Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1807: luck in misfortune

  Chapter 1807 Fortunately in misfortune

   "Only the royal family in Southern Xinjiang has this medicine." Lu Sangqi reminded him with a cold voice, "I can say with certainty that the witch doctor who came to Southern Xinjiang this time must know this medicine."

   "I see, I'll take care of it next." Chu Heng stood up suddenly: "Today is too late, the house has already prepared a guest room, and I will trouble you to see Ah Yu again tomorrow."

  Before Lu Sangqi left, he did not forget to tell: "I will definitely feel uncomfortable tonight, take good care of my sister."

   "I will." Chu Heng looked back at him with a firm tone.

  Lu Sangqi was barely satisfied, pushed the wheelchair, and left.

  Ye Muyu felt that she was very hot, her brain was in a mess, and her head was throbbing like an electric drill. The torture was very uncomfortable. She didn't even know when she passed out. She only remembered this uncomfortable feeling.

  When she opened her eyes in the morning, she still remembered the pain in her sleep. She frowned, and subconsciously felt that her body was sweaty and uncomfortable, but when she sat up, her body was dry and clean, and there was no discomfort at all.

  Ye Muyu was sitting on the bed in a daze, when she heard a sound, she looked up and saw Chu Heng coming in from the door carrying medicine and porridge.

   "Ah Heng? What time is it?" She was not fully conscious yet, and her eyes were confused. Because of the high fever all night, her face was a little pale, and even her usual bright red lips had faded a lot.

   "I feel so soft?" Ye Muyu reached out and touched his forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable, but the discomfort was not strong.

Chu Heng came over, put down the medicine bowl and the porridge, sat down by the bed, reached out and touched her forehead: "Are you not feeling well? I had a high fever last night, and I have already asked the doctor to come over to see it. Don't be afraid." , drink the medicine obediently, and you will be fine in a few days."

  Ye Muyu was stunned, and this answer made her suddenly realize: "I said, I felt a little uncomfortable last night, and I still had a headache. I must have sweated a lot. I just woke up dry. I thought it was a dream."

   "I'm fine, my head doesn't hurt, it's just a little soft, maybe I'm hungry." Ye Muyu said coquettishly.

  Chu Heng picked up the medicine bowl and blew it: "I'll ask Lu Sangqi to come over later and see you again. Now drink the medicine obediently."

  Before Ye Muyu spoke, the spoon filled with the medicine came to his mouth. Seeing Chu Heng's attitude of insisting on feeding her personally, he blushed a little, leaned over, and obediently drank it.

  After drinking the medicine, Ye Muyu had time to ask: "Why did I suddenly have a high fever?"

  She came back yesterday and felt a little sleepy and not feeling well, but she didn't have a high fever.

  Chu Heng pursed his lips, a little worried: "It's not an ordinary high fever, it was drugged..."

After Chu Heng finished explaining the reason, Ye Muyu was stunned, and subconsciously frowned: "It seems that the people from the southern border are not friendly, do you suspect that I know something? Even if I use this method, it must be that Yun Tan is involved. The matter is very important, Ah Heng, you can search from this direction, and you must be able to find something useful."

  Chu Heng looked at her disapprovingly: "Now you are sick, why do you only care about these things?"

   "I'm fine, really." Ye Muyu felt that he was a little unhappy and guilty, so she hurried over and kissed him on the cheek, "Don't be angry, okay?"

   "Not angry." Chu Heng took the porridge and fed it to her.

  Ye Muyu wanted to eat by herself, but saw Chu Heng looking at her all the time.

  (end of this chapter)

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