Chapter 1002 Eating Alone Food

   It's like a water dragon blocked by a rag, you only need to give the water dragon a little strength to break through.

   "What?" Eunuch Ren sat up suddenly, and looked at him in disbelief: "You heard it yourself? If you have any news, tell the miscellaneous family immediately, and the miscellaneous family will inform Master Chu."

   "It's too late, Gao Rong has already set off, and I think he will meet Chu Heng soon." Xiao Tianhao was calm and composed. He is the eye of the emperor, so naturally he would not help the courtiers.

  Eunuch Ren snorted, "Looks like he still has to rely on his own ability. Alas, I'm hungry, and I haven't eaten anything for a banquet. The miscellaneous family went to Mrs. Chu to finish the Xunzi noodles!"

  Eunuch Ren reacted quickly, but Xiao Tianhao's reaction was too flat, which meant that the people sent by Aunt Gao were not threatening, so he was naturally not worried, so why not have a good lunch and rest.

   This side.

  Backyard kitchenette.

  Ye Muyu cooked some yam porridge, a dish of cold fungus, stir-fried vegetables, shredded chicken in honey sauce. The weather was already hot, so she didn't want to eat hot dishes, but today's banquet was full of hot dishes, and they were all greasy.

"Madam, Eunuch Ren asked you to make a bowl of glutinous rice noodles." Cheng Qing's voice came from the door. Although it was only a cold dish, the smell still came from the kitchen. He resisted the urge to go up and taste it, and hurriedly told the news .

  Ye Muyu only paused for a moment before asking, "Eunuch Ren, do you want hot noodles or cold noodles?"

   "Can you still make cold noodles?" Cheng Qing couldn't help being a little surprised.

  Ye Muyu said with a smile in his voice, "Yes, you just need to find some ice cubes. You can ask someone from Eunuch Ren, and I will do it after asking."

   "Good lady." Cheng Qing hurriedly exited the room, a guard was waiting outside, Cheng Qing relayed Ye Muyu's words.

   Soon, Eunuch Ren got the news, and he paused for a while, a little surprised: "Wouldn't you have diarrhea if you eat cold noodles?"

   "Returning to Eunuch, what Madam Chu meant should be that there is this kind of food in the first place. If you want it, you need to ask County Magistrate Sun for some ice cubes."

  Eunuch Ren hurriedly sat up straight: "Okay, let's make cold noodles. Zajia has never eaten such fresh food."

   "Go, ask Magistrate Sun for ice cubes, and cooperate with Mrs. Chu."

   "Okay, father-in-law."

  In the corner, Xiao Tianhao gestured to Eunuch Ren a lot, asking him to ask for a bowl for himself, but Eunuch Ren ignored him at all, and the guards had already walked away.

  Xiao Tianhao walked out with a dull face: "I want to eat too."

   "No way, the miscellaneous family doesn't need much. Doesn't Guard Xiao have money himself? Go out to eat." Eunuch Ren has long been captured by Ye Muyu's cooking skills, and he only wants to eat alone, and he doesn't want to share it with others.

   "It's bad luck to eat alone." Xiao Tianhao gritted his teeth, but he had never eaten the food made by Ye Muyu, he just said this, looked down on Eunuch Ren's virtue, holding the sword, and dodged to the big tree outside the yard.

  Ye Muyu heard that Eunuch Ren wanted to eat cold noodles, so he also needed to boil the noodles first, then put them in ice water for a pass, and then slowly adjust the sauce bowl.

  Each process seems simple, but you need to control the heat, and you must control the time if you pass it in ice water.

  After making a large bowl of cold noodles, she cut some sliced ​​meat and spread it on top, fried two poached eggs, and finally sprinkled some white sesame seeds and chopped green onion, which was delicious in color and fragrance.

   "Okay." Ye Muyu said, and Cheng Qing, who had been guarding the door, hurried in.

  (end of this chapter)

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