Chapter 1045 Provocation

  Ziluo and Xiaojin are also dressed very thickly.

  The sound of horseshoes sounded outside the door.

  A very ordinary carriage appeared at the door.

  Lu Chuan jumped out of the carriage and opened the curtain.

  After a while, Lin Mianmian got out of the car with slightly red cheeks.

   Supporting her was Cuizhu, the maid beside her.

  Ye Muyu's heart shrank, she tried her best to restrain herself, and looked at this scene calmly.

  She can hold back.

  Chu Jin couldn't bear it, and asked directly: "Uncle Lu, where is my father?"

   "Master is behind, he came back on horseback." Lu Chuan spoke concisely, but also revealed the most important news.

   "Xiao Jin, come back." Ye Muyu called the child back, reached out and rubbed his head, and taught him: "Be more stable."

   "Understood, mother." Chu Jin didn't like Lin Mianmian, he never thought that someone would come to **** his father.

  In the past, he was afraid of his father, but now he doesn’t like it anymore. His classmates in the school said that because his father liked him, he took a concubine. In the future, his father will have children with his concubine, and he doesn’t like him with his sister and mother anymore.

he is very angry.

Before Ye Muyu opened his mouth to speak, Lin Mianmian stepped forward and explained softly: "Speaking of it, it's fate. I met the master just after I came down from the mountain. There was something wrong with my carriage, so the master let me sit on him." The carriage, for which the cold wind blows."

   "Really?" Ye Muyu looked calm, without any extra emotions.

  Lin Mianmian was a little dissatisfied with her reaction, squinted her eyes and said, "Master said, I'm pretty."

  Ye Muyu's eyes finally fell on her face: "Then does Chu Heng know that you are hugged by other men?"

   In a word, poke her sore spot.

  If she didn't know why Lin Mianmian went out in the morning, she already fully understood it now. She probably got the news from the Lin family that Chu Heng was coming back, and went out on purpose to wait to get close to him.

  Lin Mianmian's face changed as expected: "That was an accident."

  Suddenly a smile appeared on her face: "The master said, he doesn't care."


   While the two were talking, there was a sound of horseshoes at the door.

  Chu Heng uttered a black brocade robe and a black cloak on his body. His face was still clear and indifferent, making it difficult for people to approach.

  The man got off his horse, and Lu Chuan immediately stepped forward to take the rope.

  Chu Heng walked towards the gate.

  Ye Muyu reminded the two children: "Xiaojin, Ziluo, call someone."

  Ziluo was the most well-behaved. She walked up to Chu Heng and shouted, "Father, you have worked hard all the way."

  Chu Jin snorted softly, and called out reluctantly: "Father."

Lin Mianmian said in a concerned tone: "It seems that the young master doesn't like the master, is it because the master has not come back for a long time that the young master is angry, but the master is also for this family, the young master should not be angry, and be considerate of the master. "

  How could Chu Jin stand up to this provocation, Ye Muyu preempted her when she was about to speak, she just looked at Chu Heng: "Master believes what Aunt Lin said?"

  Chu Jin held her hand tightly, and looked at Chu Heng nervously and anxiously.

  Ziluo also subconsciously leaned towards Ye Muyu.

  Chu Heng opened his mouth, his voice a little hoarse: "No."

  The smile on Lin Mianmian's face froze.


   "Go back to the house and rest." Chu Heng frowned and said.

  Lin Mianmian didn't want to leave, so she stomped her feet: "Master, just now my father asked you to take care of me, but you push me away now, how can you explain to my father?"

   "Are you not full or warm?" Chu Heng asked very seriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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