Chapter 1533 Retrieve

   Zhang Hai knows that Chun Xing is Ye Muyu's confidant, so he will naturally serve her well and win her over.

  Chun Xing shook her head: "Madam is still outside, I have to go back, besides, the food in the shop outside is not as good as the house, and there are many people who want to ask Mrs. Hu to cook a meal."

  Seeing Chun Xing's twitching appearance.

  Zhang Hai shook his head helplessly, but he was inexplicably envious, but he came back to his senses in an instant, "The madam is here too?"

  Zhang Hai was about to go out to greet him with a shake of his hand.

  Chun Xing stretched out her hand to hold him: "Master Zhang, you are busy with your work. Madam doesn't need your entertainment. Okay, I'm going back."

  Chun Xing ran out quickly.

  Zhang Hai hurried to the door, ready to say hello to his wife.

  Zhang Yunlin also followed involuntarily, he knew what he wanted to see, and he wanted to make sure if there were any good officials in this world.

  Zhang Hai is obviously going to be disappointed.

  Chun Xing directly boarded a low-key and spacious carriage opposite the shop. The carriage didn't stop, and left soon, without even a chance for him to say hello.

"This Mrs. Chu is smart and kind-hearted. She is a blessing to the common people." Zhang Hai sighed softly, but a sense of pride welled up in his heart. With such a master, he would not worry about being wronged. Don't play to death.

  Zhang Yunlin watched silently, needless to mention the touch in his heart, but his face twitched, and after a while he said: "Uncle Zhang, the master was also a farmer who walked up step by step, right?"

"Yes, I have heard that Lord Chu not only cured the flood in Yuzhou, but also survived the plague and saved many people. Moreover, Lord Chu also contributed a lot to the war in the north. .”

   "When encountering wars in previous years, the Ministry of Finance always shirked the blame, which led to problems with food and grass, but this time, Master Chu went out and sent a lot of smoke bombs to send the food and grass over."

   "It is precisely because Mr. Chu is an official from a peasant family that he can think about the suffering of the people and solve the problem thoroughly." Once Zhang Hai accepted the master's family from the bottom of his heart, the position in his heart instantly became extremely heavy.

  The admiration and admiration between words are too obvious.

  After Zhang Yunlin heard this, the doubts in his heart dissipated a lot. He looked at the empty shop, and thought that although the Chu Mansion was decorated in a simple and elegant way, it was not luxurious. It can be seen that the master of the Chu Mansion is not the one who values ​​money.


  Ye Muyu followed back home.

   Called Sumei to order the people below to use a horse-drawn carriage to sell cotton-padded clothes in counties, villages and other places outside the capital every day.

  The winter in Beijing is very cold, and it will be March until spring begins.

   There are still more than three months from now, and if we sell it now, maybe there will be fewer people suffering.


  Chu Heng looked at the five boxes of gold ingots that had been taken back, and listened to the news from the deputy general next to him.

   "My lord, there is no one from Tang Rou's side to rescue, and there are many officials in the capital who have been implicated. The gold has been found, but do you still need Tang Rou to make arrangements?"

   "No need, take him back to the prison." Chu Heng looked at the five boxes of gold ingots with deep eyes, the deputy general left, Zhang Zhi and Liu Ruying hurried forward.

   "My lord, are you still tracking?" Liu Ruying asked impatiently, "Zheng Guogong must have hidden other bank notes and silver before he left, and the case back then, I'm afraid there may be some grievances in it."

  Zhang Zhi carefully looked at the case of the loss of disaster relief money that year, which involved the ransacking of the General’s Mansion, and followed this case to find evidence and gold.

  A lot of people involved were arrested.

  (end of this chapter)

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