Chapter 1801 Promised

   walked out of a gloomy momentum.

   King Qi stayed and toasted in the front yard according to the rules.

  When this big scene came to an end, many people said that Concubine Qi was too anxious, and she was looking for trouble for King Qi, but some people said that this was the reason why Concubine Qi was favored.

   After all, it is the Qi family, and King Qi will not treat him badly.

  In any case, the news about the discord between Concubine Qi and Princess Wei Saiya has already been spread.

  Ye Muyu sat with Ziluo and ate to the full.

  Ye Muyu got up and asked Ziluo to wait for a while, while she got up, and as soon as she walked out of the front yard, she ran into the Nanjiang saint.

   "Mrs. Chu." The saint of Nanjiang stepped forward and walked beside her: "When will you come tomorrow? I will prepare in advance."

   "Sishi." Ye Muyu replied with a smile: "Saint, don't worry. Since we are looking at flowers, we should focus on flowers. If you are destined to go to southern Xinjiang, you need more hospitality from the saint."

  Nanjiang Saintess nodded: "Ma'am is right, then I can rest assured, I am afraid that the reception will not be good."

   "No, I'm not picky. The saint doesn't have to worry, we can communicate normally." Ye Muyu returned the news to the Nanjiang saint after Chu Heng gave an affirmative answer.

   According to the investigation by Chu Heng, the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang did not go to Foguang Temple that day, and where the cloud petals under her feet came from is no longer traceable.

  But Ye Muyu just had an intuition that this incident must have something to do with the Saintess of Southern Border, and the fact that the other party was so anxious to find her was evidence.

  She also discussed with Chu Heng. Anyway, instead of avoiding with a guilty conscience, it is better to meet directly. Of course, she can't refuse the secret guard arranged by Chu Heng.

  Ye Muyu answered naturally.

  Nanjiang Saintess, no matter how calm she is, couldn't help but look at her a few more times: "Then I'll wait for Madam to come."

   "Yes, good." Ye Muyu agreed with a smile.

   The two separated after not talking for long.

  After they parted, the saintess of Nanjiang stood where she was and didn't speak for a long time. The old woman beside her also waited silently without saying anything.

   "Ms. Chu really doesn't know anything, and getting along with her always feels very comfortable and natural." The saint of Nanjiang murmured.

  The old woman said: "Saint, you don't need to think too much, the guess is not accurate, you will know after verification."

   "That's right, actually, I think she is a good person, so it's better not to get involved."

   "The meeting tomorrow is even more necessary." The old woman said frankly.

  The Saintess of Southern Border hummed, agreeing with what she said. To dispel the witch doctor's suspicion of Ye Muyu, she really needs to meet tomorrow, and she doesn't want the witch doctor to cause any major trouble.

Back from the banquet that day, Ye Muyu went to Lu's Medical Center again, and recently learned medical skills from Lu Sangqi, she has been studying for an hour a day, plus she has read a lot of medical books. After laying the foundation, her medical skills are progressing fairly smoothly.

  After the daily classes were over, Ye Muyu closed the medical book, stood up, and was about to leave.

   Before leaving, I did not forget to tell: "Your injury, take more time to heal, don't think about being young and messing around."

   "I know." Lu Sangqi is already very obedient now, and he is not in a hurry to recover from his injuries. Even when he went to the eldest princess's mansion to see a doctor for Xiao Shizi, he went there in a wheelchair.

   "By the way, I'm going to meet the Saintess of Southern Border tomorrow." Ye Muyu thought of this, patted her head, and said it casually.

  Lu Sangqi, who was calm at first, suddenly became tense.

  (end of this chapter)

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