Chapter 1586 looks like

   "Sister Huo and Jiaojiao will also go with them."

  Seeing her pestering her so much, Ye Muyu was a little helpless, and hinted aloud: "If you want to go out alone, mother will allow it."

Chu Ziluo smiled, rolled her eyes and shook her head: "No, mother, I don't want to go out alone. I'm not too young. When I get married, the time I want to be with my mother will be short. I don't want to waste such a good opportunity now." .”

   "You girl..." Ye Muyu didn't understand why this child is so clingy, it seems to be in the same line as Chu Heng.

  Thinking of Chu Heng's usual actions, she couldn't help but smiled softly.

   "Ma'am, are you going to the bookstore now?" Sumei followed her, thinking it was because the business in the shop was so happy, she also smiled from ear to ear.

  The business of Meimian Rouge Shop is very good. In the morning alone, it sold nearly three hundred taels of silver.

  Ye Muyu did not refuse Ziluo to follow her.

  Huo Hongyan and Zhou Jiaojiao originally wanted to go shopping, and they didn't have any destinations. They were just attracted by some fresh ways of treating customers at Meimianrouzhi Shop.

   Now I heard that they are going to visit other shops of the Chu family, and they are also a little interested.

"Speaking of which, I used to be not interested in any shop at home. I just thought that I just needed to learn how to read the books, so I didn't care about it. Now I realize that running a shop is so much fun." Zhou Jiaojiao's eyes lit up, a little Excitedly holding Chu Ziluo's arm, she is petite and cute as her name suggests.

  Although she is 14 years old and older than Ziluo, she has a pure personality. She was too embarrassed to speak when she was not familiar with her just now. Now she can say whatever she wants, and she has a very cheerful and lively personality.

  Chu Ziluo also agreed with what she said, and nodded: "I also think that opening a shop is very interesting. My mother taught me."

  Huo Hongyan's view of Ye Muyu has completely changed in her heart. Looking at the front, just looking at the back, people can't help but look at it a few more times. It's obviously not very good-looking, but the more you look at it, the more comfortable it is.

  She turned her head to look at Chu Ziluo.

  Chu Ziluo was telling Zhou Jiaojiao how to run a shop, what interesting things she might encounter, and how much sense of accomplishment it would be to develop a great product, etc.

  Felt the gaze, and asked suspiciously: "Sister Huo, why are you looking at me like this, is there something dirty on my face?"

   "No." Huo Hongyan smiled, stretched out her hand lovingly to pinch her cheek, and said with a bit of sadness in her tone, "I just think that sister Ziluo has grown up and looks more and more like Mrs. Chu."

   "Am I like a mother?" Chu Ziluo opened her almond eyes slightly, unable to restrain her surprise.

  Seeing her so excited, Huo Hongyan felt a sense of comfort in her heart. She couldn't equate Chu Ziluo, whom she had heard about and met once in her previous life, with Ziluo who was smiling confidently now.

  However, no matter how you say it, the current Ziluo is the real Ziluo, isn't it?

  Everyone seems to be getting better.

   All the suppressed emotions in her heart seemed to disappear in Ziluo's smile. The two looked at each other, and Ziluo vaguely noticed something. Seeing her smile, she also forced out a brighter smile.

   Zhou Jiaojiao hugged her arm and looked closer, and said, "Really, Ziluo really resembles Mrs. Chu, especially her eyes, which are very bright, as if she can talk."

   "I will tell my mother what you praised."

  (end of this chapter)

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