Chapter 1849 Injured

  It seems that I want to release all the thoughts of these days.

  When the two finished, Ye Muyu's lips were a little swollen, Chu Heng smiled, and seeing her shy in his arms, he couldn't help but let out a pleasant laugh.

   "I will try to come back as soon as possible in the future." Chu Heng promised with a smile.

  Ye Muyu's voice was muffled: "It's okay, you're busy with business. If I really want to see you, I'll go to bed later and wake up later."

   "Wouldn't it be better to let you change my work and rest habits alone?" Chu Heng picked her up.

  Ye Muyu had to lie on his chest in order to stabilize her body.

   "It doesn't count, let's cooperate with each other." Ye Muyu blushed a little, shyly moved her eyes around, but didn't dare to look at Chu Heng.

  Chu Heng held her face and kissed her soft lips.

  Ye Muyu was so frightened by the sudden attack that she used all her strength to hold him, and then patted him on the shoulder in embarrassment when she stabilized: "Did you do it on purpose? It's too bad."

   "Ayu, you are so cute." Chu Heng couldn't help laughing.

  Ye Muyu snorted softly: "Don't say that, the boss is not young, what's so cute?"

  She didn't think she was cute, she almost fell down in a panic, what's so funny!

  The two of them got tired of lying on the bed for a while, and Ye Muyu's dull mood for the past few days finally cleared up. After getting up, he went to the big kitchen to order Chu Heng's favorite breakfast to be prepared.

   Accompanied Chu Heng for breakfast, and then personally accompanied him, sending him out of the gate.

  Sumei followed by, seeing this scene in her eyes, and she could see clearly that Madam is not very interested in doing anything these days, and it really is because of the master.

   "Ma'am, the gift you ordered yesterday for Second Master Chu is almost ready, and the carriage has also been arranged." Sumei reported the business.

  Ye Muyu hummed in a good mood, saw Sumei, and suddenly teased: "Sumei, when are you and Lu Chuan going to get married?"

   The matter of the two of them has already been mentioned in advance by Ye Muyu.

  Ye Muyu is very optimistic about the two of them, they are both capable existences, as long as their temperaments get along well, there is nothing that cannot be together.

  Sumei coughed lightly, holding back her embarrassment: "Madam, Lu Chuan is going to wait for the master to finish his work."

   "Well, no wonder, I said why are you not in a hurry, Lu Chuan has been working hard recently, running around, how about this, Ah Heng and I will take care of it for you personally." Ye Muyu said with a smile.

  Sumei was grateful in her heart: "Thank you, madam, this slave obeyed your arrangement."

   "Then I'll call the embroiderer to come and measure you." Ye Muyu arranged.

  Sumei smiled, and did not refuse her kindness.

  Ye Muyu returned to the backyard, changed her clothes again, waited for Ziluo to tidy up, then took Nuan Bao together, got into the carriage, and went to the second bedroom of the Chu family together.

  The carriage was driving on the street neither fast nor slow. There were people coming and going in the morning, and it was still very lively.

  Ye Muyu is teaching Nuan Bao to speak in the carriage.

  Nuan Bao, who is almost one year old, can already call someone and walk by himself. Although he can't last long, because of his quiet and well-behaved personality, he doesn't have the trouble of bringing children to Ye Muyu at all.


  The sound of a horse neighing sounded.

  Before Ye Muyu could react, he heard a loud noise.

   There was a bang, and the carriage was knocked over and fell to the ground. Ye Muyu only had time to reach out to hold Nuan Bao in his arms, but his head hit the roof of the car due to inertia, and there was a sharp pain.

  (end of this chapter)

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