Chapter 1428 Liu Zhe

   "Grandmother, is there any arrangements for Uncle?"

   "I have already sent the evidence." Mrs. Huo also seemed to be a little older, muttering in her mouth: "I hope everything goes well."

  Huo Hongyan could tell that Mrs. Huo was not in a good state of mind after going through these things, especially since she was already old and not used to the weather here when she came to the capital.

   "Grandmother, can I ask little doctor Lu to come and see you tomorrow, okay?" Huo Hongyan was really worried.

  Mrs. Huo felt sorry for her daughter who was abducted out of the house in order to attract attention.

   But seeing that she really didn’t seem to be in trouble, and she was not bullied, but she must have suffered a lot. She was sad and resented that she was useless, and her body became more and more uncomfortable.

  She smiled lovingly, stretched out her hand to touch her long hair, with a look of deep pain in her eyes: "It's all right, grandma is all right, if you are worried, you can ask little doctor Lu to come over."

   "Grandma, you have to be well." Huo Hongyan closed her eyes, and buried herself in her palm.

  Huo Hongyan didn't stay long, she came out of the Rongfuyuan, returned to Xianggui, and soaked in the bathtub, only then did she think about what happened in the past two days.

  I just hope it goes well.

  Huo Hongyan closed her eyes and murmured.

  Liu's house.

Liu Zhe now has the fame of juren, and he studies in the school on weekdays. The Liu family is only a fourth-rank official, and is very inconspicuous under the feet of the emperor. Being an official is also a good thing for the family.

   All along, he has put all his focus on his fame and reputation. He is not willing to see his family members being wronged. He is the eldest son in the family and should take responsibility.

   I didn't even think about getting married.

  But last night, in order to save Miss Huo, he hugged her. Even though the other party thanked her calmly afterwards and didn't mention the woman's reputation, he couldn't pass the test in his heart.

  He has never had close contact with a woman. Ms. Huo is innocent. She doesn't want to get involved with herself. She even said that nothing happened last night, so he shouldn't take it to heart.


Liu Zhe closed his eyes. Although he has always kept himself clean, he was not interested in men and women, and even felt bored. He never thought that one day, that beautiful figure would always appear in his head, and he would never forget it. Lose.

  He stretched out his hand to cover his chest, where it was more lively than before, with the sound of plopping, Liu Zhe had a wry smile on his lips.

   "Brother, why are you still here? Lunch is ready, and Dad said that he will take you to meet Master Liu later."

  Liu Zhe put down his hand abruptly, stood up calmly, and subconsciously frowned after hearing her words: "Sister, which Master Liu?"

   "It's the Duke." Liu Jiayun whispered, and she also realized that her eldest brother was not in a good mood.

  Liu Zhe closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

   "Let's go, let's eat first."

  Liu Jiayun didn't dare to say much, but obediently followed behind him.

   After lunch, Liu Zhe didn't say a word the whole time. Only Liu Jiayun noticed that her elder brother was in a bad mood, but her father and mother were very happy. Since Master Liu only works in the Qingshui Yamen, even if he wanted to climb up to Zheng Guogong, he couldn't climb up.

   Now that there is this opportunity, Mr. Liu is naturally happy.

   "Father, I have something to tell you." After lunch, Liu Zhe said to Master Liu, without waiting for his answer, he went straight to the small study next to him.

  Master Liu was a little unhappy.

  (end of this chapter)

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