Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1049: Can't figure it out

  Chapter 1049 Can't figure it out

  Ye Muyu is relieved, she doesn't want the two children to be strangers to Chu Heng, after all, they are Chu Heng's closest relatives.

   "Ziluo, Xiaojin, go back to the yard earlier to rest."

   "Mother, then I'll go back first." Chu Ziluo has good eyesight, she has already noticed that father's eyes fell on mother twice, but mother didn't notice.

  She hoped that her father and mother would have a good relationship. In the past, the most important thing in father's heart was mother. How could she lose her memory because of memory loss?

  She couldn't figure it out, so she thought, if father and mother get in touch more, father will definitely be able to remember.

  After Chu Ziluo left.

  Chu Jin walked up to Chu Heng timidly: "Father, can I watch you practice your sword tomorrow morning?"

  Chu Heng's eyes fell on him, and he was indeed taller than he was a few months ago. The boy practiced sword very well, so he nodded in agreement.

  Seeing that he agreed, Chu Jin was so happy that he almost jumped up.

  Wait as soon as the two children leave.

  Ye Muyu also got up and asked the servants to take down the tea.

  She passed by Chu Heng and walked towards the backyard.

Chu Heng watched the hem of her clothes pass by, followed by his eyes, and saw the woman leave just like that, he frowned slightly, a little confused, how could his wife who was quite proactive towards him in the county before, treat her now? His attitude is so cold?

   "Master, you need to dry your hair, otherwise you will suffer from the wind and cold." Lu Chuan waited for Ye Muyu to leave before rushing in.

   "Well, dry me off."

  Ye Muyu went back to the backyard, Sumei came from halfway, and followed her into the yard.

  When Chun Xing helped her take off her coat, she hesitated to speak.

  Ye Muyu could see clearly, "Chun Xing, help me fill the tub with water, I want to use osmanthus-flavored essential oil tonight."

   "Good lady." Chun Xing stepped back, and together with the other maids serving outside, filled the bathroom with water.

  Ye Muyu looked at Sumei and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

"Ma'am, slave... When I went to call the master, I saw Aunt Lin stopping the master at the gate of the courtyard." Sumei was afraid that Ye Muyu would be sad, so she hurriedly said: "But the master is not close to Aunt Lin, and the slave is far away, only seeing them After saying a few words, the master went to the front hall for dinner."

  Sumei knew that Chu Heng was good at martial arts, so she didn't dare to get too close. Because she came late, she didn't see the scene of Lin Mianmian wrestling.

  Although the master ignored Aunt Lin this time, she was afraid that the master would go to Aunt Lin's side sooner or later.

   "I see, don't worry." Ye Muyu didn't want to mention this matter, in fact, she wasn't very angry anymore, thinking about it now, it was Lin Mianmian who always leaned on Chu Heng.

  But, can a man really resist a woman's initiative?

She had no idea. In her previous monogamous life, her biological parents could separate and form a family. Now in the ancient times of monogamy and multiple concubines, taking concubines is normal. Chu Heng also attaches great importance to children. It's already a very good thing to lose her face.

   Reason told her that there was no need to ask for more.

  Ye Muyu didn't want to become a puppet controlled by love, and tried her best to control all emotions, without unnecessary emotional fluctuations on her face.

   "Okay, I'll take a shower first."

   Wait for Ye Muyu to finish bathing.

   Walked into the house and found a pot of charcoal fire in the house.

  She was about to ask who brought it in, when she saw Chu Heng sitting on the soft couch, she looked at the brazier, and she knew it.

  She went to the vanity mirror and wiped her face.

  (end of this chapter)

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