Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1051: if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate

  Chapter 1051 I am lucky to have lost my life

   But there was no Chu Heng's voice behind her. She knew that the other party was not talkative, so she ignored it and closed her eyes to fall asleep.

  Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind and straightened her up.

  Ye Muyu frowned subconsciously, looking at the man beside him.

  Chu Heng's voice was serious: "The last time I was injured, it was because of me."

"Thank you."

  Ye Muyu said, "I see."

The attitude is still cold, completely different from the previous attitude. Chu Heng only knows that he is getting more and more irritable. It seems that she should not have the attitude now. In fact, some images often flash in his mind at night recently, but they are not clear and blurry. .

  Although every time he thinks of something, he will have a severe headache, but he doesn't care. Restoring his memory is what he should do. No matter how painful it is, just endure it.

   Now looking at the woman in front of him, he frowned, trying his best to restrain the urge to reach out and hug her.

  He doesn't want to force her, no matter why he has such intense emotions now, he should also respect women.

  It's just that when the words came to my lips, somehow they turned into accusations: "You don't want to help me restore my memory?"

   "Don't you still have two children? Although the parents have gone back, they will come back in the next year and spend more time with their former acquaintances. You can remember it."

  Chu Heng's voice became hoarse: "I thought we were closer."

   "Then do you remember now?" Ye Muyu asked back.

Chu Heng didn't speak anymore, just looked at her, her meaning couldn't be more obvious, he had already tried to get in touch with the other party, but he still didn't remember, no matter how close she was to him before, she had already worked hard, couldn't he Do you want to keep dragging her?


   After a long time, Chu Heng let go of her silently, and said such an unclear apology.

  Ye Muyu didn't respond, she knew that she was playing with a temper. Growing up alone made her feel lonely in her heart, and she didn't like to trouble others the most.

   I don’t expect extravagant feelings for love, I’m lucky if I get it, but my life is lost.

  This kind of experience made her never dare to take the initiative to express her feelings.

  Especially, she had no idea what Chu Heng was thinking.

  Her courage during those days in the county government office was because she kept hinting to herself in her heart that she helped Chu Heng recover his memory, so that she was worthy of his sincere feelings for her before he lost his memory.

  Now, seeing him in contact with Lin Mianmian, she no longer has the courage to take the initiative.

   "It's okay." Ye Muyu heard her voice was so soft that she didn't even seem to hear it.

  Chu Heng remained silent.

  Ye Muyu also closed her eyes, she could only feel that the man beside her was still there, but in the end, she still didn't say a word.

  The night passed quickly.

  Ye Muyu didn't know when she fell asleep.

   When he woke up, Chu Heng was no longer beside him.

  She reached out and touched the bed board, it was very cold, it could be seen that the person had already left.

  She sat up and called Sumei to bring water in to wash up.

   "Ma'am, the master went to the front yard to accompany the young master to practice swords, and even the young lady went, and the servant made the kitchen prepare breakfast. You woke up just right." Sumei's voice was brisk, and she was in a much better mood than yesterday.

  She was very happy, the master stayed with the lady last night after all.

   Even the maid from Aunt Lin’s side came over and said that Aunt Lin’s face was seriously injured, but Lu Chuan didn’t let him in. Does it prove that Mrs. Mood is the most important thing?

  (end of this chapter)

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