Chapter 1894 Funny

  She has to help find out what happened behind these three people first.

   "It's okay, I'll check first." Ye Muyu said.

After taking a reassurance, Mrs. Wang hurriedly brought up a plate of sauerkraut brought by the servant, and smiled at Ye Muyu in a fawning manner: "Hey, third brother and sister, didn't you say you wanted to eat sauerkraut dumplings? This jar of sauerkraut is mine. It was pickled some time ago, if you don’t mind, I’ll make dumplings for you in a while.”

   "Second sister-in-law, you don't need to be so busy. Since you are here, you can stay and eat."

   "You can try sauerkraut dumplings, just save some for supper when Ah Heng comes back at night."

  Seeing that she accepted it, Mrs. Wang laughed happily.

   Mrs. Wang didn't stay for dinner. She came here to tell Ye Muyu about this matter, because she was afraid that she would be worried. After all, she was the one who asked for help before.

  Wang's side went home with peace of mind, and Ye Muyu arranged for someone to inquire about the situation.

  In the evening, Ye Muyu simply ate dumplings, so she was not too full.

  When Chu Heng came back, Ye Muyu was dozing off holding a medical book.

  Seeing that her forehead was slightly red, and she had knocked on the table several times, Chu Heng quickly stepped forward and reached out to catch her forehead.

  Holding her face in the palm of his hand, Chu Heng couldn't help but soften his eyes, and gently arranged her, lying on the table.

   reached out and took the medical book in her hand, and put it on the shelf next to her.

  Chu Heng turned around, took off his coat, and changed into ordinary clothes.

   "Why hasn't Madam rested yet?" Chu Heng asked by the door.

  Sumei: "Madam said she wanted to talk to Master about something, so she has been waiting."

"Master, Madam also asked the kitchen to prepare sauerkraut dumplings. Master, would you like to eat now or wait a while?" Sumei asked respectfully, even if she saw that Chu Heng's coat was stained with dead blood, there was nothing unusual The eyes only let people take the clothes and take them away.

  What she thought was that the master has been very busy these days, and Lu Chuan has not been seen. It is estimated that Lu Chuan's clothes have not been washed.

  Since she chose the other party, she should be responsible no matter what.

   "Take a bath first, and fetch water."


  Sumei ordered the servant to fetch hot water. This is a common occurrence, and the servant did it smoothly, so she didn't need to watch it personally.

  Chu Heng took a quick shower and washed before asking the kitchen staff to prepare the dumplings.

  He entered the room and saw Ye Muyu sleeping soundly on the table, he stretched out his arms to hug her.

  Even if the movements were light, Ye Muyu still woke up halfway.

  She rubbed her eyes, but her consciousness was still not clear: "Well, are you back?"

   "What time is it?"

   "It's getting late, it's time for you to rest, go on to sleep, it's okay." Chu Heng put her on the bed and only covered her stomach with a thin quilt.

  The injured arm was splinted and could only lie flat.

  Ye Muyu felt a wet handkerchief wipe her face, and suddenly came to her senses, a little embarrassed: "That... I don't know how to drool, do I?"

  Chu Heng wiped her face without changing his expression: "What do you think?"

  The less he answered directly, the more anxious Ye Muyu became.

   Subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth, but he didn't feel any water stains. He breathed a sigh of relief. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the smile on the corner of Chu Heng's mouth, and realized that he was deliberately making fun of himself.

   Angrily reached out to pinch his cheek: "Okay, you deliberately joke, hum, are you happy to see me make a fool of myself?"

   "I didn't say that."

  (end of this chapter)

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