Chapter 1007 Hitting the board

  Eunuch Ren looked at her in disbelief: "Just because the chef you hired yourself is not as good as Mrs. Chu's, are you angry and knocking on the door?"

  The other servants hurriedly bowed their heads. This kind of thing is really something that my young lady can do.

"I'm concerned about your health, Eunuch." Seeing Ye Muyu come out of the house, Zhang Ning deliberately moved closer to Eunuch Ren, "Who knows if Mrs. Chu used any medicine in it? If a medicinal material is eaten by someone, it will be addictive."

  Ye Muyu raised his eyebrows. Although Zhang Ning likes to talk nonsense, he is quite knowledgeable.

  She just looked at Eunuch Ren and was about to speak.

  Eunuch Ren shouted angrily: "Whose food the miscellaneous family likes to eat, it doesn't matter what you do, is it possible that anyone who is better than you is drugged? A joke!"

   "Come here." Eunuch Ren was so angry that he called directly.

County Magistrate Sun's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly shouted to stop Eunuch Ren, but the guards standing beside him, who had already been very angry, were extremely fast. After they appeared, they threw Sun Ning to the ground, and the board hit down.

   "Ah..." Before Sun Ning could react, his **** blossomed.

  The guards fight very skillfully, and it hurts more than ordinary people.

  Sun Ning's screams were endless, and the magistrate Sun actually had hatred in his eyes. He couldn't offend Eunuch Ren, so he could only look at Ye Muyu and threaten her to stop.

  Ren Gonggong said: "It's not that Zajia has never seen other people being spanked, but he is not as pretending as Miss Sun. Come here, since Miss Sun can't control her voice, gag her mouth."

"Impossible..." County magistrate Sun was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat that he hurriedly begged for favors. Eunuch Ren's face was full of chills: "Magistrate Sun is right, it's the fault of not raising the godfather. , to serve as an example to others."

  Ye Muyu raised his hand and asked Cheng Qing to bring out a stool from the yard.

  Eunuch Ren sat on the stool and watched the father and daughter take turns being spanked.

  He wants to fight, and others can't stop him at all.

When Sun Ning passed out, County Magistrate Sun's chubby body was beaten to the point of wailing, and the maids beside him were all trembling with fright. .

  By the time the board was finished, County Magistrate Sun and Sun Ning were in so much pain that they couldn't speak.

  Eunuch Ren also kindly asked someone to call the doctor, and waved someone to carry the two off.

  The servants who had just knelt in the distance stepped forward tremblingly and carried the two of them back to the backyard.

  As soon as the people left, the yard was cleaned up, and the servants scattered like crows and magpies.

  Ye Muyu stepped forward and handed Eunuch Ren some tea.

   "The tea made by Madam is delicious." Eunuch Ren finished the tea with great enjoyment.

  Ye Muyu knelt down and saluted, saying, "Thank you, Eunuch."

   "What is this, they don't even pay attention to miscellaneous families." A flash of hostility flashed in Eunuch Ren's eyes, and quickly disappeared, "Madam, are you not surprised?"

   "Elder-in-law is worrying too much. I know the character of the Sun family, so naturally I won't come out to fight head-on."

   "Ma'am, you did the right thing. It wouldn't be worth it if you got injured against these idiots."

   "However, madam, pay more attention. Although the Sun family is stupid, they are very courageous. Are there enough guards around?" Eunuch Ren frowned slightly, asking a little worriedly.

  Ye Muyu also realized this, nodded and said: "Don't worry, father-in-law, I know it well."

   "In this case, the miscellaneous family will not disturb Madam's rest." Eunuch Ren left with the guards.

  (end of this chapter)

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