Chapter 1040 Audience

   "Chen Aiqing, for this matter, you will go to Nanchang County to transport the grain seeds back, and then set up a test field outside the capital. There must be enough grain seeds to be distributed throughout the country next year."

  Houbu Shangshu's legs trembled: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this... will require a lot of manpower."

   "Why, do you think my requirements are too high?" Emperor Xuanming asked directly and very displeased.

Chen Tianmin, Minister of the Household Department, naturally felt that the emperor's requirements were too high. If he couldn't grow them, wouldn't he be beheaded? Besides, if something went wrong on the way to Nanchang County, his responsibility would be even more important. , He still doesn't know how many rice seeds there are this year, how can he take over this job.

   "Your Majesty, I don't dare to do so. It's just that according to the brochures, the number of rice seeds does not seem to be many. The old minister is afraid that there are good fields, but there are not enough grain seeds."

  Emperor Xuanming was already in a bad mood. He raised this official to do practical things, not to make excuses with him everywhere. According to Si'er, he must be able to achieve his goal.

   But Chen Tianmin is too moderate and has no fighting spirit at all. Every time he asks him for silver taels, he also finds various reasons.

   "Since this is the case, then this matter will be left to the fourth prince."

Chen Tianmin originally thought that with the emperor's negotiable temperament, if he spoke more honestly, the other party would definitely agree. After all, the emperor likes to be a practical official. He only needs to let the other party lower his goals. A bad thing, but a good thing.

   He didn't react until he heard Emperor Xuanming's words. Is this... just not letting him participate in this matter?

  Chen Tianmin quickly knelt down: "Your Majesty, I'm telling the truth, even if the fourth prince came to do this, he still couldn't do it."

   "Do you have an opinion on my decision?" Emperor Xuanming seemed kind, but when it was time to be ruthless, he never softened his heart, not to mention that there were countless secret guards in the royal family who monitored all officials.

  Every year, as long as the officials who are caught with braids are caught, they can be directly removed, because there are many Jinshi who have passed the imperial examination and entered the officialdom, and Emperor Xuanming has many officials at his disposal.

  Because of this, Beijing officials dare not form a party for personal gain. As long as there is a sign, they will either be grounded or demoted.

As a result, there were many officials with real talents and practical skills, and many officials were independent and hated socializing the most. However, Emperor Xuanming always praised these officials to make them more independent and unique, and maintain their own status. Temperament, in this way, no one would dare to isolate those arrogant officials.

  As soon as Emperor Xuanming said this, Chen Tianmin realized that the fourth prince might have something to do, so his words not only failed to make the emperor feel justified, but also brought out his incompetence.

  Chen Tianmin vomited so much that he could only kneel down and beg for mercy: "Your Majesty, I dare not."

   "That's very good, but the fourth prince is still young, so Chen Aiqing will assist you, and you must keep the grain well."

  Chen Tianmin didn't expect that not only did he not get a good job, but he also had to work hard to help the fourth prince as a bodyguard. If something happened to the rice seeds, he and the fourth prince might not be able to walk around.

   "Chen Aiqing, the rice seeds this time are very precious. There must be no mistakes in the people's livelihood and the future money and grain of the household department." Emperor Xuanming said very seriously.

It has been a long time since Chen Tianmin saw the emperor being so serious, and he doesn't find it strange after thinking about it carefully. After all, food and the people are the foundation of the court, and most of his household's money and food come from the people. He also wants the household's money to be more, Naturally hope this will work out.

  (end of this chapter)

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