Chapter 1819 Sick

Lu Sangqi didn't change his face. After dismissing the boy, he looked at Ye Muyu, a little confused: "I suspect that the saintess of Southern Xinjiang has also come to the door, otherwise the eldest princess wouldn't be so anxious to call me over. Recently, because of my illness, There is no serious matter, and the princess did not let me go to the mansion again, but invited the imperial doctor."

   "Be careful." Ye Muyu also guessed this point, seeing Lu Sangqi was about to leave in a hurry, she told her worriedly: "Don't meddle in other people's private affairs."

   "Understood." Lu Sangqi did not directly veto, but nodded slightly.

  Ye Muyu waited for Lu Sangqi to leave, then continued to sit and read medical books for a while.

   "Sumei, let's go back home." Ye Muyu stood up, left a message for Lu Sangqi, and then left.

   This side.

  Lu Sangqi went all the way into the eldest princess's mansion, and was directly wheeled to Xiaoshizi's yard.

  The atmosphere in the yard was a little condensed.

  Lu Sangqi had just been pushed into the yard when the wheel of the wheelchair touched the gravel path in the yard, making a crisp sound.

   Perhaps the sound of the wheels alerted the people inside of the house to a visitor.

  The nanny next to the eldest princess came out, and when she saw Lu Sangqi, she tried to force a smile on her face, "Little doctor Lu, I'm sorry to trouble you, come in quickly."

   "No trouble, it should be." Lu Sangqi was pushed in.

  There was some chaos in the hall, as if there had been some dispute. Although many items had been cleaned up, there were obvious traces of haste.

  Lu Sangqi only took a glance, then looked away, and when he got to the bedside, he first saluted the eldest princess.

  The eldest princess felt a little heavy, and forced a smile: "Little doctor Lu, please see Xiao Shizi."

   "Yes." Lu Sangqi didn't delay any longer, and stretched out his hand to put his fingers on the wrist of Xiao Shizi who was in a coma on the bed. Seeing this, his brows raised.

"Your Highness, did Xiao Shizi take some medicine by mistake recently?" Lu Sangqi asked straightforwardly. He immediately thought of Ye Muyu who was ill a few days ago. Weak, and then consuming medicinal materials that are in conflict with his body, the situation will suddenly turn around.

  When the eldest princess saw his expression, she had an ominous premonition in her heart, "Little doctor Lu, can you help Xiao Yi stabilize his physical condition now?"

  Especially when Lu Sangqi asked directly, it made her look even uglier.

  Lu Sangqi frowned: "Your Highness, let me tell you the truth, Xiao Shizi's current situation is very dangerous. I will try my best to stabilize, but it will also hurt my body."

   "Xiao Shizi's health is not good in the first place, and I am not sure about the irreversible effects of the sequelae."

  The eldest princess's complexion was already extremely ugly, and she suppressed her anger, "Little doctor Lu, first find a way to help Xiaoyi relieve the pain, wait for me to think about it for a while..."

   "...Yes." Lu Sangqi didn't ask too much, but the other party revealed a lot of meaning in this sentence.

  Seeing the anger on the eldest princess's face, the old nanny knew that this time the matter was serious, so she quickly ordered her servants to entertain Lu Sangqi and take good care of the little prince at the same time.

   Only then hurriedly caught up with the eldest princess who had just walked out of the yard.

  The eldest princess said to the guards: "Bring the county king to this palace."

  When the old nanny heard the words, her heart skipped a beat, and she wanted to persuade her, but the eldest princess had already ordered her to go on.

   After arriving in the main hall in the courtyard next door, the old lady waved her hand.

  (end of this chapter)

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