Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1009: the person behind

  The Man Behind Chapter 1009

  However, this is not a difficult task for Ye Muyu. Under the social background of big data in later generations, extracting useful information from a large number of materials is already the most critical skill in business.

   And she, who studied business before.

  Ye Muyu sat down and asked Cheng Qing to bring him paper and ink. After laying out a whole sheet of paper, she drew the form. She wrote Xiaozhuan with small fonts.

  Cheng Qing handed her the same type of book, and Ye Muyu found out the key information and compiled it according to the content.

   Cheng Qing couldn't understand what she wrote, but the fonts on it were neat, and it didn't look like scribbling at all.

  When Ye Muyu was working hard.

  In the back house, Aunt Gao looked at the two people who came over and cried twice. If County Magistrate Sun hadn't been able to stop her, she might have been so angry that she would have gone to find someone to plot against them.

   "Master, you can still hold back, they will only bully you more and more." Aunt Gao drove away all the servants, squeezed his hand, and said angrily.

County Magistrate Sun didn't know: "It's not the time yet, Mr. Lin hasn't replied yet, we need to trick Chu Heng into solving the flood, but we can't really let him fix it, otherwise the Ministry of Households will be in danger in the future. No more money will be allocated.”

   "Be patient first, this ugliness will be reported when Chu Heng and Eunuch Ren leave the county government." County magistrate Sun gritted his teeth.

   "Master, I knew you were the best." Aunt Gao smiled with satisfaction.

But his eyes fell on their injured buttocks, and his eyes turned red immediately. While applying medicine to the two of them, he said fiercely: "Master, I have already sent my younger brother to clean up Chu Heng. Doesn't he want to cure the flood?" ? I let him get no news."

   "What did you do?" County Magistrate Sun asked while taking a breath.

"I asked my brother to go to the village to warn the villagers so that they dare not say anything to Chu Heng. If there is a chance, let Chu Heng stay in the water for a while, maybe he will become a fool if he is unlucky. " Aunt Gao sneered: "It's just a small official in the capital, and this year's Jinshi of Xinke, I'm afraid he doesn't know how to be an official. The wife brought it out."

   "How dare that woman make me look bad in public!" Aunt Gao's face was full of resentment: "I must make her look good!"

   County magistrate Sun touched her hand, "Okay, don't be angry, Mr. Lin's concubine has entered the backyard of the Chu family. Even if it's for Mrs. Lin, we have to get rid of Ye Muyu."

"Today's lesson made me realize that that woman is not stupid, knowing to please Ren Gonggong is a little troublesome." County magistrate Sun frowned, already had a lot of schemes in his heart, and wanted to use Ye Muyu .

   "Find a chance, wait for her to go out alone, and take her away directly." He said casually.

  Aunt Gao nodded and said with a sneer: "Don't worry, master, I have plenty of ways to deal with her."

  While the two were talking, there was an anxious sound of leaving at the door.

  Aunt Gao suddenly raised her head, and angrily reprimanded: "I told you not to wait for idlers to come over."

   "Ma'am, the master is not well. Eunuch Ren and his men broke into the file warehouse." The yamen servant at the door was sent by the county magistrate.

  Aunt Gao's face changed greatly: "How dare he."

  (end of this chapter)

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