Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1870: Tokumonji Temple

  Chapter 1870 Dewen Temple

  Bai Lan bowed her head: "I promise to cooperate with Master Chu."

   "Hey, if you say this, you won't be afraid that I will suspect that the two of you have an affair?" Xiao Tianhao said without showing emotion.

  Bai Lan twitched the corner of her mouth: "If Lord Xiao thinks there is, then we will."

  Xiao Tianhao narrowed his eyes, "Saint, we treated you politely because you are a smart person. If you don't cooperate, then don't blame me for torture."

   Except for using a whip on Bai Lan at the beginning, he was just **** and never tortured again.

   What he said was obviously to warn her.

  Bai Lan's expression didn't change a bit, and he continued to repeat what he said before.

  Xiao Tianhao had a sullen face and was very dissatisfied with Bai Lan's attitude. At the same time, he wondered what the other party was going to do.

   After coming out of the cell, the lieutenant next to him spoke up, hesitating: "My lord, will Master Chu have any cooperation with the saintess of Nanjiang?"

   "Why do you say that?" Xiao Tianhao asked without changing his expression.

  The lieutenant general shook his head: "I'm just worried. I always feel that the saintesses of Southern Xinjiang have a different attitude towards Master Chu. Every time, they are only willing to confide the news to Master Chu. If Master Chu has the heart, we don't know what to hide."

   "Didn't you arrange other subordinates?" Xiao Tianhao knew that the other party's analysis was reasonable, but it was just normal thinking. The so-called facts still needed to be verified by evidence.

  The lieutenant general nodded, and then gave him a guilty look: "It's just... there is a distance, and the saintess of Southern Xinjiang is a woman, and her voice is low, and she can always hear it intermittently."

  Xiao Tianhao's lips collapsed into a straight line: "Your consideration makes sense."

"Then, what should we do, my lord?" The deputy general also hesitated, of course he didn't want Master Chu to do something unfavorable, but they only serve the emperor, no matter how good they are for Chu Heng, they can't disobey orders, and take Emperor Xuanming as their leader. host.

   "I will rearrange." Xiao Tianhao said firmly after thinking.

  The deputy general hesitated when he heard it, but seeing Xiao Tianhao's expression, he was serious, and couldn't help but help Chu Heng: "This is just a small guess, and there is no evidence to suspect that Master Chu is not good for us."

   "I know." Xiao Tianhao patted his shoulder.

   Still didn't let go.

   See the deputy general leave helplessly.

  He still didn't have any explanation, the reason is very simple, the more he investigates, the more beneficial it is to Chu Heng.

   It's just this kind of words, he won't say it to anyone.

  The guards in the dungeon have become tighter.

   It can be said that even mosquitoes cannot escape.

  But when no one noticed, a Gu worm landed on the two guards who were changing shifts silently.

   "Are there mosquitoes?" One of the young guards reached out and patted his neck, frowned, and said impatiently.

  The guard next to him also felt an indistinct pain on his leg, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to scratch it: "Well, it's a little bit, let's start wearing mosquito repellent sachets tomorrow."

  The conversation between the two was normal, and no one noticed anything unusual.

   At the same time, in the prison, Bai Yao felt a fishy sweetness in her mouth, and it took her a long time to suppress the desire to vomit.

  Inside the temple outside the city.

  Chu Heng arrived with a group of soldiers as quickly as possible, and the densely packed soldiers quickly surrounded the entire temple.

  He walked in quickly.

  The dilapidated temple has no human voice.

  Suddenly a group of people came, and the little monk heard the sound and ran over quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

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