Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1023: Thick black school

  Chapter 1023 Thick black school

   "Father and mother will settle matters between adults. Just keep yourself from being disadvantaged, and let everyone not scold you."

  After the incident with Sun County Magistrate’s family, Ye Muyu has long felt the delicate relationship in Yuzhou’s officialdom. She doesn’t mind making the water more and more muddy, because only muddy water can fish

  Will their parents know what these children are doing?

  She may not think so, but even if she doesn't take Chu Heng seriously, she also wants to help the Lin family suppress her, the real wife.

  She doesn't want to suffer, so let others suffer.

  Ye Muyu told him some unscrupulous stories in detail, to protect her son's self-defense, she does not regret teaching these things.

   In the future, there will be a capital city. If the son is too innocent, it will be too easy for others to take advantage of him.

   After a while, the maids brought hot water, and Sumei also brought the clothes.

  After Chu Jin took a shower and changed his clothes, he felt much better.

  Ye Muyu also gave him a copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War, which can be used on the battlefield, as well as in officialdom.

   She even gave Chu Jin a business manual, which was the autobiography that Ye Muyu had someone buy from those old businessmen.

  Business is a subject of knowledge. Ancient students looked down on business and devoted themselves to reading sage books. Little do they know that the principles of business can also be used in officialdom.

   "Mother, I will take a good look at it." Chu Jin said seriously.

  Ye Muyu reached out and touched his head: "Xiao Jin, mother taught you this to protect yourself, not to hurt others, understand? We must have principles in our lives, otherwise we will even spurn ourselves."

   "Mother, don't worry, I understand what you mean." Chu Jin nodded solemnly.

  Ye Muyu patted his head and asked Sumei to send him back to the front yard to rest. He definitely didn't have to go to school today.

  The main reason is that Chu Jin is too young now, only seven years old. The school in Yuzhou is comparable to a small officialdom.

  I can’t go back now, so I can only get used to it.

On the same day, Ye Muyu reduced the expenses of Spring Breeze Garden, and everything was done according to the rules of concubines in the homes of ordinary seventh-rank officials. Write down the time and name, and other detailed and trivial information.

   Early the next morning.

  Ye Muyu made some egg cakes and asked Chu Jin to take them to the school to share with good friends.

   It just so happened that the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and after Ye Muyu received Chu Heng's reply letter, she gave every family a gift in advance with nuances.

   One after another.

  She also received a lot of gifts in return.

In the whole Yuzhou, in addition to Zhizhou, there are also officials such as Tongzhi, Tongpan, and Salt Transport Envoy. In addition, there are two prominent big families, the Yan family of Yuzhou and the Hubu who just returned from the capital. Shang Shu, Mr. Zhao.

  The Yan family has developed in Yuzhou so far, and even Lin Zhizhou has given him three points of face.

  The Zhao family still has the Zhao family's son as an official in the capital, and no ordinary family would dare to offend them.

  Ye Muyu got gifts from the Zhao family and the Yan family first.

  The Yan family’s return ceremony was no different from other families, as if they didn’t intend to make friends with the Chu family.

  But to Ye Muyu's surprise, although the gifts returned by the Zhao family were very common, most of them were products of Zhuangzi, and they were not obvious items given to other people's families.

  Is this what it means to make friends with the Chu family?

  Ye Muyu felt that the Zhao family could try to make friends and see what the other party meant.

   Both are officials in the court, so there is always a need to make friends.

  After that came Lin Zhizhou, and it was very interesting that the Lin family delivered it to the door.

  (end of this chapter)

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