Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1005: smash the door

  Chapter 1005 Smashing the door

  The guard glanced at her food box curiously, and asked suspiciously, "Is it really delicious?"

  It's autumn tiger time, so hot, is it really good to eat such a greasy meal?

   "Yes, there is also an ice cream. I heard that my father-in-law ordered ice cubes today. I think my father-in-law thinks it is a bit hot. This ice cream is the most delicious in summer."

   "Okay, I'll take it in, Miss Sun can go back."

  The guards took the food box, and had no intention of letting Sun Ning in at all.

   Sun Ning wanted to squeeze in, but was stopped.

   "What is this?" Although Eunuch Sun didn't leave all day, he took many documents from the county government to read.

  I'm hungry right now, and I saw him come in with a food box.

   Then he called the guard to open the food. He looked forward to it, but when he saw the greasy food, he lost his appetite instantly.

"Where did the food come from, it's so greasy, how can I eat it in summer." Eunuch Ren's mouth has long been spoiled by Ye Muyu's cooking skills. If he didn't think there was any problem with this in the past, he has witnessed better The dishes, how can they look inferior.

   The guard was somewhat disgusted, "It was sent by Ms. Sun, who said it was made by the best chef in the county, and here is a copy of the ice cream..."

   "Are you sure this is Bing Jian?" Eunuch Ren looked at the crushed ice and was a little speechless: "Just sprinkle some crushed fruit on the ice?"

   "This..." The guard didn't expect Sun Ning to be so unreliable. Could it be that there is no chef who can do it in a county?

   "Elder-in-law, this meal..."

   "Take it down, take it down."

  Eunuch Ren was a little irritable after reading the paperwork all afternoon, but now looking at the greasy food and the ice cream in a ball, he became angry, let alone save any face.

  The guard hurriedly put the food back into the food box, and quickly returned to the gate of the yard. Seeing that Sun Ning was still there, he returned the suit to her directly: "Miss Sun, you are welcome, take this food back and eat it yourself."

   After finishing speaking, the courtyard door was closed with a bang.

  Sun Ning held the food box in his hand for a while but did not respond: "What does this mean?"

  The servant girl trembled and dared not speak. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Eunuch Ren disliked the food that the lady gave him.

  Sun Ning is not stupid, she also understood, she shook her hands, and threw the food box away in anger, "I really don't know what to do!"

   "Let's go to that woman's yard! I want to ask her how she lied to Eunuch Ren." Sun Ning stepped on the soup and ran towards Ye Muyu's yard angrily.

  As soon as the two left, the courtyard door opened, and Eunuch Ren and the guard saw the leftovers at the door, and they were both angry.

  Xiao Tianhao also appeared, "That Ms. Sun has troubled Mrs. Chu, father-in-law, you can figure it out."

"Is there something wrong with your brain? You're mentally retarded. You can't let people tell you what you made yourself?" Eunuch Ren was so angry that he almost slammed the door. The Sun family is going to heaven!"

  Xiao Tianhao was relieved when he saw that Eunuch Ren had passed by.

   "Open the door for me." Sun Ning went straight to Ye Muyu's courtyard, stood at the door and hit the courtyard door with a stone directly. There were several loud bangs, which attracted the passing maids to come to watch the excitement.

  Cheng Qing was standing in the yard, seeing Ye Muyu coming out, he hurriedly told her to stay away.

   "Ma'am, the people from the Sun family are crazy, even coming directly to smash the door, aren't you afraid that the master will be angry?"

  (end of this chapter)

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