Chapter 1376 Yang Shan

   Greeted again to the female relatives of County Magistrate Yang's family, and a group of four carriages headed for Deming Temple.

  Deming Temple is an hour away from the county seat.

  When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was already Sishi. Today was a rare good day, and the cloudy sky finally cleared up. Chu Jin and Chu Bo jumped out of the carriage.

  Chu Sheng and Chu Zhang are going to entertain Yang Jun, the son of the county magistrate.

  Wang and Zhang met Mrs. Du, the county magistrate's wife, and Yang Shan, the youngest daughter of the county magistrate's family.

  The female relatives are with the female relatives, and the men walk alone. Because of the good relationship, there are not so many etiquettes.

  Chu Qingyu is younger than Yang Shan, but she looks taller than the pampered Yang Shan.

   "Sister Yang, my name is Chu Qingyu, from now on you can just call me Qingyu." Before Chu Qingyu left the house, she was told by Mrs. Wang that she had no strengths other than being obedient.

  Ms. Wang asked her to talk more with Yang Shan, and Chu Qingyu took the initiative.

   "Hello, Qingyu." Yang Shan smiled shyly. She has a round face, and she smiles very cutely. Her eyes are like stars. Maybe she is very favored. She speaks very innocently.

   "Your skin is really good." Yang Shan asked with envy in her eyes, "Can I touch your face?"

   "Okay." Chu Qingyu was praised, laughed so happily, and flaunted: "I use the ointment sold in my third aunt's shop every day, that's why it's so good."

  Yang Shan stretched out her hand itchy and touched her face, it was smooth and pink.

"Is it the ointment sold in the Meimianrouzhi shop?" Yang Shan poked her finger and asked, "I only heard about this shop when I came to the county seat. I couldn't buy it in Beidi before. Every time I need to call the maid at home Go grab it to buy it.”

   "You should go to the shop first and try to see what is most suitable for you. Buying blindly is a waste of money." Chu Qingyu suggested.

  Yang Shan blinked her eyes, full of surprise: "So you can still try it, I only know what my mother said, it's very useful, but it's more expensive."

"It's not expensive, because one bottle can be used for a long time, and you don't need to buy a new one for half a year, and you don't need to use too much each time. My third aunt said that it has a long-term effect. If you use too much for a period of time, the effect will not be great. Very obvious."

  Yang Shan snapped her fingers: "That's really great, I have enough monthly silver to buy two cans."

   "Shanshan, come and say hello to the ladies." Madam Yang called her.

  Yang Shan took small steps, passed by, and obediently greeted Mrs. Du, Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Wang.

  Chu Qingyu was also called over.

  The two of them cannot go together when the adults talk.

  Looked at each other, Chu Qingyu said: "Mother, I'll talk to Sister Yang."

   "That's right, I'm afraid the children will find it boring when we adults talk, so it's better to let the children play alone." Mrs. Yang nodded in agreement.

  Wang sincerely told her daughter: "Qingyu, take good care of Shanshan and don't run around."

   "Understood, mother, don't worry, there are brothers and the others who are writing poems and learning, and sister Yang and I will be talking at the side."

  As Chu Qingyu said, she pulled Yang Shan, who was blushing, to go forward first.

  Several are the default.

   This matchmaking was originally made by the Du family, so they came together.

   "Brother, look quickly." Chu Bo was more active than anyone else, and when he saw Yang Shan coming, he winked at Chu Zhang.

  Chu Zhang was honest, his face turned red.

   "Don't mess around." Chu Zhang reprimanded Chu Bo.

  (end of this chapter)

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