Chapter 1840 Wrath

  We must let this good thing fall on King Qi.

  He thought so in his heart, but didn't show it on his face. He smiled at Chen Tianmin next to him: "Master Chen, your household department has sorted out the files now, have you thought about how to cooperate with Beirong?"

  Trade between two countries not only requires customs clearance documents, but also needs to determine the type of transaction, as well as the tax rate of each type to be paid to Dachu, etc.

   Chen Tianmin shook his head lightly when he heard the words: "It's being sorted out, and it's still uncertain. The deadline given by the emperor is still one month away. I will try my best to finish it."

Seeing that Chen Tianmin was clearly perfunctory and didn't answer directly at all, Qi Shangshu was unhappy, but he still smiled foxily: "Master Chen, don't worry, take your time with these things, but the two countries have diplomatic relations, so talents are definitely needed. If you need help, just ask."

  Chen Tianmin smiled and did not speak.

   How this matter will be settled, when Emperor Xuanming did not make it clear, everything is unknown.

   This side.

  Chu Heng entered the harem, and in the side hall of the Empress Dowager's Compassionate Palace, he saw Emperor Xuanming, Concubine Yun, and a room of strict guards.

   "I see the emperor." Chu Heng knelt down and saluted.

  Emperor Xuanming nodded: "Chu Aiqing, come in."

  Chu Heng could tell that Emperor Xuanming was not in a very good mood, and he knew the general reason for it. After walking in, he followed his gaze to Concubine Yun who sat in the middle without any reaction.

"Chu Aiqing, she will be handed over to you for interrogation." Emperor Xuanming did not get angry, but had a clear attitude, as if he had begun to doubt the identity of Concubine Yunce. As for the attitude towards King Huainan, Chu Heng was not sure, but everyone It is said that the emperor is suspicious, even if he is, he can't be sure about King Huainan's loyalty. After all, this person may be the former saint of Nanjiang, and he can make King Huainan rebel if he randomly uses a Gu worm on him. Not without it.

  Chu Heng thought a lot in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He directly walked up to Concubine Yun.

   "My concubine, I offended you." Chu Heng saluted first.

  Concubine Yun Chou still had that calm look: "Cooperating with the emperor's investigation is what a concubine should do."

  Chu Heng raised his hand, and a guard came over and handed him the medicine.

  Chu Heng did not apply the medicine himself, but handed it to a maid.

  After the medicine was put on, the maid was taken aside, Chu Heng looked at the exposed human skin mask, and knew that Concubine Yun's identity was different without taking it off.

  He only kept his thoughts for a while, and after asking Emperor Xuanming for instructions, he stretched out his hand and tore off the human skin mask on Concubine Yun's face.

  The mask was lifted.

  A ruined face is revealed.

   There were several scars on his face. Although Chu Heng was surprised, he didn't find it strange.

   Only reached out to check again, and confirmed the authenticity of the scar.

   "Your Majesty, the burn on Concubine Yun's face is real." Chu Heng came back to his senses and reported.

   Emperor Xuanming's eyes were burning with anger at this moment, he stretched out his hand and knocked down the teacup next to him, and said angrily, "Let me investigate."

   "Your majesty, don't you ask why the concubine wears a human skin mask?" Concubine Yun Ze asked calmly without panicking at all.

  Emperor Xuanming sneered: "Then tell me why."

  Chu Heng also stared at Concubine Yun, wanting to see her real face clearly. At the same time, memories from her previous life flooded back.

  Concubine Yun side's eyes were resentful, pointing at her face, she wanted to cry or not: "My face is ruined, if I don't make a human skin mask, can I still stay in the palace, by the prince's side?"

  (end of this chapter)

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