Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1047: Straight man of the century

  Chapter 1047 Straight man of the century

  Ye Muyu paid attention to him from time to time, felt his emotional changes, a sincere smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, took the teacup, and poured him a cup of tea to warm his stomach first.

   "Ziluo, come, drink some stomach-nourishing tea."

  Ziluo had a sensible smile on her face: "Thank you, mother."

   "Mother, in fact, father probably doesn't like Aunt Lin." Ziluo whispered after hesitating.

  Ye Muyu held the teacup in his hand and slowly drank the tea. Hearing the words, he nodded, "I know."

  She couldn't tell who Chu Heng liked. Of course, he didn't like Lin Mianmian, but it didn't mean he thought of him or liked him.

   "Then mother, don't be angry with father." Ziluo's voice became even softer.

  Ye Muyu reached out and rubbed her head: "Ziluo, don't worry, mother is not angry, have you been tired from studying recently?"

  She may not understand love very well, but she doesn't want the two children to always pay attention to her relationship with Chu Heng. She thinks that Chu Heng's recovery of memory is more important than emotional matters.

When it came to studies, Ziluo's attention was diverted, she nodded: "Mother, the wife you hired for me is very good, I already know most of the characters now, and I won't make mistakes again, mother, I recently chose to paint, but didn't learn the piano, will you be disappointed?"

  Ziluo usually needs to practice handwriting in addition to reading. In addition to reading books, there are also many courses. She likes a lot of miscellaneous learning. Ye Muyu does not stop her from learning, and invites various craftsmen to teach her.

  Chu Ziluo's knowledge is better than some girls from rich families.

"If you like it, learn it. Mom, you can arrange the time well." Ye Muyu is not spoiled for Ziluo, she hopes that she can learn what she wants to learn, one more skill, and she can rely on her in the future, not to mention Ziluo Luo is willing to learn, which shows that her temperament is not weak, but she is actually firm.

   While the three were talking.

  Meals were also delivered from the big kitchen.

  The food was ready, but before Chu Heng came over, Ye Muyu called Sumei to say something.

   And in the backyard.

  Chu Heng had just changed his clothes, and when he walked out of the courtyard, he ran into a woman wearing a snow-white cloak standing by the corridor.

  He subconsciously looked over and stopped, but the cloak that Ye Muyu had just seen appeared in his mind. He had a good memory, and the cloak he asked the caravan to bring back didn't seem to be of that color.

   But it is undeniable that she is wearing that cloak, which makes her look more delicate than a flower. Her delicate face and red lipstick are applied to her lips, making her even more beautiful.

   So she likes white...

   "Lang Jun..."

While he was in a daze, a figure came towards him, carrying a cold wind. Chu Heng turned sideways subconsciously. Lin Mianmian jumped anxiously, but he didn't expect him to move away. Hearing a cry of pain, Lu Chuan, who was following Chu Heng, shivered slightly just hearing the sound.

   "Aunt Lin?" There was still a hint of hesitation in Chu Heng's voice.

   Cuizhu, who was standing far away, heard the voice, and finally came to his senses, together with Cuiyu, he hurried up to help Lin Mianmian up.

   "Ah, miss, your face is bleeding."

Lin Mianmian touched the wound with trembling hands, tears rolled in her eyes in pain immediately, when she wanted to reprimand, she saw Chu Heng holding back forcibly, raised her head, and intentionally exposed the wound, "Master, my face hurts... "

   "Yes." Chu Heng responded, like a straight man of the century, "Let the servants go and invite the doctor in, and you send Miss Lin back to have a good rest, so as not to leave scars."

  (end of this chapter)

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