Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1082: It is a blessing to be able to eat

  Chapter 1082 Eating is a blessing

  So even if the news from the capital hadn't come back, he planned to take advantage of this banquet to directly arrest Ye Muyu and force Chu Heng to express his opinion.

   Who knew, her daughter gave Ye Muyu a chance to escape!

   "Master, Master Chu is here..." The butler beside him hurriedly reminded him.

  Lin Zhizhou's stern face immediately returned to calm, and when Chu Heng approached, it had returned to normal. The two confronted each other, and most of the rest of the eyes fell on the two of them.

   Female seats.

  Ye Muyu just sat down on the seat, and a person stood beside him, "Sister Ye, you are here, how about I sit with you?"

   "Aren't you sitting with Mrs. Zhao?"

   "Sister Ye, my mother is here."

   After Zhao Qingqing said this, she blinked at her, Ye Muyu got up immediately, looked up and saw Mrs. Zhao walking over.

   "I have seen Madam." Ye Muyu saluted.

The smile on Mrs. Zhao's face was shallow, and she reached out to help her up: "Ayu, you don't have to look outside, speaking of it, Qingqing has troubled you these days. According to your family's method, the greenhouse on our village has also come out. , Just two days ago, a batch of green vegetables, garlic sprouts and shallots were sent over from Zhuangzi."

  Zhao Qingqing saw that her mother took the initiative to talk to Ye Muyu, and her smile deepened: "Mother, I just said that I can do it. Sister Ye has taught me. If there is any problem, you should believe me now."

   "Trust me." Mrs. Zhao said with a smile.

   Mrs. Zhao took the initiative to talk to Ye Muyu, and Ye Muyu was naturally able to speak, and would speak.

   "By the way, I saw just now, why, the Lin family doesn't have a maid to entertain you?" Mrs. Zhao took the initiative to sit next to Ye Muyu, the seat was at the front, and other wives and young ladies couldn't get close to her when she was talking.

   It's just that most of the eyes fell on Ye Muyu.

A country woman in her twenties was granted an imperial edict because of grain seeds. Many people were muttering in their hearts, wondering that Ye Muyu didn't look like a peasant woman who was exposed to the wind and sun every day, and surprised that the Chu family could find rice seeds. .

  In the end, everyone surprisingly came to the same idea, Ye Muyu followed Chu Heng to gain glory!

This Lord Chu is a truth-seeker, concerned with people's livelihood, and an official who really does practical things. As long as he does not make big mistakes, he will be reused by the emperor in the future. Who in the whole of Chu knows that Emperor Mingzong's favorite is an official who does practical things .

  Of course, with the support of such officials, the throne will naturally become more and more stable.

  If he is favored by Emperor Mingzong, even if the officials in the court want to plot against him, they will be afraid.

  Ye Muyu pretended not to notice the gazes of the crowd, her expression remained the same, and she was taken aback when she heard the words: "Madam Zhao also knows?"

"Could it be Lin... your aunt?" Mrs. Zhao is an old man who has lived in the back house for so many years. She knows this trick well, and she can tell it from Ye Muyu's expression. Without waiting for her to answer, she continued: "You Just follow me, if you feel troublesome, give me a set of beautiful rouge."

   "Mother, you should have a table full of Han people." Zhao Qingqing couldn't wait to speak out at this moment.

  Madam Zhao smiled and nodded her nose: "You girl, with you, nothing is more important than food."

   "Qingqing is still young, it is a blessing to be able to eat." Ye Muyu smiled.

  The three of them here have a close relationship.

  Other people's minds are active.

  Those who knew Mrs. Zhao took the initiative to say hello.

   "I met Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Chu." The first person to come over was actually Mrs. Yan.

   Madam Yan's eyes fell on Ye Muyu: "Congratulations, Madam Chu."

  (end of this chapter)

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