Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1805: take care of yourself

  Chapter 1805 Personal care

  Sumei let out a sigh of relief, and carefully fed Ye Muyu the medicine, but because she was in a coma, she didn't open her mouth anyway, and Sumei didn't dare to force-feed the medicine, so she could only coax her gently, and at the same time called other maids over.

   This side.

  Chu Heng's face no longer had warmth, and he asked the doctor calmly, "What caused it?"

  The old doctor took out a piece of cloth: "It was found on Madam's body. There is some medicinal powder on the cloth, but I have been practicing medicine for so many years, and I don't know what kind of medicinal powder it is."

   "Your Excellency, I can only invite another expert, the imperial doctor to see it." The old doctor was also a little helpless, after all, he was not good at learning, and he couldn't even distinguish the medicinal materials. It was a bit embarrassing, but he couldn't talk nonsense.

  Chu Heng suddenly thought of something.

   "It's too late today, the old doctor will rest at home first." Chu Heng arranged.

  The old doctor did not dare to resist. After all, when he said he did not know the medicinal material, it really made people suspect that he wanted to make trouble, although he was indeed innocent.

"Lord Chu, I don't know if this medicine powder is the cause of Madam's high fever, but the only thing I can find is this medicine powder, and what's more, Madam's symptoms are indeed caused by the medicine that is against the body. High fever, the medicine prescribed by the old man can only cleanse the stomach and remove the medicine."

  Chu Heng hummed, and arranged for his servants to arrange for the old doctor to rest.

  At the same time, he ordered Lu Chuan, "Go and bring Lu Sangqi here."

   "Yes." Lu Chuan left quickly.

  Chu Heng glanced at the fabric, and a cold look flashed in his eyes. After storing the evidence, he went to wash his hands first, and washed his body clean. After making sure that there was no drug on any place, he turned and walked to the bed.

"Ma'am..." Seeing Ye Muyu frowned, she didn't drink the medicine, and almost knocked the medicine down, Sumei hurriedly took the spoon back, and the maid next to her asked, "Sister Sumei, what should I do? Madam is not feeling well, and she doesn't want to drink it." Drink medicine, what if the fever gets hotter?"

  Sumei also got angry and pondered: "How about finding a bamboo tube to feed?"

   "I'll come." Chu Heng's voice sounded from behind several people.

  Sumei quickly stood up, while suppressing the shock on her face: "Yes."

  Sumei said and handed the medicine bowl to Chu Heng.

   Seeing that Chu Heng had already brought the medicine bowl and was about to give medicine to his wife, she hurriedly called out a few servant girls who were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and didn't know how to react.

   Several servant girls followed Sumei out, and after closing the door, they breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Thank you, sister Sumei, the master probably didn't hear what we said just now, right?"

  A little maid asked in fear.

  Sumei coughed lightly: "You have nothing to be afraid of. Do things with peace of mind. Master is not the kind of person who likes to lose his temper."

  Little servant girl: "We are afraid that if we don't take good care of our wife, the master will be angry..."

   "Isn't it? You can do anything wrong, but you can't take good care of your wife." Another little maid said firmly.

  Liu Ye also nodded: "You can offend the master, but you can't offend the madam. The former is just dealt with according to the rules, and we cannot afford the result of the latter."

  Sumei heard the unanimous attitude of several people, coughed lightly and said: "It's good that you know, then wait for now, the master will take care of the wife himself, we just need to help the master with good things."

   "Sister Sumei, we understand." The maidservants nodded, they were not nervous because they had something to do.

  (end of this chapter)

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