Chapter 1019 Does it hurt?

  Ye Muyu smiled lightly: "Mother, it's okay, if you don't go out and experience it, how can you grow up?"

   "Is the house okay?" Ye Muyu thought of Lin Mianmian, and subconsciously thought of Lin Zhizhou who had just arrived in He County. She shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

"It's nothing serious, it's Aunt Lin's side. The people around her always find various excuses to go out and buy alone." Chu Liushi was afraid that Ye Muyu would be upset when she heard these things, so she quickly changed the subject: "Don't worry, the house is full of Ah Heng. Everyone listens to their parents, and on Aunt Lin's side, they can only find excuses to make noise on purpose."

   "You take a good rest, wait for your body to recover, and then talk about other things."

   "By the way, the power of the family is in my hands. I will give it to you when you are well."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu was not in a hurry to take charge of the house, she had better check the situation in the house first.

   Besides, Mrs. Chu Liu is also a smart person, and it is unlikely that there will be any major incidents in the house. She has a high status and wants to deal with an aunt easily. Even if the Lin family comes, she can't find a fault.

  Ye Muyu felt relieved.

  Chu Liu said: "Then I'll call the children in, they should be anxious."


  Zi Luo and Chu Jin had red eyes when they entered.

   "Mother, are you seriously injured? I saw the clothes they took off were stained with blood." Chu Jin had tears in his eyes, as if he wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry.

  Ye Muyu felt distressed when he saw it, and reached out to touch his face: "Mother, isn't it all right? It will be fine after half a month."

   "Really?" Chu Jin wiped away tears with his sleeves, and asked, "Mother, how did you get hurt?"

  Ye Muyu stretched out his hand and touched his head: "It's because the government order is not in harmony with the county magistrate, and the other party starts to hurt people."

"However, Xiao Jin, you can't speak out about this matter, because your parents have already settled it. Mother told you the truth to remind you that you should be more careful, whether it is in the officialdom or in the academy, and you must not have the intention of harming others. The human heart is indispensable."

  Chu Liu also thought that the reason for Ye Muyu's injury was that the third child was in office. She frowned and said, "This matter really cannot be spread."

   "Ah Yu, isn't Ah Heng injured?"

   "Mother, don't worry, Ah Heng was prepared, he was not injured, and now he has obtained evidence, which can check and balance the other party." Ye Muyu added one more sentence in order to reassure Chu Liushi.

  After Chu Jin came to Yuzhou, some students bullied him from time to time in the school, and his temper was much more mature than that in the county.

  He listened silently to his mother's words.

  Chu Ziluo's eyes were red, trying not to let the tears fall: "Mother, do you feel pain?"

   "Mother is fine, isn't this good." Ye Muyu comforted the two children, it was already a while later.

  Because Lu Sangqi came, Chu Liu took the two children down.

  Lu Sangqi entered the door, saw her leaning against the bed with a pale face, and walked over to feel her pulse.

  After half a ring, he put it down, "I can't die, it just loses too much blood, and I need to take good care of it. Don't burst the wound too many times. Now it will leave a scar after it's healed."

   "It's okay." Ye Muyu didn't care, since it was on her chest and not on her face, it didn't bother her much.

  While writing the prescription, Lu Sangqi saw her expression was indifferent, not panicked at all, and he didn't hold back after all, and asked, "How did you get hurt?"

   "You want to know?" Ye Muyu was a little embarrassed: "You will know after a while."

   "It can't be that the officials below are embarrassing Chu Heng, are you blocking arrows for him?"

  (end of this chapter)

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