Chapter 1038 Aunt

   Seeing the fourth prince appear, he raised his hand: "Chongjin, tell Father, are the increased rice seeds on this brochure real? Didn't you take it out to fool me?"

   "Father, my ministers dare not lie." Li Chongjin replied in a calm voice, neither humble nor overbearing, kneeling.

   "Get up, get up."

   "Thank you, Father." Li Chongjin stood up, stood at the bottom, and asked, "Did Emperor Father read the brochures of my son?"

   "Look, you are responsible for planting this high-yielding rice seed, Chongjin? I see that Master Sanhai said that you are in charge of this matter. After you left Deming Temple, they grew it according to the rice seed you gave."

"Returning to the father, the reason why my son is studying rice seeds is because of Mrs. Chu." Li Chongjin had no intention of hiding anything. He already knew that the county magistrate of Nanchang County had also handed over the papers, but he was delayed in Next, there is no face saint yet.

  He has not been in Beijing for many years, he is a dispensable prince, let alone intervene in the official department, but he can hand in the booklet if he wants, at least to ensure that Aunt Ye's credit will not be taken away.

  Emperor Xuanming became interested, so he asked about the details.

  Li Chongjin talked about what happened in Xingshui Village back then.

   "It seems that the Mrs. Chu you mentioned is quite capable, and she even knows how to study high-yield rice seeds." Emperor Xuanming has always been a person who loves talents, as long as he has the ability, he can leave a good impression on him.

   "Chongjin, stay for dinner at night."

  The two chatted about the high-yield rice seeds for another hour, and Emperor Xuanming was able to confirm the authenticity of this matter, "Your mother may not have seen you for a long time, you go and see."

   "Yes, father, my son and minister will leave." Li Chongjin was neither humble nor overbearing, neither sad nor happy, and retreated after saluting.

  Emperor Xuanming coughed lightly, and called He Dequan who was waiting at the door.

   "He Dequan, Minister of the Ministry of Xuanhu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the old Song Ge have an audience."

   "Yes, Your Majesty." He Dequan hurried out of the hall, quickly passed the announcement out of the palace, and soon the three ministers entered the palace, and said something to the emperor in the hall, so they rushed out of the hall.

  Li Chongjin appeared in the harem.

  The queen is waiting in Kunning Palace, she has long known the news of the fourth prince entering the palace.

  When Li Chongjin arrived, the maid beside her welcomed the fourth prince in with great insight.

  Looking at the meals that had been prepared on the table, Li Chongjin walked over to salute before sitting down.

   "The sons and ministers see the queen mother."

   "Chongjin, come here quickly." The queen looked at him with a smile and kind eyes.

  The current Empress Lin is Li Chongjin's aunt.

   Lin Chongjin got up, walked over to sit down, and chatted with Queen Lin about the daily life. When talking about his life in the temple, Queen Lin was very distressed: "You child, you have suffered a lot."

   "Chongjin is not bitter." Lin Chongjin's voice was flat, without any extra emotion. He was obviously a child, but he looked like a monk who had lived for many years.

   "You are all for your mother, she will be happy." Queen Lin reached out and touched his head.

  Lin Chongjin didn't move, just let her go, as if he didn't feel it.

  The two sisters of the Lin family married into the palace.

  Lin Chongjin's eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything.

  Last year, his mother had gone, and he could only perform his filial piety from a distance.

   "Look at my aunt, she said this again, come, let's eat, let's not talk about it." Empress Lin brought him food, and Lin Chongjin ate it all. When the meal was finished and tea was drunk, the emperor came.

   talked with the two of them for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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