want to repay me by taking off your pants again, I will be very depressed.

"I'm so lucky to have a friend like you."

Liu Xiaona put the bag on the sofa, a charming smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she had already started to unbutton her.

"what are you doing?"

"Sleep with you."

"But I don't want to sleep with you, you'd better not mess around, or I won't recognize you as a friend." Lin Feng said coldly.

As if she hadn't heard what Lin Feng said, Liu Xiaona had already taken off her upper body clothes. She took off the chest photo and threw it on the sofa. Her tall **** were very delicate. Soon she even took off her pants and panties. Now, just like this, the naked stripes twisted in front of Lin Feng. (To be continued...)

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