Chapter 1282 Gift giving

   "My parents ate outside today." Ye Muyu explained.

   "Well, I know, I met my eldest brother outside."

"Brother also mentioned one more thing. He said that the oil fume ink from his hometown is selling well in Jiangnan. In the past few years, Ah Xing has helped us a lot. His eldest son was born a few days ago. This time it happened that the elder brother went back. We Get him some presents."

   "Mom, I also made a small coat, how about giving it to my little cousin?" Chu Ziluo asked with a smile on his face.

   "Sure, Ziluo is skillful, and the clothes she made are comfortable and beautiful." Naturally, Ye Muyu would not reject her daughter's kindness.

  Chu Ziluo said again: "Mother, I also made small clothes for my younger brothers and sisters. You can have a look when the time comes. If you can, I will wear them for your younger brothers and sisters."

   "When did Zi Luo do it?" Ye Muyu was a little surprised, stretched out his hand and pulled her hand over, and looked at it carefully for a while, but there was no wound, but there were a little calluses on the fingertips, obviously left by long-term needlework.

  Chu Ziluo smiled shyly: "Mother, my current skills will no longer be caught."

   "It's just that the skills are not very good."

   "Come and see tomorrow." Ye Muyu praised: "Ziluo's craftsmanship must be good, so don't be modest."

   "Mother, I'll show you tomorrow morning, so you don't have to come here." Chu Ziluo carefully looked at her swollen belly, "Now mother is getting older, so be careful."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu was very happy to be filial by his daughter.

   After dinner, Chu Heng and Ye Muyu walked side by side to the backyard.

  Now he handles official business in the backyard wing room every day, and the frequency of going to the study is much less.

  By the way, after dinner, I can also take a walk with Ye Muyu.

   Now that the month is old, she walks slowly, and she is as meek as a little turtle.

  Chu Heng didn't dislike being with her.

   It was Chu Jin, who was a boy after all, and couldn't wait, so he took the two brothers Chu Sheng and Chu Zhang to the library to choose books.

  The Chu family has a lot of books, and the two brothers have read many books, but they can't remember them all.

  Those rare copies, I plan to make a copy and bring them back.

   "Ah Heng, what gift do you think would be good for Ah Xing's child?" Ye Muyu was supported by his hand, and just two steps away, a big hand appeared on his waist.

  Chu Heng half supported her, walked two steps, his body relaxed, and he leaned on his shoulder.

   "Send something practical?" Chu Heng didn't pay much attention to gift giving, and he hesitated when it came to this.

  Ye Muyu has a lot of ideas: "I want to give some clothes, preferably made of softer materials. Children are born with soft skin."

   "However, I would like to give him a security lock, and hope that he will be safe and grow up healthy." After Ye Muyu finished speaking, she couldn't help looking at Chu Heng and asking for his opinion.

   "Okay, I'll take it to the shop tomorrow and make one, and it will be done in about three days."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu liked his obedience in some small matters, the two returned to the house, and Chu Heng went to deal with official duties as usual.

  Ye Muyu had nothing to do, so she asked Sumei to soak her feet in a tub.

   While I was soaking my feet, I found another Chinese storybook to read.

  Looking at it, she felt that there was no taste.

   "These scripts are not well written." Ye Muyu frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

  Chu Heng knew that she was emotionally sensitive recently, so he asked the reason first.

   "It's written about the lingering relationship between the scholar and the young lady, but it's obvious that they are giving and receiving in private."

  (end of this chapter)

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