Chapter 1803 Sick

  By the moonlight, you can see Ye Muyu's little face protruding from the quilt, pink and sound asleep.

  Chu Heng's raised heart instantly relaxed. He stretched out his hand to caress his forehead. After making sure that he didn't have any fever, he withdrew his hand, leaned over and kissed him, and whispered softly, "Little villain, it's always scary."

  Of course no one answered after whispering, Chu Heng turned to wash up.

After changing her clothes, in order not to disturb her rest, she went to the study next to her. After dealing with all the official affairs and personal belongings, as well as the news from the palace, the Beirong side had already talked about the matter of commerce. It must be done.

  But Chu Heng always felt that this matter would not go so smoothly, so he tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, thought for a while, took a pen and wrote a secret letter, and sent it out.

   After finishing his work, Chu Heng got up and left the study.

  Lu Chuan was waiting outside the study, and when he saw him coming out, he hurriedly saluted respectfully. At the same time, he reached out and handed him an object, which was a medicine bottle.

   "Master, this is something that was found from the abbot of Foguang Temple. Master Xiao sent it to the mansion, saying that no one knew about it except the master."

  Chu Heng took the medicine bottle and hummed, "Go down and rest."

   Lu Chuan nodded and left.

  Chu Heng turned around and went into the inner room, fetched water, wiped his hands clean, and casually took out a medical book from the bookshelf, before he had time to read it, he heard a muffled groan.

  Chu Heng quickly put down the book and walked quickly to the bed.

  Ye Moyu felt that she was very hot on the bed, the kind of heat that would burn her whole body, and her head was even more dizzy, unconscious, talking nonsense.

  Chu Heng saw that her head was covered with sweat, her lips were dry and pale, but her cheeks were hot and red. His complexion changed immediately, and he stretched out his hand to fill her up. He kissed her ear distressedly: "Ah Yu, wake up..."

   "Come here."

   "Call the doctor."

  It was only then that Sumei realized that Ye Muyu had a fever, so she quickly ordered the servant girl to bring hot water in, and at the same time, called for someone to call the doctor.

  Chu Heng sat by the bed, did everything by himself, wrung out the handkerchief, and wiped off the sweat from her forehead and neck.

  Sumei came over with a teacup filled with warm water, ready to give Ye Muyu some water.

  Chu Heng reached out and took the teacup, and said in a deep voice, "I'll do it."

  Sumei shuddered. Seeing that Chu Heng would do everything personally, she was obviously worried. She was not in the way, and was only responsible for Chu Heng's orders when necessary.

   "Ah Yu, don't be afraid." Chu Heng held her hand tightly, kissing her palm over and over again, taking care of her with his clothes on.

  The other servants in the room saw this scene.

   The shock in my heart can be imagined.

   At the same time, he also realized that the position of the wife's main palace is still standing.

  I just hope that nothing will happen to my wife, otherwise everyone will be unable to eat and walk around.

   Soon, Sumei brought the doctor in.

  The doctor was called all the way over, his forehead was covered with sweat, and seeing Chu Heng's calm face after entering the door, he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly felt Ye Muyu's pulse.

  Perhaps because she was not feeling well, Ye Muyu let out a cry of pain from time to time.

  Hearing that, Chu Heng felt even more distressed. He half-hugged her in his arms and kept coaxing her gently.

  The doctor was even more terrified, and after a while, under Chu Heng's staring eyes, he cautiously said: "Master Chu, the madam's illness, I think, is probably due to taking some medicine by mistake."

   "But don't worry, my lord, the old man came in time."

  (end of this chapter)

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