Chapter 1809 Consultation

   "If you had said that earlier, I would have gone to meet the Saintess of Southern Border instead."

  Chu Heng put her in his arms, kissed her on the forehead, his eyes were gentle: "Then do you still want to go now?"

   "I promised you, of course I won't go." Ye Muyu thumped his chest angrily, Chu Heng didn't dodge, just let her pamper her like a child.

  Ye Muyu quarreled with him for a while, then sat up straight satisfactorily, and pushed him: "Didn't you say that you want Lu Sangqi to see me, why don't you call someone in."

   "Change clothes first, don't worry." Chu Heng saw the slender and white neck in the underwear she was wearing because of the fuss, and instantly stretched out a big hand to fix her skirt again.

  Ye Muyu realized his action, a little funny, reached out and poked his chest: "You really think I want to meet outsiders like this."

  Chu Heng didn't speak, but after hearing her words, he felt obviously better.

   "The hot water is ready, let's take a bath first." Chu Heng stood up and helped her choose a change of clothes.

  Ye Muyu also wanted to take a bath. Although her body was scrubbed, it was still not comfortable to take a bath.

  When Ye Muyu soaked in the bathtub, he realized later that it seemed that it was getting late. Could it be that Chu Heng asked for leave again and didn't go to the yamen?

   This guess, after Ye Muyu washed up, got an affirmative answer from Sumei.

  Sumei whispered: "Madam, the master has been guarding you last night, and the servants guarded the door in shifts according to the master's instructions."

  Ye Muyu's face was a little hot, and her chest was bulging. Although she didn't want to admit it, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

   "Did Ah Heng have breakfast?" Ye Muyu asked with concern.

   "Master is still useless."

   "Then let's have breakfast first." Ye Muyu said hastily.

  Sumei nodded, and got busy with this matter.

  By the time Chu Heng came out of the bathroom, his body was still damp, Ye Muyu had strode up to him, looking up at his face.

"You really stayed up late, you have dark circles under your eyes." Ye Muyu reached out and poked his eyelids, and pulled him to sit down at the dining table unhappily: "Did you ask for leave? Then go to rest after breakfast." Son."

   "I'm not tired." Chu Heng grabbed her hand with his backhand and gently played with her fingers: "Let Lu Sangqi see you first, and I'll go to the Yamen later."

  Ye Muyu frowned: "Can't I ask for leave?"

   "I asked for an hour." Chu Heng explained, paused and said, "I'm really not tired, and I'll be back when I'm done."

  Ye Muyu knew his temperament, so he didn't stop him after all. Even if he cared about his lover, he couldn't make him do something he didn't like in the name of love.

   Soon Lu Sangqi came in, saw Ye Muyu's appearance, and nodded happily: "Yes, it seems that there should be nothing serious, sister, come here, and I will give you a pulse."

  Ye Muyu didn't refuse, walked over, and casually put his hands on the dining table.

  Before Lu Sangqi had time to put his hand away, Ye Muyu had a handkerchief on his wrist. The cold silk feel made Ye Muyu stunned, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Chu Heng: "What's wrong?"

   "See a doctor." Chu Heng spit out two words concisely.

  Ye Muyu: "..."

  Lu Sangqi: "..." He almost rolled his eyes in front of Chu Heng.

   But he didn't say anything, after all, it was important to see Ye Muyu, so he put his hand on it.

  (end of this chapter)

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