Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1877: the truth behind

  The Truth Behind Chapter 1877

   "Impossible, impossible!" 'Bai Yao' seemed to be insane, her face was pale, and she broke down and shouted.

  Seeing her reaction, He Shan laughed happily.

  After the laughter stopped, he narrowed his eyes, "So, be obedient, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

   As she spoke, 'Bai Yao' was kicked to the stomach, curled up on the ground, and broke out in cold sweat.

   "Hmph, go back, don't come to me during this time, Chu Heng has some skills, those who are lost will be lost, send him more people, and quickly end this case."

'Bai Yao' retorted weakly: "I can't do it for the time being, he will find out about me sooner or later, the manpower at the palace can't move yet, and I suspect that Chu Heng has long known about the existence of Bai Tan, so he has been chasing after him. If we don't let go, it is impossible for a few people to let the other party do business."

   "Unless it is a bigger sacrifice, making the other party think that the matter is over, it is possible to divert his attention."

   After listening kindly, he squinted his eyes: "You don't need to think about it, he will soon have no time to find fault with us."

   "You... what did you do?" The voice of 'Bai Yao' was so flustered that the gentle and cheerful person suddenly narrowed his eyes, and doubts flashed in his eyes: "Who are you, you are not Bai Yao."

  Bai Yao, who was disguised as a girl and boy, didn't expect that because of her true emotions leaked, He Shan could sense something was wrong from the illusion, and subconsciously looked at Chu Heng anxiously with apology.

  Chu Heng was the first to notice the change in his peaceful mood.

  He came out of the shadows before the boy in women's clothing moved back subconsciously, and quickly went over to restrain He Shan.

   "What did you do to Chu Heng?"

   "What did you do to Chu Heng's family?"

  Chu Heng led several guards to repeat this question non-stop.

  He Shan held his head and wailed in pain, pounding his head non-stop, and wanted to resist.

  But he was too weak and was controlled, so he could only be tortured constantly in reality and illusion, and he didn't even know what he said.

at the same time.

  The boy in women's clothing was pulled up by his colleagues, and then he slapped his **** in fear: "It's so scary. At that moment, I thought the monk had woken up and was going to eat me."

  The young man patted him on the shoulder when he heard the words, and said approvingly: "Xiao Jiu, you are very good. I didn't expect you to have a talent for singing."

  The boy dressed as a woman shook his head with some guilt: "No, the adults told me in advance, and I just tried to follow his words."

   "It was because of my mistake that I woke up this stinky monk. I...I'm sorry, my lord."

   "Okay, I'll apologize to you later, I'll take you there to change your clothes first." The young man didn't reprimand, but even comforted him.

  The young man in women's clothing realized the women's clothing he was wearing, his face changed, his ears blushed, and he hurried to the next room: "Ahhh..."

   "Hahahaha..." The young man couldn't help but put his arms around his arms and laughed.

   On the other hand, under the effect of Chu Heng deliberately asking the same question for a long time to stimulate, He Rare Ben was given medicine, unable to hold back, opened his mouth and said that he had arranged for a servant to prescribe Chu Jin the medicine.

  Chu Heng heard the news, and quickly arranged for the manpower to rush to Jiangnan.

  At the same time, he personally inspected the secret passage under Dewen Temple.

   It was found that some mind-controlling drugs were stored in the secret passage, as well as other kinds, which were obviously a drug room.

  (end of this chapter)

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