Peach Youth

Chapter 531: It's cool because it's cool

When Lin Feng and Ai Wen arrived at the bar in the 1980s, Mi Yanqing, the beautiful owner, was chatting with two friends by the side of the road. Seeing that it was Lin Feng and his beautiful editor, Mi Yanqing laughed immediately.

In the past, Mi Yanqing often played badly on Lin Feng in front of Ai Wen, and there were two times when Ai Wen misunderstood that Lin Feng had done something unbearable, but this time Mi Yanqing did not have any intention of doing bad things to Lin Feng, because Lin Feng helped her deal with it. Ding Kuohai's son Ding Chaohui made her very grateful.

Mi Yanqing said something to her two friends and walked over to Lin Feng and Ai Wen. Lin Feng felt tight and said, Mi Yanqing, you can't talk nonsense in front of Ai Wen this time. You're still doing the same thing. See if I don't spank your **** hard, I'll spank your round **** into a bruise and turn your sense of letter into pain.

"Lin Feng, you are really good. You take the beautiful editor-in-chief to dinner, and you don't come to my restaurant in the 1980s. I will give you a discount. Where did you eat this, and you drank a lot of wine."

This is what Mi Yanqing said, but Lin Feng is still completely acceptable, he smiled and said, "I just found a place to eat, I originally planned to come and play, but Ai Wen wanted to come, so I came with her, and I will give it to her in the future. Your restaurant is very popular, and besides, your restaurant business is so good, even if I never come to eat in my life, you will make a lot of money."

Sounds pissed.

What does it mean to never come to eat for the rest of your life?

Mi Yanqing suddenly wanted to lift her slender legs to give Lin Feng's **** a kick, but if she just kicked Lin Feng's **** in front of Ai Wen, Lin Feng would definitely fix her.

Forget it, I have to endure it first, and then I will take care of you when I have a chance, since Lin Feng started to help her deal with Ding Chaohui. Mi Yanqing is not so eager to repair Lin Feng, but she really wants to repay Lin Feng, but she has not yet thought of a suitable method.

Perhaps praising Lin Feng in front of Ai Wen's face is equivalent to repaying him. Mi Yanqing looked at Ai Wen's face and smiled: "Lin Feng is a very good person. He is good at kung fu and writing novels. I I thought I wouldn't have any interest in his novels, but what I didn't expect was that even I gradually became his book fan, and I was reading his books during this time. It was really exciting. "

"Yeah, the novels written by Lin Feng are very good."

Although Mi Yanqing praised Lin Feng, Ai Wen's face was a little red while expressing his affirmation, as if he was emotional.

Mi Yanqing began to laugh in her heart, Lin Feng, you kid. Ai Wen should be in love with you. Facing Tian Qingzhu and Ai Wen, what kind of choice will you make? In my opinion, you and Ivan seem to be more suitable.

Mi Yanqing and the two friends left, and Lin Feng and Ai Wen walked into the 1980s bar together.

The second floor is very lively.

The laser lights are shining, the dance music is roaring, and the men and women in their temperament are showing their passion in a joyful way.

Lin Feng and Ai Wen blended into the dance floor. Swing and dance together, while admiring each other's faces in a blurred atmosphere.

Ai Wen fell into Lin Feng's arms as soon as his feet were crooked. This was really a scene that Lin Feng did not expect.

Ai Wen's face was very painful, and it was obvious that he had slapped his foot.

Lin Feng worried: "Are you all right?"

"It hurts."

"let me see."

Lin Feng helped Ai Wen out of the dance floor, helped Ai Wen out of the bar in the 1980s, and sat in her car.

"Let me see your feet."

"You really hate it. It's so embarrassing to see what my feet do." Ai Wen said tenderly.

"Your foot is sprained, I'll take a look and give you some treatment."

"Are you still healing?"

"If it's something else. Maybe not, but I'm very good at spraining my feet." Lin Feng took off Ai Wen's socks and saw that Ai Wen's left ankle was swollen.

Oh ah!

It hurts!

When Lin Feng kneaded her, Ai Wen couldn't help crying out.

Lin Feng continued to knead. He smiled and said, "It won't hurt in a while. If you can't get better soon, by tomorrow morning, your feet will be even more swollen, and I'm afraid it will even be difficult to walk."

More than ten minutes later, Ai Wen's feet didn't hurt so much, he smiled brightly at Lin Feng, and soon kissed him on the face.

Lin Feng and Ai Wen had kissed passionately before, and the taste was very wonderful. Although it was a while ago, Lin Feng still remembers it fresh, but Ai Wen's sudden kiss just now was very special and made his Heart beating wildly.

Lin Feng even thought of the first kiss between him and his first girlfriend Shen Bingqian in college. That kind of heartbeat will never be forgotten in a lifetime. At this time, they both have their own lives, which are a bit unexpected and a bit confusing.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "As expected of someone who has a girlfriend, I just kissed your face, you are embarrassed to be like this, you still remember the scene when you ate my tofu before, you seemed to be at that time. It's very interesting."

Lin Feng has indeed eaten a lot of tofu from Ai Wen, and he remembers every ambiguous scene, and the aftertaste will be very sweet.

Under these circumstances, the only thing Lin Feng could do was to hold Ai Wen tightly and kiss her lips hard.

Lin Feng's wildness made Ai Wen's breath very fast. When Ai Wen's lips opened, Lin Feng's tongue slipped in.

In the hot kiss, the two hot bodies were clinging to each other, and Ai Wen's towering chest had been stimulating Lin Feng's sensitive nerves.

Lin Feng stroked Ai Wen's belly.

Lin Feng stroked Ai Wen's chest.

Lin Feng even wanted to put his hand into Ai Wen's trousers, but he finally controlled it.

If he really did that, Ai Wen would definitely call him a hooligan, and maybe give him two slaps.

After the ambiguity subsided, Ai Wen said angrily: "You **** ate my tofu again, get out of here."

"It's okay if you drive me back."

"I'm too lazy to send you, get out of the car quickly."

Ai Wen had no intention to send Lin Feng off, he could only get out of the car, Ai Wen drove away, the cold wind blew on Lin Feng's body, his body was very tall, but at the moment his heart was a little lonely.

This kind of loneliness is brought about by disappointment. Lin Feng is worthy of Tian Qingzhu, but he seems to have really failed Ai Wen.

Lin Feng didn't dare to imagine what his relationship with Ai Wen would be like if he continued to develop.

Walking slowly, Lin Feng lit a cigarette and smoked, blowing out several puffs of smoke in a row, and he found that someone was following him behind him.


Who the **** is following him!

Lin Feng's anger suddenly burned. Could it be that Ding Chaohui's boy found a master from somewhere?

Lin Feng really wanted to let people bleed at this moment, and if the visitor was not good, he planned to do something ruthless.

The moment he turned his head, Lin Feng immediately laughed. The person walking behind him was none other than Ding Chaohui's lover Zhang Xia.

A woman with great taste.

Charming and graceful, because she has practiced kung fu for a long time, she has a kind of ability on her body, just like she is riding on a man's body and she will never get tired when she undulates and twists.

Zhang Xia came over.

Lin Feng said, "What do you do with me?"

"I came across it by accident. Actually, I've been drinking on the second floor of the bar in the 1980s. It's just that you didn't see me when you showed up with that beautiful woman."

"I haven't seen you yet. Your mood is very special. Not long after the conflict in the bar in the 1980s, are you still in the mood to come and play?"

Lin Fengxin said, your behavior is like going to that person's house for dinner just after a fight with that person.

"I came here when I wanted to. Sometimes I am a more casual person, and I don't think too much about what I say or do. I know that when I helped Ding Chaohui deal with you that time, I offended you. I hope you, an expert, don't take it to heart. ."

"I'm not an expert, I'm just an ordinary online writer, you don't have to lift me up." Lin Feng hesitated for a moment and said, "You walked behind me for at least 20 meters just now, is it really okay? "


"I'm leaving."

"Don't go." Zhang Xia said.

"It seems that there is still something to do, tell me, what is it?" Lin Feng said.

"Can you drink with me?"

"Okay, let's find a place then."

"Go to your house." Zhang Xia said.

"You are sick."

"Just treat me as sick. Anyway, I really want you to drink with me. If you take me to your house, maybe I can give you a surprise."

The surprise that Zhang Xia said was ambiguous. The highest level of ambiguous **** between men and women is to take off their pants and have sex.

Lin Feng said, Zhang Xia, do you want me to **** you?

It would be inconvenient to bring Zhang Xia to his rented master bedroom, so Lin Feng took Zhang Xia to his mansion.

Zhang Xia admired the luxury here. Sitting on the soft sofa, she smiled and said, "Lin Feng, you are really not an ordinary person. This mansion will cost at least ten million yuan. You are very rich."


There is no need for Lin Feng to explain to Zhang Xia where his money came from. Anyway, he is now richer than before.

Originally, there was no wine in Lin Feng's mansion, but he later brought over a few bottles, all of which were very high-end liquor.

Just now Lin Feng bought some beef, pig ears and peanuts from the deli on the road, and he and Zhang Xia ate and drank.

He ate simple side dishes, but drank good wine worth 10,000 yuan. The atmosphere was very special, and the people around Lin Feng were also very special.

"Tian Qingzhu, the school flower of Beijin Normal University, is your girlfriend, Mi Yanqing, the beautiful owner of a bar in the 1980s, is your lover. Your girlfriend and lover are both superb. You are the most beautiful I have ever met. people." Zhang Xia said.

Lin Feng laughed.

His smile at this time was very but it was also somewhat bitter.

He said, "It's true that Qingzhu is my girlfriend, but Mi Yanqing is not my lover, just an ordinary good friend."

"No ambiguity at all?"


Lin Feng and Mi Yanqing were actually a bit ambiguous, but he didn't need to tell Zhang Xia this.

"Do you think there is a big gap between me and your girlfriend Tian Qingzhu?"

"It's not that I hit you, you really can't compare with my girlfriend Tian Qingzhu." Lin Feng said.

It was inevitable that Zhang Xia felt a little unhappy, but she did not want to compare with Tian Qingzhu this time when she contacted Lin Feng, so she expressed her unpleasantness with a relieved smile. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m. to read.)

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